Although many legged robots have walked from the laboratory to natural environments, the study of environmental adaptability is still necessary, especially detailed knowledge about terrain. For example, low friction may lead to slipping, and small compliance may result in vibration. With respect to terrain recognition and classification, much research was proposed in the past decades. In earlier research, visual features were often used to classify terrain. Filitchkin and Byl [
25] used a bag of visual words created from speeded up robust features with a support vector machine (SVM) classifier to classify terrain. Milella et al. [
26] proposed a self-learning framework for ground classification using radar and monocular vision. Christie and Kottege [
27] provided a unique method to perceive terrain–robot interactions by listening to sounds generated during locomotion. However, vision can be sensitive to lighting variations and other effects. Brooks and Iagnemma [
28] proposed a method to classify terrain based on vibrations measured by an accelerometer. Hoepflinger et al. [
29] presented a haptic terrain classification for legged robots by measuring ground contact force. Giguere et al. [
30] used inertial and actuator information to identify the environment of an amphibious robot RHex accurately. Shill et al. [
31] and Wu et al. [
32] used dynamic ground pressure data to classify terrain. Many researchers used the SVM algorithm as the machine learning method [
36]. Shao et al. [
37] used a multilevel weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Dutta and Dasgupta [
38] used multiple weak classifiers together to improve the performance of terrain classification. Ordonez et al. [
39] trained data by using a probabilistic neural network. Valada and Burgard [
40] proposed deep spatiotemporal models for robust terrain classification. The model consists of a new convolution neural network architecture that learns deep spatial features, complemented with long short term memory units that learn complex temporal dynamics. More research about adaptive locomotion based on the terrain type is needed. Kottege et al. [
41] improved energy utilization by switching gait. Walas [
35] achieved a good balance between speed of movement and vibration.