Dimensional synthesis of a novel 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid perfusion manipulator for large-scale spherical honeycomb perfusion

  • Hui YANG 1 ,
  • Hairong FANG , 1 ,
  • Yuefa FANG 1 ,
  • Xiangyun LI 2
  • 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
  • 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Received date: 03 Apr 2020

Accepted date: 08 Aug 2020

Published date: 15 Mar 2021


2021 Higher Education Press


A novel hybrid perfusion manipulator (HPM) with five degrees of freedom (DOFs) is introduced by combining the 5PUS-PRPU (P, R, U, and S represent prismatic, revolute, universal, and spherical joint, respectively) parallel mechanism with the 5PRR reconfigurable base to enhance the perfusion efficiency of the large-scale spherical honeycomb thermal protection layer. This study mainly presents the dimensional synthesis of the proposed HPM. First, the inverse kinematics, including the analytic expression of the rotation angles of the U joint in the PUS limb, is obtained, and mobility analysis is conducted based on screw theory. The Jacobian matrix of 5PUS-PRPU is also determined with screw theory and used for the establishment of the objective function. Second, a global and comprehensive objective function (GCOF) is proposed to represent the Jacobian matrix’s condition number. With the genetic algorithm, dimensional synthesis is conducted by minimizing GCOF subject to the given variable constraints. The values of the designed variables corresponding to different configurations of the reconfigurable base are then obtained. Lastly, the optimal structure parameters of the proposed 5-DOF HPM are determined. Results show that the HPM with the optimized parameters has an enlarged orientation workspace, and the maximum angle of the reconfigurable base is decreased, which is conducive to improving the overall stiffness of HPM.

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Hui YANG , Hairong FANG , Yuefa FANG , Xiangyun LI . Dimensional synthesis of a novel 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid perfusion manipulator for large-scale spherical honeycomb perfusion[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2021 , 16(1) : 46 -60 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-020-0606-2


