Threshold gain properties of lasing modes in ID disordered media optically pumped by femtosecond-lasing pulse

  • Yong LIU 1,2 ,
  • Jinsong LIU , 1
  • 1. Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
  • 2. Department of Physics and Electronics, Hubei University of Education, Wuhan 430205, China

Received date: 25 Jan 2011

Accepted date: 26 Mar 2011

Published date: 05 Dec 2011


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


By numerically solving Maxwell’s equations and rate equations, a comprehensive calculation on spectrum intensity and spectral widths of three localized modes via different pumping rates in one-dimensional (1D) disordered medium is investigated, in which pumping rate is described by a time function with duration of 80 fs. The spectral intensities varying with the peak value of femtosecond (fs) pumping pulse are calculated in the same disordered medium, and the calculated spectral intensities are compared with those with fixed pumping (simulation time is 6 ps). These results show that excited modes with fs pulse pumping rates are only slightly different from those with fixed pumping (picosecond (ps) pulse), which suggests the excited modes largely depend on the medium rather than the pumping rate at least for those of which pumping rates are fs and ps. At last, lifetimes of three excited modes are calculated. It is found that there is a certain corresponding relation between the mode’s lifetime and its threshold-pumping rate, which is the longer lifetime with lower threshold.

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Yong LIU , Jinsong LIU . Threshold gain properties of lasing modes in ID disordered media optically pumped by femtosecond-lasing pulse[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2011 , 4(4) : 387 -392 . DOI: 10.1007/s12200-011-0213-2


Random lasers in various strongly and weakly scattering disordered medium with optical gain, were first theoretically predicted by Letokhov in the late 1960s [1] and were further experimentally observed by Lawandy et al. in 1994 [2], random lasers are well illustrated with a time dependent theory to perform a lasing numerical simulation in localized modes [111]. By this theory, many properties of random lasers have been investigated. Previous works had mainly focused on random lasers with a fixed pumping rate, in which all random lasers were pumped with a lasing pulse, while pumping rate was usually considered as a fixed value in the whole process of numerical simulations. Because the duration of the simulating time was usually a few picoseconds (pss), a fixed pumping rate may be available for the pumping pulse emitted from a nanosecond (ns) or ps laser, but it could be not adequate for the pumping pulse emitted from a femtosecond (fs) laser. Much information for random lasing could be lost in the simulations, especially in the case of fs pumping. Moreover, threshold gain behavior is very improtant subject for conventional lasers. Therefore, threshold gain properties of lasing modes in one-dimensional (ID) disordered media optically pumped by fs-lasing pulse are investigated here.
In this work, threshold gain behavior of random lasers is calculated in ID random medium pumped by an 80 fs pulse. In order to be compared with fixed pumping, the spectral intensity varying with the peak value of fs pulse pumping is calculated at the same disordered medium structure, and the simulation time of the system is 6 ps. Therefore, the fixed pumping denotes ps pulse in our simulation. The calculated results show that the excited modes between the fs pulse and fixed pumping (ps pulse) are only slightly different, which suggest that excited modes can not be determined by the duration of pumping. To further explore the physical nature of excited modes for random lasers, the modes’ lifetimes have been calculated. The results indicate that there exists a certain correspondence between the mode’s threshold pumping rate and its lifetime, and the lower the threshold is with the longer lifetime. Our works enrich the knowledge in case of short pulse pumping, as well as offer more guidance for relevant experiments.

Theoretical model

Binary layers of the system are consisted of two dielectric materials, as shown in Fig. 1. White layer simulates the air, which is characterized by a random variable thickness an and a dielectric constant ϵ1=ϵ0, while black layer with a fixed thickness b = 300 nm and a dielectric constant ϵ2=4ϵ0 simulates the scatters that are also a gain media with a four-level atomic system. The random variable an is described as an=a(1+wγ), where a =180 nm, w is the strength of randomness, and γ is a random value in the range [-0.5, 0.5].
Fig.1 Schematic illustration of 1D random medium

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For the 1D time-dependent Maxwell equations and an active and non-magnetic medium, we have
where Pz is a polarization density component in z direction, ϵ0 and μ0 are the electric permittivity and the magnetic permeability of vacuum, respectively.
For the four-level atomic system, the rate equations read
Set particle population in unit volume of each level is N4, N3, N2 and N1 individually. The pumping rate from E1 to E4 is Wp; the particles arrive and E4 transfer to E3 quickly in the form of radiationless transition, the factor of probability is 1/τ43. Before the population inverse, E3 transfer to E2 quickly in the form of spontaneous activity emission, the factor of probability is 1/τ32. E2 transfer to E1 mostly in the form of spontaneous activity emission, the factor of probability is 1/τ21.
The polarization obeys the following equation:
This equation links Maxwell’s equations with rate equations. ΔN=N2-N3 is the population difference density between the populations in the lower and upper levels of the atomic transition. Amplification takes place when external pumping mechanism produces population inversion ΔN<0. The linewidth of atomic transition is Δωl=1/τ32+2/T2 where collision time T2 is usually much smaller than lifetime τ32. The constant κ is given by κ=6πϵ0c3/(ωl2τ32).
The pumping rate Wp(t) is
where Wpeak is the peak value of the pumping, τ is the width of the pumping, t0 is the time corresponding to the peak value, as shown in Fig. 2. In our simulations, τ and t0 are set to 80 fs and 200 fs for all conditions, respectively.
Fig.2 Illustration of pumping process with time

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The values of those parameters in the above equations that will be used in simulating the active part in the following numerical calculations, and they are respectively taken as: T2 = 2.18 × 10-14 s, τ32 = 1 × 10-8 s, τ21 = 5 × 10-12 s, τ43 = 1 × 10-13 s, and NT=Ni=3.313×1024m-3.
When pumping is provided over the whole system, the electromagnetic fields can be calculated. In order to model such an open system, a Liao absorbing layer [11] is used to absorb outward wave. The space and time increments have been chosen to be Δx=1×10-8 m and Δt<Δx/(2c), where Δt is taken to be 1.67×10-17 s, respectively. The pulse response is recorded during a time window of length Tw = 6 ps at all nodes in the system and Fourier transform is used to obtain an intensity spectrum.

