As calculations of SPCW have demonstrated a flat band slow light behavior in the previous section, it is interesting here to compute the transmission of an entire device in order to estimate the related coupling losses from/into strip input/output waveguides. The transmission spectrum of the PCW is obtained by the FDTD using the MIT electromagnetic equation propagation (MEEP) software [
20]. The implemented structure (see Fig. 5) consists in a MZI with input and output waveguides. The
Y-junction splits in two arms with two 90° bends and curvature radius of 5 µm. The reference arm is a 400 nm-width strip waveguide, while the signal arm contains the CPCW. In the signal arm, two stages ensure the conversion between the strip waveguides and the CPCW. This adaptation is critical due to the high mismatch between the mode of a Si strip waveguide and a slow mode of a SPCW in order to avoid severe reflection. First, the strip waveguide is converted into a slot waveguide by using the tapering section proposed in Ref. [
21]. This robust design ensures a coupling efficiency higher than 90% on a length smaller than 15 µm. Then, the slot waveguide couples to fast modes of the CPCW. We estimate the reflection to be approximately 3 dB. The light finally enters the slow light section. The adaptation between the slow and the fast modes is done by stretching the lattice constant at the input and output of the PCW [
22]. This simple design allows a high coupling efficiency close to unity even at high group indices. The lattice constant is 400 nm in the central section and then is 410 and 420 nm on five periods each. As a whole, the length of the PCW is 88.7 µm (200 periods in the slow light section), and the length of the complete structure with all sub-regions is 277.5 µm. The computational cell is wide enough to avoid coupling with the perfectly matched layers. The structure is implemented in 2D using the slab effective index approximation for practical reasons, as 3D in slow light regime requires a considerable amount of memory and calculation time. For example, a 80 µm long device wherein flows a pulse with a group index of 60 requires a running time higher than 30000 time units (
c). Therefore, 3D FDTD calculations in slow light regime are not sustainable. The effective index of the silicon is in the studied case 2.83. The simulation time range is 70 ps (i.e., 50000
a time units) and the source is a broadband Gaussian pulse centered at 1550 nm with a spectral width of 500 nm. The sensors have a resolution of 50 pm. The grid resolution is 20 nm per pixel. This represents a computation time of 50 h on 16 CPU. The parameters of the photonic crystal are W1.4, W2= 0.65, W3= 0.45,
r1 = 0.25
r2 = 0.38
r = 0.3
a, and those of the comb are
Wslot = 0.4
dy = 0.5
dx= 0.5
l = 0.75
a. The group index dependence with respect to the bandwidth is extracted from the interference fringes as follows: