Planar jumping with stable landing through foot orientation design and ankle joint control

  • Qilong YUAN ,
  • I-Ming CHEN
  • School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore

Received date: 07 Dec 2011

Accepted date: 20 Feb 2012

Published date: 05 Jun 2012


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


This paper introduces a method to generate the planar jumping motion for biped robot. In this work, through determining the upper body posture trajectory in the flight phase, the foot landing posture is made to be flat while landing. Together with properly designing the trajectory for local center of gravity and the foot landing velocity, the soft landing trajectory is generated. A controller on the ankle joint is added to avoid significant impact with the ground and stabilize the robot after landing. Jumping motion with stable landing is achieved in a dynamic simulation environment based on this method.

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Qilong YUAN , I-Ming CHEN . Planar jumping with stable landing through foot orientation design and ankle joint control[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2012 , 7(2) : 100 -108 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-012-0318-3


This project is supported by Singapore Media Development Authority under MDA-IDM grant IDM004-005. The authors would like to thank the technical support received from, Dr. C. K. Lim, Dr. Z. Q. Luo, Dr. Albert CAUSO, Mr. W. T. Yang, Mr. S. P. Lee, Ms. L. L. Liu and Mr. K. GANESH.
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