With the unceasing development of space activities, many countries have focused on spacecraft research in recent years. However, re-entering spacecraft suffers from the intense aerodynamic heating effect, which influences the normal operation of the equipment and the safety of pilots [13]. Therefore, the thermal protection system should be designed in a way that ensures spacecraft safety, which is usually implemented through the perfusion of a heat-resistant material into the thermal protection layer [4]. At present, such perfusion is accomplished manually, which entails low efficiency. An automatic perfusion manipulator should be introduced into the perfusion system to improve perfusion efficiency. The parallel manipulator has elicited much more attention from researchers and manufacturers compared with its serial counterparts in recent years because of its advantages, such as high precision, high dynamic capabilities, and low inertia [57]. Owing to these merits, parallel manipulators are widely used in flight simulators [8,9], high-speed pick-and-place robots [10,11], spray painting robots [12,13], and aircraft component machining [14,15]. However, the small workspace and the singular points in the workspace of parallel manipulators hinder their application in the machining of large-scale workpieces. For thermal protection system perfusion, a perfusion manipulator should have a large workspace because of the large size of the perfusion target. Moreover, because the heavy perfusion device is attached to the moving platform, the hybrid perfusion manipulator (HPM) should have high stiffness. Evidently, a serial or parallel manipulator cannot meet perfusion requirements. In this study, a 5-DOF reconfigurable HPM with a large workspace and high stiffness is introduced. Its structural design and kinematics have been studied in Ref. [16].
Aside from kinematics analysis, dimensional design is another important aspect in ensuring the good kinematic performance of hybrid manipulators. The primary issues in dimensional synthesis are defining the appropriate performance indices, reducing the number of optimization variables, and selecting efficient optimization algorithms. Performance chart [17,18] and objective function [19,20] methods are used for the dimensional synthesis of parallel manipulators. Liu and Wang [21] proposed a performance chart for serial or parallel manipulators in which the number of linear parameters is fewer than five. Wang et al. [22] established the relationship between the optimization objectives and kinematic parameters of the 3-PUU (P and U represent prismatic and universal joint, respectively) parallel mechanism by using the performance chart method. Kelaiaia et al. [23] proposed a methodology of dimensional design for a linear Delta parallel robot by utilizing the multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm (GA). To overcome the local optimum, Wan et al. [24] introduced a mutation of GA into particle swarm optimization (MPSO) and performed dimensional optimization on the proposed 8-SPU (S: Spherical joint) parallel manipulator, which can serve as a unit of the support fixture. Altuzarra et al. [25] implemented a dimension design for a symmetric parallel manipulator by using the Pareto front with three performance criteria, namely, dexterity, energy, and workspace volume. Wu et al. [26] investigated the optimal design for a 2-DOF actuation-redundant parallel mechanism in consideration of kinematics and natural frequency. The optimal design of the 4-RSR&SS (R: Revolute joint) parallel tracking mechanism was examined by Qi et al. [27] in consideration of parameter uncertainty and on the basis of the particle swarm algorithm. Klein et al. [28] optimized the torque capabilities of the robotic arm exoskeleton with independent objective functions by modifying the critical kinematic parameters. Song et al. [29] implemented an optimal design of the T5 parallel mechanism by using the NSGA-II method in consideration of engineering requirements. A small-sized parallel bionic eye mechanism was designed by Cheng and Yu [30], and the optimal design based on NSGA-II was applied in consideration of the overall dimensions. To obtain optimal kinematic performance, Daneshmand et al. [31] optimized a spherical manipulator in accordance with the concept of GA. Gosselin and Angeles [32] introduced a global index (GCI) based on the Jacobian matrix’s condition number that can be used to evaluate the distribution of the parallel manipulator’s global dexterity over the entire workspace. By minimizing the integrated objective function, Huang et al. [33] studied the dimensional synthesis of a 3-DOF manipulator, which is the parallel module of the 5-DOF TriVariant. This method has also been applied to the dimensional synthesis of many other parallel manipulators proposed in Refs. [34,35].
Although researchers have conducted many studies on dimensional optimal design, the majority of them focused on serial or parallel manipulators. Only a few studies have been conducted on the optimization of the 5-DOF hybrid manipulator. Existing studies on the optimal design of the 5-DOF hybrid manipulator concentrated on the parallel module of the manipulator and failed to achieve the comprehensive optimal design of all kinematic parameters. To address this gap, our study proposes global design variables, which combine the parameters of the reconfigurable base, 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator, and the task workspace. Dimensional synthesis of the 5-DOF HPM is conducted with the objective function proposed in Refs. [3335] and GA.
The rest of this paper is arranged into sections. Section 2 briefly introduces the structure of the proposed HPM. The kinematics analysis, including mobility, inverse kinematics, and motion analyses of the U joint in the PUS limb, is presented in Section 3. Section 4 presents the Jacobian matrix in accordance with screw theory, and Section 5 introduces the dimensional synthesis conducted with GA. The conclusions are given in Section 6.

Description of the 5-DOF HPM

Figure 1 shows the virtual prototype of the perfusion system, which mainly consists of a 5-DOF HPM, a perfusion device, and a gantry guide rail. Given that the structural features and kinematics of the 5-DOF HPM have been analyzed thoroughly in Ref. [16], this section simply introduces the architecture of the proposed manipulator to facilitate a subsequent analysis.
Fig.1 Virtual prototype of the perfusion system. DC: Direct current.

