PL spectra were carried out to study the optical emission property of the thin films. Figure 10 shows the PL spectra of the thin film grown on different substrates. UV emission is the characteristic emission of ZnO. This emission occurs due to band edge transition. However visible emission is also reported by many researchers in the recent years [
8]. Nanocrystals or quantum dots, produced by chemical methods, normally have more defects, lattice distortion, crystal-imperfection, vacancies, stacking faults, grain boundaries and dislocations compared to the bulk crystals. These defects produce shallow deep levels of lower energy. These deep levels are responsible for various visible emission peaks in the PL spectrum of nanocrystalline ZnO. Vanheusden et al, [
2] had reported that the visible luminescence of ZnO mainly originates from different defect states such as oxygen vacancies and Zn interstitials. Oxygen, in general, exhibit three types of charge states of oxygen vacancies such as
, and
. The oxygen vacancies are located below the bottom of the conduction band (CB) in the sequence of
, and
, from top to bottom. Interstitial Zn also plays a major role in lattice distortion in the nanocrystals. Due to high surface to volume ratio for nanocrystals, large numbers of defects are created at the interface of substrates and thin film. The various defect energy levels have been calculated by Sun using full potential linear muffin tin orbital method [
23]. The various defect energy levels of ZnO nanocrystals are shown in Fig. 11. The defect related emissions are much more pronounced in chemically grown ZnO nanocrystals. The PL spectrum of ZnO monopods, grown without any substrate, show strong violet emission peaks around 425 nm due to carrier recombination between zinc interstitial and hole in the valance band [
23]. This violet emission is also accompanied by few weaker blue and green emission peaks at 486 and 530 nm respectively. The emission peak at 486 nm originates due to positively charged zinc vacancy (
VZn+). The green emission is the result of the existence of singly ionised oxygen vacancy [
23]. The PL spectrum of the ZnO bipods, grown on glass and quartz substrates, also show similar PL emission peaks (for glass: 415, 484, and 530 nm; for quartz: 418, 486, and 530 nm) except a prominent UV peak at 386 nm in case of quartz substrates. The PL peak around 386 nm for the ZnO film deposited on the quartz substrate can be related to the excitonic recombination in ZnO [
25]. The exciton binding energy of ZnO is about 60 meV. Room temperature thermal energy may be sufficient to make free the bound exciton as the excitonic binding energy being few meV only. Thus exciton may be observed at room temperature. In our case the excitonic level emission around 386 nm for the ZnO film on quartz substrate is very close to that reported value of 380 nm excitonic recombination for Si substrate [
13] corresponding to the free exciton. However, in case of glass substrate no UV emission peak was observed. This is because of the amorphous nature of glass that leads to the creation of more defects in the thin film resulting the strong defect related visible emission compared to the band edge UV emission. A small shift by 2-3 nm of the PL peak at 486 nm is observed as compared to the substrate free growth which is due to the strain at the interface of the thin film and substrates (lattice mismatch). The various PL emission peaks from various substrates and their origins are listed in Table 2. However these need further investigations.