Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS) is a method used for the measurement of the real and imaginaryparts of the complex index of refraction, complex dielectric constant,and complex conductivity of materials in the 0.1 to 10 THz frequencyband [
2]. This method was invented and developedin the last two decades by researchers in the fields of optics andsemiconductor physics. Spectroscopy permits the measurement of theabsolute values of the real and imaginary parts of the complex indexof refraction with a well signal-to-noise ratio [
3]. Based on measurements of the timedependence of the electric field of a short electromagnetic pulsetransmitted through a sample, the ratio of the Fourier transformsof measured data with and without the sample yields a complex spectroscopyof the sample in the frequency domain. The major advantages of thismethod are its high potential for material characterization and nondestructivetesting, which have been demonstrated for numerous applications, suchas the characterization of anisotropic crystal structures [
4], characterization of diesel fueloil, biological macromolecules [
6], biomedical and pharmaceuticalapplications [
8], and the detection of hazardousor illicit substances [
10]. Tourmaline, asan anisotropic and natural crystal, has had its optical constantscharacterized by terahertz frequency spectroscopy in previous research.One purpose of our work is the further application of THz technologyin geosciences, and in particular, research into mineral structure.