Supplier selection and order splitting in multiple-sourcing inventory systems

  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University;

Published date: 05 Mar 2008


Supplier selection and inventory control are critical decision processes in single-item multiple-supplier systems. An integer linear programming model is proposed to help managers determine the reorder level, choose the best suppliers, and place the optimum order quantities so that the total average inventory cost is minimum, and constraints of supplier ability, quality, and demand are considered. An algorithm combining the branch-bound algorithm and enumeration algorithm is developed to solve the problems. Application of the proposed model in an automobile industry shows that it is effective.

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WANG Guicong, JIANG Zhaoliang, LI Zhaoqian, LIU Wenping . Supplier selection and order splitting in multiple-sourcing inventory systems[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2008 , 3(1) : 23 -27 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-008-0016-3


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