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Figure 2(a) presents the CAD models of the 5-DOF HPM, which is constructed by combining a 1-DOF 5PRR parallel manipulator (Fig. 2(b)) with a 5-DOF 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator (Fig. 2(c)) in series. In accordance with the design concept of the proposed hybrid manipulator, the 5PRR parallel manipulator is fixed during the perfusion of the 5-DOF 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator and can be regarded as the base of the 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator. The structure of the 5PRR parallel mechanism changes as the angle θ changes, which indicates that the base of the 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator is changeable. Thus, reconfigurability of the hybrid manipulator is realized. Figure 2(d) shows a diagram of the proposed HPM. B- xbybzb and P-x p ypzp denote fixed and moving frames, which are parallel to each other in the initial position. For the ith PRR branch, A i denotes the P joint and the first R joint, and Bi denotes the second R joint. The xb axis is coincident with the vector BA1, the zb axis is perpendicular to the base plane, and the yb axis conforms to the right-hand rule. For the ith PUS limb, the P and U joints and the S joint are represented by Ci and Di, respectively. A 6 and B6 denote the first P and R and the second P of the middle passive PRPU limb, respectively. The angles measured from the xb axis to BAi and from the x p axis to PDi are represented by ϕ i and φ i, respectively.
Fig.2 Structure model and kinematic diagram of the hybrid perfusion mechanism: (a) Hybrid perfusion mechanism, (b) 5PRR reconfigurable base, (c) 5PUS-PRPU parallel mechanisms, and (d) kinematic diagram.

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Mobility analysis

The proposed HPM consists of the 5PRR parallel mechanism and the 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator. The reconfigurable base has one translational DOF along the zb axis. The PUS limb has six DOFs, indicating that it provides no constraint on the moving platform. Thus, this section focuses on the mobility analysis of the PRPU limb by using screw theory [36].
Figure 3 shows the twist system of the PRPU limb. The unit screw $i=[s ;s0]T is used to represent the screw coordinates of the ith joint. s denotes a unit vector pointing in the direction of the screw axis, s0=r×s defines the moment of the screw axis about the origin of the B- xbybzb frame, and r represents the position vector of any point on the screw axis with respect to the B-x b ybzb frame. For a prism, unit screw $ i is equal to [000 ;s]T. The PRPU limb’s twist system can be presented as
{ $ 1=[ 000; 010]T, $2= [ 010; 000]T, $3= [ 000; l30m 3] T,$4= [ 010; p40q 4] T,$5= [ l50m 5;p 5 q5 r5]T,
where [ l30m3]T represents the unit vector along the direction of the second P joint, [ p40q 4] T is the moment of the screw axis of the first R joint in the U joint with respect to the B-x b ybzb frame, and [l50 m5]T and [p5q5 r5]T are the unit vector and moment of the screw axis of the second R joint in the U joint described in the B-x b ybzb frame, respectively. Here, l3, m3, p4, q4, l5, m5, p5, q5, and r5denote a certain constant of the unit vector, respectively.
Fig.3 Diagram of the twist system for the PRPU limb.

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The wrench system of the PRPU branch chain is obtained by solving the reciprocal screw in Eq. (1) as follows:
$r=[ 000 ;m50 l 5]T
where $r denotes the constraint couple along the normal of the plane, the constraint couple is formed by the two revolute joints in the U joint. Here, the superscript r represents the abbreviation of reciprocal.
The constraint couple $ r constrains the instantaneous twist $6=[ m50l5 ;p6q6 r6]T, which represents the rotational motion around the normal of the joint plane of the U joint. $ p is assumed to be the twist of the moving platform’s normal axis, and $ p rotates θ5 about $ 5. $ 6 intersects with $ p and θ5 90 in general. It shows the reciprocal product $ r$p 0, which indicates that the virtual work of the constraint couple $r on the rotation about the moving platform’s normal direction is not zero. It also implies that $ r always constrains the moving platform’s rotation about its normal line. Consequently, the 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator has five DOFs, three of which are translational and two are rotational (3T2R).

