Properties and applications of terahertz waves
Pulsed THz sources
Photoconductive antenna
Nonlinear crystal
Liquid water as a source
Supercontinuum generation from water
XUV generation from water
X-ray generation from water
Challenges and opportunities
Terahertz wave generation from a water film
Free-flowing thin water film
Experimental set-up
Fig.4 Experimental set-up for THz wave generation from a water film. Broadband THz wave is generated by tightly focusing the laser beam into a gravity-driven wire-guided free-flowing water film [53]. The water film can be moved in the laser propagation direction by a mechanical translation stage. OAPM, off-axis parabolic mirror. HWP, half-wave plate |
Terahertz radiation from a water film
Fig.5 Measurements of the THz fields when the water film is translated along the direction of laser propagation [53]. (a) THz waveforms are plotted from curve A to curve C when the water film is before, near, and after the focus, respectively; curve B shows the THz waveform generated from liquid water; curve D is the reference with no water film. Yellow spark and bluish pane represent the plasma and the water film respectively. THz emission angle shown in the figure is not meant to be indicative of actual THz emission pattern. (b) THz waveforms when the water film is moved near the focal point. The 0 position is set to the place with the strongest THz field. Relative positions are listed with the corresponding waveforms. The negative sign means the water film is located after the focal point. The positive sign indicates the opposite case. (c) Comparison between the THz field from water and that from air plasma in the frequency domain. The dashed, solid, and dotted spectra correspond to curve A, curve B, and curve D in (a), respectively. The laser pulse is temporally stretched to 550 fs for these measurements |
Comparison between terahertz radiation from water and air
Effect of optical polarization and pulse energy
Effect of water film’s thickness
Fig.9 THz wave generation from water films with different thicknesses. The refractive index of water at 0.5 THz is calculated to be 2.29 from the time shift of the THz field. The absorption coefficient of water at 0.5 THz is calculated to be 146.2 cm-1 from the attenuation of the THz field’s amplitude |
Forced-flowing thin water film
Mechanism of generation process
Fig.12 2D cross-section of the THz wave generation process in a water film [62]. Intense pulses ionize water at the focal point in the direction of the refracted laser beam. The angle of incidence on the air-water interface is a. The black arrow shows the dipole orientation direction. Due to the total internal reflection at the water-air interface, THz emission at 0.5 THz can be coupled out only when -24.6°<qt<+ 24.6° |
Laser-induced plasma formation
Dipole radiation model
Radiation pattern
Fig.16 Simulation result of normalized THz energy ITHz(a, b) using the dipole radiation model [62]. The dashed lines indicate the cases of |a− b| = 90°, which means the detector is located in the plane of the water film. These dash lines separate the plots into three parts, labeled as “B”, “F”, and “B”. “B” and “F” indicate backward and forward propagating THz signal, respectively |
Effect of optical pulse duration
Fig.19 Normalized THz energy from liquid water and air plasma with different pulse duration of the laser beam [53]. Black squares represent the THz energy from liquid water and red dots represent the case of air plasma. The optical pulse duration is at its minimum of 58 fs when no frequency chirp is applied. On the left-hand side of the figure, negative chirps are applied to increase the optical pulse duration while the case of positive chirps is shown on the right-hand side of the figure. The energy of the laser pulse is 0.4 mJ for these measurements |
Terahertz radiation from liquid water under two-color excitation scheme
Glory of two-color excitation scheme in gases
Fig.21 Schematic diagram of THz wave generation from a two-color laser pulses induced air plasma. An intense femtosecond laser beam w and its second harmonic 2w are focused to generate plasma in the air. In the most common way, a b-BBO crystal is applied for the generation of 2w pulse. The output THz waves are determined by the phase delay between w pulse and 2w pulse |
Experimental setup of the two-color excitation scheme
Fig.22 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. A phase compensator composed of an a-BBO crystal, a pair of wedges, and a dual-wavelength wave plate (DWP) is applied to control the relative phase between w and 2w pulses. PM, parabolic mirror with an effective focal length of 1-inch |
Comparison between terahertz radiation from one-color and two-color excitation scheme
Fig.23 Comparison of THz waves generated from a 120 mm thick water film with one-color and two-color excitation schemes [95]. (a) and (b) Comparison in the case of a short optical pulse duration (58 fs) in the time domain and frequency domain, respectively. (c) and (d) Comparison in the case of a long optical pulse duration (300 fs) in the time domain and frequency domain, respectively. Unified normalization ratios are labeled |
Modulation of THz fields
Fig.24 Modulation of THz wave generation from a water film [95]. (a) Comparison of THz waveforms obtained when the relative phase between w and 2w pulses is changed by p through the change of the insertion of one of the wedges in the phase compensator. Inset, THz electric field as a function of the phase delay between w and 2w pulses. (b) An overall phase scan for THz wave radiation from the water film obtained by gradually changing the phase between w and 2w pulses while monitoring the THz energy by using a Golay cell. The range of the phase delay is limited by the full length of the wedge |
Fig.25 Normalized THz energy from liquid water as a function of the total excitation optical pulse (w and 2w) energy [95]. Blue squares, THz energy calculated from the temporal integral of the THz waveform measured by EOS. Blue dots, modulated THz energy measured by the Golay cell. Red circles, unmodulated THz energy measured by the Golay cell. The maximum pulse energy is limited by the available laser pulse energy in the experiment |
Discussion about contributions from water and air
Terahertz wave generation from a water line
Issues of using water films
Water lines
Fig.27 Photograph of the water line produced by a syringe needle with 260 mm inner diameter [98]. The diameter of the water line is 260 mm as well. The flow velocity is about 7 m/s along the y-direction. The laser beam propagates in the z-direction. The water line can be moved along the x-direction by a translation stage |
THz radiation from the water line
Preference for sub-picosecond laser pulses
Fig.31 Optimal optical pulse duration versus the diameter of the water line [98]. The blue squares are simulations of optimal pulse duration aiming for the highest electron density. The red dots are the experimental data of optimal pulse duration obtained with the strongest THz energy |
Terahertz wave generation from a-Pinene
a -Pinene
Comparison between terahertz radiation from a-Pinene and water
Fig.35 Comparison of THz waves generated from a-Pinene and water in (a) time domain and (b) frequency domain [98]. The diameter of the liquid line is 210 mm. Laser pulse energy is 0.4 mJ. Optical pulse durations are individually optimized for a-Pinene and water. Both have a value around 345 fs. The dash line in (b) is calculated by removing the absorption of a-Pinene and adding the absorption of water to the black curve from 0.5 to 2.5 THz |