Calculation and discussion

Analysis with calculating the spectral intensity varying with the peak value of fs pulse pumping was carried out. Three long-life modes indicated by their central wavelengths λ0,λ1 and λ2 are marked respectively, while their spectral peak intensities are tracked and their threshold gain properties under different peak values of fs pumping pulse are analyzed. The duration of the pumping pulse is set to τ =80 fs for all conditions. As seen from Fig. 3(a), when the peak value of the pumping rate is quite low (Wp = 1×1010 s-1), there are many discrete peaks, peak intensity of each peak is weak and the ordering of peak intensity is as same as that of spectral intensity. Note that each peak corresponds to a lasing mode supported by the disordered medium. With the peak value of the pumping rate increasing to a special value (Wp = 1×1011 s-1), the spectral intensity of mode λ0 in Fig. 3(b) is stronger than that in Fig. 3(a) about two orders of magnitude, indicating that only the mode λ0 is effectively amplified and dominates the whole spectrum. It is worth noticing that the spectral width of the mode λ0 becomes quite larger at Wp = 1×1011 s-1 than that at lower Wp (Wp = 1×1010 s-1). When the pumping rate further increases, accompanied by the increase of the peak intensity and the decrease of the spectral width for the mode λ0, but the spectral widths of the modes λ1 and λ2 become larger than those at lower Wp, as shown in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d). As the pumping rate increases farther, due to mode competition more modes are excited, as shown in Figs. 3(e) and 3(f). The intensities and widths of the three modes finally reach to their stable values as the pump rate increases greatly as well as another mode also is excited, as shown in Fig. 3(f).
Fig.3 Intensity spectrum in arbitrary units versus the wavelength for 1D disordered medium shown in Fig. 1 at (a) Wp = 1×1010 s-1; (b) Wp = 1×1011 s-1; (c) Wp = 1×1012 s-1; (d) Wp = 1×1013 s-1; (e) Wp = 1×1014 s-1;(f) Wp = 1×1015 s-1

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To obtain more information about the threshold gain behavior for the modes, numerous calculations are performed at different pumping rates, and curves of the peak intensity and the spectral width versus the pumping rates for the three modes can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 4. According to traditional method, pumping thresholds for the three modes have been shown in Fig. 4(a) as WI0=5×10-11 s-1, WI1=3×10-12 s-1 and WI2=1.2×10-12 s-1 respectively, in which I denotes the threshold determined by intensity. For the mode λ0, a jump for the spectral width within a pump regime near the pumping threshold has been observed. The peak value of the jump appears at the point that is close to the threshold of the mode (Fig. 4(b)).
Fig.4 Plots of the peak intensity and spectral width of the lasing modes versus the pump rate Wp under fs pulse pumping. (a) Peak intensities for the four indicated modes, and the lasing threshold measured from the plots are WI0 = 5×10-11 s-1, WI1=3×10-12 s-1 and WI2=1.2×10-12 s-1; (b) peak intensity and spectral width for the mode λ0

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For comparison, we calculated the spectral intensity varying with the fixed pumping rate using the same medium structure under 80 fs pulse pumping, as shown in Fig. 5. The calculated results show that there are only slightly differences under the fs pulse pumping among the excited modes. The sequence of the excited modes using the fixed ps pulse pumping is identical to that of using fs pulse pumping.
Fig.5 Spectral intensity in arbitrary units versus the wavelength for 1D disordered medium pumped by a fixed pumping rate shown in Fig. 1 at (a) Wp = 1×108 s-1; (b) Wp = 1×109 s-1; (c) Wp = 1×1010 s-1; (d) Wp = 1×1011 s-1

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In order to further investigate intrinsic reason that makes the mode λ0 be excited firstly, the rates of the energy decays for the modes λ0, λ1 and λ2 at the same disordered structure described as above. Three models are separately excited by a monochromatic source. The monochromatic source has a Gaussian envelope with same amplitudes for the three modes. For each mode, the energy is recorded at all nodes and the total energy is obtained by summing the energy at all nodes. Figure 6 shows the evolution of the normalized total energy decay with time, from which we can obtain the mode’s lifetime τ for each mode if we define τ to be the time that the total energy decreases from its maximal value Emax to Emax/e, in which e is approximately equal to 2.71828. The computed results show that the ordering of the three modes’ lifetime τ is τ1<τ2<τ0. This indicates that there is a certain correspondence between the mode’s threshold and its lifetime. Because the quality factor of a mode is directly proportional to τ, i.e., Q=2π/λ, there exists a certain correspondence between the mode’s threshold pumping rate and its Q-factor and a localized mode with a larger Q-factor has a lower threshold.
Fig.6 Normalized total energy decays with time for each marked mode. Three lifetimes are τ0=2.84 ps, τ1=0.92 ps, and τ2=1.85 ps

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In conclusion, threshold gain behavior of random lasers is investigated in 1D random medium pumped by an 80 fs pulse. The results show that the excited modes are only slightly different between the fs pulses and fixed pumping (6 ps). This suggests the excited modes strongly depend on the medium structure instead of the duration of pumping, at lease for both fs and ps case.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60778003 and 60378001).
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