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Investigating the influential post-disaster factors in determining the optimal location of shelters: A case study, Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah province, Iran
Received date: 21 Nov 2021
Revised date: 28 Jan 2022
Accepted date: 17 Feb 2022
Published date: 31 Oct 2022
A proper location is one of the most influential factors in shelter performance. Although considerable research focuses on finding a suitable site for temporary shelters, only a few address the effect of post-disaster circumstances on discovering the optimal location. This study primarily aims to investigate the influential factors in determining a suitable place for temporary shelters after a crisis. Therefore, an algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is achieved by analyzing and computing the post-crisis urban route and facility accessibility based on photogrammetric photographs taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle/satellite.
Key words: Locating; Temporary shelter; Crisis areas; Computing; Photogrammetric photos
Ali Moghri , Ahmadreza Khalili . Investigating the influential post-disaster factors in determining the optimal location of shelters: A case study, Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah province, Iran[J]. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2022 , 11(5) : 846 -864 . DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2022.02.005
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