Inverse kinematics

Given that the reconfigurable base is fixed while the end-effector is moving, the main problem of inverse kinematics focuses on the 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator in this section. Then, the inverse problem is converted to solve the motion Si of the P joint in the PUS limb when the moving platform’s pose (x, y, z, α, and β) is know. Here, x, y and z denote the displacement of the center of moving platform along x b,yb and zb axis respectively, and α and β are the rotation angle of the moving platform about xb and ybaxis, respectively.
The pose transformation from P-x p ypzp to B- xby b zb is obtained through the rotation of α about the xb axis and the rotation of β about the yp axis. Thus, matrix RP B can be presented as
RPB=rot( xb,α)rot( yp,β)=[ cosβ 0sinβsin αsinβ cosαsinαcosβcosαsinβsinαcosαcosβ].
In reference to Fig. 4, we obtain
p+ri= bi+sini+l iki,
where p is point P’s position vector relative to B- xby b zb, ri= RP B r i p, and ri and ri p are the vector PDi described in B-x b ybzb and P- xpy p zp frames, respectively. bi is the vector BAi represented in the B-x b ybzb frame, and ni and ki denote the unit vectors of AiCi and Ci Di described in the B-x b ybzb frame, respectively. si denotes the motion of the driving joint P in the ith PUS branch chain, and li represents the length of CiDi.
Fig.4 Diagram of the ith PUS branch.

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The vectors mentioned above are given as
pi=[ xy z], r i p=[ r pcos φi rpsinφi0],bi=[ (Lcos θ+rm )cos ϕi(Lcos θ+rm )sin ϕi0],ni=[ cosθcosϕi cosθ sinϕisinθ],
where L is limb AiBi’s length and rm and rp denote the length of MNi and PDi, respectively. θ represents the acute angle between AiB and AiBi.
By substituting Eqs. (3) and (5) into Eq. (4), Eq. (6) is obtained as
saisi2+ sbisi+ sci=0,
{s ai=B xi2+ Byi2+B zi2,s bi =2(Ax iB xi+ AyiB yi+ AziB zi), sci= Axi2+A yi2+ Azi2li2,
{A xi= x+r pcosφ icos β+r psinφ isin βsinα (Lcosθ+ rm)cos ϕi, Bxi=cos θcosϕi,Ayi=y+rp sinφicosα(Lcosθ +rm)sinϕi,B yi=cosθsinϕi, Azi=z+ rpsin φicosβsin α rpcosφisinβ,B zi=sinθ.
Equation (6) yields
si= s bi±sbi24 saisci2s ai.
The determination of the symbol of si depends on the structural features of the proposed HPM. According to the kinematics simulation of the manipulator in Ref. [16], the negative symbol of s i should be selected as the inverse solution of the manipulator.

Rotation angles of the U joint in the PUS limb

Local coordinate systems should be established for a convenient kinematics analysis. As shown in Fig. 4, the local coordinate system Ci-x iyi zi for the ith PUS branch is built at Ci, and the xi axis is along the U joint’s inner rotational axis. The z i axis is along the direction of the straight line AiBi. The system Ci-u ivi wi is established at the point Ci to facilitate the representation of the pose of the PUS limbs. The wi axis is along the direction of the vector CiDi, and the vi axis is coincident with the U joint’s outer rotational axis. Here, yi and ui axes conform to the right-hand rule.
Then, the pose transformation of Ci- uiv iwi relative to the system Ci-x iyi zi can be achieved by two continuous rotations of γ i and η i about the x i and v i axes, respectively. Thus, transformation matrix R 0i is expressed as
R0i=rot(xi,γi)rot(vi,ηi)=[ cosηi 0sinη i sinγisinη i cosγi cos ηisinγi cosγisinηisin γ icosγ icos ηi].
Similarly, transformation from system Ci- xiy izi to system B- xbybzb can be achieved by two continuous rotations of angles ϕi and θ about the zb axis and the new yb axis. Rotation matrix RiB is given as
Ri B=r ot (z b,ϕi)rot( yb,(π2θ ))rot(z b,π2)= [sinϕicos ϕisinθcosθcosϕicos ϕisin θsinϕicos θsinϕi0 cosθsinθ].
On the basis of the two transformation matrices, the transformation matrix from Ci- uiv iwi to B- xbybzb can be given as
R 0i B= Ri BR0i=[ u ix vixw ix uiy viyw iy ui zvizwiz ]=[ ui viwi] ,i=1, 2, ..., 5,
{u ix= cos( γi+θ)cosϕisinηcosηisin ϕi, uiy=cos ηicosϕi+cos( γi+θ)sin ηi sinϕi,u iz=sinηisin( γi +θ), vix=cos ϕisin(γi+θ), viy= sin( γi+θ)sinϕi,v iz=cos(γi+θ), wix= cosηicos(γi+θ)cosϕisinηisin ϕi, wiy=cos ϕi sinηi cosηicos(γi+θ)sinϕi, wiz=cos ηisin(γ i+θ ),
where vectors u i, vi, and wi are the unit vectors of ui, vi, and w i axes in system B- xby b zb, respectively.
Thus, angles γi and ηi can be derived as follows:
{ γi =arctan wiz wi xcosϕi+wi ysinϕiθ ,ηi=arcsin(w iycos ϕiwixsinϕi),
where γi and ηi represent the rotational angles of the two perpendicular axes of the U joint.

