1 Introduction
2 Additive manufacturing techniques for glass
2.1 Fused deposition modeling
Fig.1 (a) Cross section view of the structure of the 3D printing system that is based on the FDM technique. (b) Temperature distribution around the nozzle during the printing process. (c) Photograph of the nozzle during printing. (d) SEM image of a 3D printed glass sample. (e) Optical transparency of printed glass parts (top view of a 70 mm tall cylinder). Reproduced from Ref. [30] |
Fig.2 (a) Photograph of 3D printed chalcogenide glass samples with the composition of As40S60. (b) SEM image of the printed As40S60 chalcogenide glass. (c) Absorption spectra of an unpolished As40S60 printed chalcogenide glass sample (with the thickness of approximately 2 mm) and of a polished slice of the As40S60 precursor glass (2.3-mm thickness). (d) Raman spectra of the original As40S60 chalcogenide glass, glass filament, and printed samples. Reproduced from Ref. [31] |
2.2 Stereolithography and digital light processing
Fig.4 3D printing of fused silica glass. (a) Ultraviolet-curable monomer mixed with amorphous silica nanoparticles is structured in a stereolithography system. The resulting polymerized composites transformed into fused silica glass through thermal debinding and sintering (scale bar, 7 mm). (b) and (c) Examples of printed and sintered glass structures: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) logo ((b) scale bar, 5 mm) and pretzel ((c) scale bar, 5 mm). (d) Demonstration of the high thermal resistance of printed fused silica glass (scale bar, 1 cm). The flame had the temperature of approximately 800°C. Reproduced from Ref. [42] |
Fig.5 (a) Schematic illustration of the stereolithography system for glass AM. (b) Transmittance spectra of sintered silica glass and fused silica. (c) Photographs of the additive manufactured silica glass doped with Eu3+, Tb3+, and Ce3+ and their photoluminescence under irradiation with a 254 nm UV lamp (The scale bars represent 5 mm). Reproduced from Refs. [43,48] |
Fig.6 (a) Schematic diagram of the process, which illustrates the geometrical complexity generated by the illumination pattern and the nanostructure emerging from the phase separation phenomenon. (b) and (c) During this process, acrylate monomers and pre-ceramic precursors, such as poly(diethoxysiloxane), are photopolymerized to form a three-dimensionally defined bicontinuous structure of organic and preceramic polymers. (d) The as-printed object is pyrolysed to form a nanoporous structure that can be optionally further sintered into transparent multi-material glasses and glass-ceramics. (e) Illustrative picture of a complex-shaped object at different stages of the process. (f) Optical transmittance of the 3D printed glass in comparison to a highly transparent reference. (g) Phase diagram of the boro-phospho-silicate system indicating the glass composition used to print the objects shown in this figure. (h) Transparent and dense boro-phospho-silicate glasses obtained by sintering 3D printed porous objects. Reproduced from Ref. [51] |
Fig.7 Schematic diagram of 3D printing that is based on a sol ink and the obtained transparent silica glass objects. (a) Printing of the sol gel ink by a DLP printer. (b)−(d) Printed structures composed of 15 wt% of S1 and 13.3 wt% of 3-acryloxypropyl trimethoxysilane (APTMS) at different stages: (b) wet gel structure after printing; (c) dry structure after the removal of solvents (drying at 50°C); (d) silica structure after burning away organic residues at 800°C. (e) Structures printed with ink composed of 15 wt% of S1 and 5.3 wt% of APTMS. (f) Transparent silica object after burning away organic residues at 800°C. (g) Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) image of the 3D printed silica object. Reproduced from Ref. [52] |
2.3 Selective laser sintering/melting
2.4 Direct ink writing
Fig.9 (a) Schematic diagram for the sol–gel-derived DIW SiO2/SiO2–TiO2 glass fabrication. (1) SiO2 particle sol preparation. (2) TiO2–SiO2 core–shell particle preparation. (3) Ink preparation by solvent exchange from the particle sol to DIW printable ink. (4) DIW printing of a glass preform. (5) Organic removal to low density inorganic glass preform. (6) Sintering to full density optical quality glass (unpolished). (b) UV–vis optical transmission spectra. (c) Optical dispersion curves. Reproduced from Ref. [69] |
3 Applications and challenges
3.1 Applications
3.1.1 Glass ornaments
3.1.2 Optical elements
Fig.11 (a) Micro-optical diffractive structure, which creates the optical projection pattern shown at the bottom (illuminated with a green laser pointer; scale bar, 100 mm). (b) Micro lenses fabricated using greyscale lithography (inset scale bar, 100 mm). (c) 3D printed multicomponent glass. Reproduced from Refs. [42,68] |
3.1.3 Microfluidics
Fig.12 (a) Microfluidic fused silica chip fabricated by 3D printing; a nylon thread is embedded into the channel (scale bar, 9 mm). (b) Microfluidic zigzag (scale bar, 11 mm). (c) Two-layer microfluidic glass chip (scale bar, 4 mm). (d) Microfluidic chip with its channel filled with colored solutions (scale bar, 350 mm). Reproduced from Refs. [17,18] |