Frequency-to-time mapping
Fig.3 (a) A temporal interferometer for a chirped microwave waveform generation. An LCFBG is incorporated in the interferometer, and a DCF is used to stretch the two pulse from the interferometer. (b) Experimental result (ΔL = 4 cm): the generated linearly chirped microwave waveform (solid+ red line) and the instantaneous frequency (blue dots) (1) without pumping, and (2) with optical pumping. Dashed line: linear curve fitting of the instantaneous frequency. Experimental results (ΔL = 0 cm): the generated linearly chirped microwave waveform (solid+ red line) and the instantaneous frequency (blue dots) (3) without pumping, and (4) with optical pumping. Dashed line: linear curve fitting of the instantaneous frequency. LCFBG: linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating, LD: laser diode; MLL: mode-locked laser; ATT: attenuator; DL: delay line; OSC: oscilloscope; PD: photodetector; DCF: dispersion compensating fiber; OC: optical circulator [60] |
Space-to-time mapping
Temporal pulse shaping system
Fig.7 Experimental setup of a temporal pulse shaping (TPS) -based symmetric arbitrary waveform generation (AWG) sytem. AWG: arbitrary waveform generator; MLL: mode-locked laser; SMF: single mode fiber; EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier; MZM: Mach-Zehnder modulator; DCF: dispersion compensating fiber; SO: sampling oscilloscope; PD: photodetector [63] |
Fig.8 (a) Target optical waveform at the output of the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and the calculated modulation signal; (b) measured spectrum of the optical signal at the output of the MZM and its fitting curve with the square of a Sinc function; (c) simulated waveform at the output of the dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) and its autocorrelation; (d) measured autocorrelation (solid line) at the output of the DCF, the recovered waveform (dotted line) from the measured optical autocorrelation, and its simulated autocorrelation (dashed line) [63] |
Fig.9 (a) Schematic showing of a proposed unbalanced temporal pulse shaping (TPS) system for chirped microwave pulse generation; (b) generated chirped microwave waveform with different chirp rates. MLL: mode locked laser; DE1: the first dispersive element; MZM: Mach-Zehnder modulator; DE2: the second dispersive element; DE3: the third dispersive element; PD: photodetector [64] |
Optoelectronics oscillator
Fig.12 (a) Electrical spectrum of the generated 4.09 GHz microwave signal. The frequency span is 10 GHz and the resolution bandwidth (RBW) is 1 MHz. The inset gives a zoom-in view of the 4.09 GHz microwave signal; (b) phase noise measurement of the generated 4.09 GHz microwave signal [68] |
Programmable optical filter
Fig.14 Experimental setup for Airy pulses generation based on a programmable optical filter. The plot in the pulse shaper schematically shows the cubic phase structure wrapped between -π and π where the circle indicates its center. Experimental results (blue solid curve) and theoretical prediction (red dashed curve) of frequency shift control in (a) large-effective area fibers (LEAFs) and (b) dispersion shifted fibers (DSFs); (c) and (d) plot the positions of the spectral notch and peak relative to the center of the cubic phase structure, corresponding to (a) and (b), respectively. EDFA: erbium doped fiber amplifier; OSA: optical spectrum analyzer [70] |
Fig.15 (a) Scheme of the experimental set-up for LCOS-based programmable optical filtering of a frequency comb from a silicon nitride microring; (b) experimental results of the optical arbitrary waveform generation (AWG) [96]. FPC: fiber polarization controller; μring: silicon nitride microring; EDFA: erbium doped fiber amplifier; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer |
Optical differentiator and integrator
Fig.17 Part of the fabricated on-chip complemeritary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-compatible Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) based optical differentiator and the experimental results. (a) Transmission spectrum and (b) its zoom-in view of the fabricated MZI; (c) spectral magnitude and (d) phase responses along one of the device’s resonances; (e) optical spectrum of an optical pulse before and after the optical differentiator; (f) generated flat-top pulse [75] |
Fig.18 (a) Schematic diagram of a wavelength-selective directional coupler; (b) magnitude and phase responses of the fabricated directional coupler; (c.1) spectra of a femtosecond pulse before and after propagation through the fabricated directional coupler when the pulse carrier wavelength is shifted from the central resonance wavelength by ~8 nm; (c.2) time-domain intensity profiles of the input pulse, the measured output pulse and the numerical ideal output [75] |
Electro-optic modulation
Fig.19 (a) Schematic showing of the proposed binary phase-coded microwave signal generation system; illustration of operation principle in (b) frequency domain and (c) polarization domain. TLs: tunable lasers; EOPM: electro-optic phase modulator; MSG: microwave signal generator; POF: programmable optical filter; EDFA: erbium doped fiber amplifier; PC: polarization controller; POLM: polarization modulator; BERT: bit error rate tester; EA: electrical amplifier; PM-FBG: polarization maintaining fiber Bragg grating; PD: photodetector; OSC: oscilloscope; PS: polarization state [94] |