Jacobian matrix

The Jacobian matrix of HPM is formulated in accordance with screw theory [37]. The screws of each joint are illustrated in Fig. 5.
Fig.5 Screws of the ith PUS and the middle branch chains.

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By combining the instantaneous twists of all the PUS limbs, the infinitesimal twist of the end-effector is obtained as
$P= s ˙i $ 1,i+ j =26δμj,i $j ,i,i=1, 2, ..., 5,
where $P is the infinitesimal twist of the perfusion platform, $ 1,i and $j,i represent the unit screw of the first P and the jth 1-DOF joint for the ith PUS branch chain, respectively, si denotes the velocity of the ith driving joint P, δ μj,i denotes the angular velocity in response to the unit screw $j,i of the ith limb, and
$1,i=[ 0 s 1,i],$2,i=[ s2,i(ri liki)×s2,i],$3,i=[ s3,i(ri liki)×s3,i],$4,i=[ s4,iri×s4,i],$5,i=[ s5,iri×s5,i],$6,i=[ s6,iri×s6,i].
This work assumes that the driving joints of all the PUS limbs are locked. Then, the reciprocal screw $^1 ,ir for the ith PUS limb is expressed as
$^ 1,i r=[ki ri×ki].
Given that $^1 ,ir $j ,i=0 and s1,i=ni, multiplying with $^1 ,ir on both sides of Eq. (12) produces
$^1,ir$P= s ˙i k iTni,i=1, 2, ..., 5.
Recasting Eq. (14) into a matrix form results in
JP$P= J d s ˙d,
where s ˙d denote the velocity vector of the five driving joints of the PUS limb, and J P and Jd are the coefficient of $P and s ˙d, respectively.
{ s ˙d =[s ˙1 s ˙2 s ˙3 s ˙4 s ˙5]T,Jd=diag( k 1Tn1 k 2Tn2 k 3Tn3 k 4Tn4 k 5Tn5)5×5, JP=[ k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 r1×k 1r 2× k2 r 3× k3r4× k4r5× k5]T 5×6.
The end-effector’s infinitesimal twist can be obtained by combining the instantaneous twists of the passive PRPU limb. Then, we obtain
$ P=j=15δμj,6$j,6,
where δμj,6 and $j,6 have the same physical meaning as δμj,i and $j,i, and
$1,6=[ 03×1 s 1,6], $ 2,6= [ s2,6 l6 k 6×s2,6], $ 3,6= [ 0 3×1 k 6] ,$4,6= [ s4,6 0 3×1], $ 5,6= [ s5,6 0 3×1],
where l6 denotes the distance from point A6 to point P.
Multiplying with $^j,6r on both sides of Eq. (16) yields
$^j, 6r$P=0 ,
where $^j, 6r= [ 0 3×1 n 45], n 45=s4,6× s 5,6.
Combining Eqs. (14) and (18) leads to
s ˙=J1J2 $P=J$P,
where J=J1 J 2 is the 5PUS-PRPU parallel manipulator’s entire Jacobian matrix, and
s ˙=[ s ˙1s ˙2s ˙3s ˙4s ˙50]T ,J1 =[ Ja1000],J2= [ k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 0 1×3 r1 ×k1r2× k 2r3×k3 r4 ×k4r5× k 5n45]T ,
$P= [ x ˙ y ˙ z ˙ α ˙ β ˙ 0 ]T.
Equation (19) indicates that the last row of the Jacobian matrix J is zero. Furthermore, the element of the last row of the vector $ P is zero. Therefore, Eq. (19) describing the relationship between vector $P and vector s ˙ can be rewritten as
s ˙d= Jd1JP $P =J $ P,
where J= J d1 JP, J P 5×5 is the first five columns of the matrix JP and $P =[ x ˙ y ˙ z ˙ α ˙ β ˙] T.
The problem where the Jacobian matrix has inconsistent dimensions arises because the proposed HPM has three translational and two rotational DOFs, and this problem leads to an unclear physical meaning of the condition number of Eq. (20). Therefore, the Jacobian matrix must be normalized. In this section, the Jacobian matrix is normalized using the characteristic length. Then, the column vectors of the Jacobian matrix that are grouped based on dimension can be obtained as
J= [J(:,1:3)J(:,4:5)].
Characteristic length D [38] is defined as
D= m1tr[ J (:,4:5)TJ(:,4:5)]m2tr[ J (:,1:3)TJ(:,1:3)],
where m1 and m 2 represent the number of translational and rotational DOFs, respectively, and m1= 3 and m2= 2. tr[] is the sum of the main diagonal elements of the matrix.
The dimensionally consistent Jacobian matrix is then expressed as
J c=[ J(:,1:3) 1DJ (:,4:5)].

Dimensional synthesis

In this section, an analysis of the dimensional synthesis of HPM subject to several related constraints is conducted. The goal of the research on dimensional synthesis can be explained as the determination of the kinematic parameters that can achieve excellent kinematic performance in the task workspace. The work in this section mainly involves the establishment of design variables, constraints, performance indices, and objective function and optimization of the design.

Design variables

As described in Ref. [16], task workspace Tw is represented by the minimum cuboid that can cover the task honeycombs. In the following sections, the evaluation of performance indices is conducted in this prescribed workspace. Figure 6 shows the extreme position of HPM in Tw. H is the perpendicular distance measured from point B to point P, and R and h are the radius and height of Tw. We let L, l, rp, H, and h be normalized by rm (as shown in Fig. 6). The variables can be obtained as follows:
λ1 = Lr m,λ2= lrm, λ3= r p rm,λ4=H rm,λ5 = hR,
where λ5 represents the height/radius ratio of Tw. For the proposed HPM, the value of λ 5 should be constant.
Fig.6 Pose of HPM in the task workspace.

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The dimensional synthesis is explained as follows: under the condition of known λ5 and several mechanical constraints, the optimal values of λ1, λ 2, λ3, and λ 4 are determined so that good kinematic performance can be obtained in Tw.
On the basis of the task workspace and variables shown above, the extreme lengths of the PRPU limb can be easily presented as
{ s7min=H Lsinθ+d= rm( λ4 λ1sinθ)+d,s7max = R2+(H+hLsin θ+d)2= R2+ [rm( λ4λ1 sinθ )+d +h]2,
where s7min and s7max are the minimum and maximum displacements of the second P joint in the PRPU branch chain and d is the length of NiBi.
Similarly, the driving joints’ displacements in the PUS branch chains, including simin and simax (i =1, 2, ..., 5), can be obtained in accordance with the inverse kinematics and the proposed design variables.

Performance indices

In research on the parallel manipulator’s kinematic performance, the condition number κ of the Jacobian matrix is usually used to evaluate local kinematic performance. However, the value of κ varies with the different structural configurations of the manipulator. Thus, a global performance index related to the condition number needs to be introduced. In reference to the performance indices presented in Ref. [33], two performance indices are obtained as follows:
κ ¯= V κdVV,
κ ˜ = V (κ κ ¯) 2dVV,
where κ=σ max/ σmin, σ max and σmin denote the maximal and minimal eigenvalues of Jacobian matrix J, respectively, κ represents the mean value of κ in Tw, V represents the volume of T w, and κ ˜ is the standard deviation of κ relative to κ in Tw.

Design constraints

Based on the considerations of the practical perfusion of the proposed HPM, several structure constraints are given in detail for the dimensional synthesis analysis. Here, given λ 5=0.5, we investigate the effects of variables λ1, λ 2, λ3, and λ 4 on the established kinematic performance indices. Figure 7(a) shows the comparison of condition number κ with different x and y when λ1 is equal to 1.5, 1.9, and 2.3. In this case, the values for λ2, λ 3, and λ4 are constant, and α, β, z, θ, and rm are equal to 30°, 10°, 1200 mm, 30°, and 700 mm, respectively.
Similarly, comparisons of κ when λ 2 and λ3 have different values are displayed in Figs. 7(b) and 7(c), respectively. When λ2 or λ3 is the variable, all of the other parameters are constants. Figures 7(d) to 7(f) show comparisons of the orientation workspace of the moving platform with the change in α and β when λ1, λ2, and λ 3 have different values, respectively. In this case, x, y, z, θ, and rm are equal to 0, 0, 1200 mm, 30°, and 700 mm, respectively. The comparisons in Fig. 7 reveal that large λ1 and λ2 help improve the kinematic performance and increase the orientation workspace. The comparisons also imply that the achievement of good kinematic performance comes at the cost of increasing the volume of the hybrid mechanism. Thus, the final values of λ1 and λ2 should be determined properly. Meanwhile, a small λ3 improves the orientation workspace of the proposed HPM.
Fig.7 Comparisons of condition numbers and orientation workspace with different λ1, λ 2, and λ3values: Condition number with (a) different λ1, (b) different λ2, and (c) different λ3; orientation workspace with (d) different λ 1, (e) different λ2, and (f) different λ 3.

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In consideration of the requirements of installing the perfusion device on the moving platform, the values of λ1 and λ 2 should be smaller than a certain value. Moreover, the value of rp should be smaller than r m to avoid direct kinematic singularity. Thus, the constraints for λ1, λ2, and λ3 can be expressed as
{ λ1λ1max,λ2λ2max,λ3min λ 31,
where λ1 max and λ2max represent the maximum values of λ1 and λ2, respectively, and λ3min is the minimum value of λ3 in the mechanism design.
For the PUS limb, the displacement si of the driving slider should be within the region of the link AiBi. Then, the constraint is given as
0 siL.
The ratio of the stroke of the PRPU middle limb should be as small as possible to guarantee the stiffness of the middle passive limb. In addition, the range of movement for the first P joint of the passive limb is constrained by the size of the middle platform. Therefore, the two constraints can be obtained as
{ rm<s6< rm,χ=s 7maxs 7mins7minχ max,
where s6 is the motion of the first P joint in the PRPU branch chain and χmax denotes the maximum allowable value of χ. In consideration of the requirements for the workspace and stiffness of HPM, χmax is between 0.7 and 0.8.
Apart from the above-mentioned constraints, the angle range of the U joint for the PUS limb should also be considered to avoid the interference between kinematic branch chains. As shown in Fig. 8, the variations of the rotation angles γi and ηi of the U joint versus α and β are given when x, y, z, θ, and rm have values of 350 mm, 350 mm, 1100 mm, 30°, and 600 mm, respectively. According to these figures, the maximum angles of γi and ηi are 40.915° and 43.599°. Consequently, the angles of γi and ηi need to be constrained, and the constraint equations can be expressed as
{|γi|γmax, |ηi |η max,
where γmax and ηmax are the maximum allowable values of γ i and η i, respectively.
Fig.8 (a) γi and (b) ηi with the change in α and β.

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Objective function

Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show the variations of κ and κ ˜ versus λ 1,λ2,λ4 in the task workspace when λ3,α,β and θ have constant values. The curves of κ indicate that the overall value of κ increases with the increase in λ4 regardless of the values of λ 1 and λ2. Moreover, a large λ1 and a small λ 2 help enhance the kinematic performance of HPM. However, the variations of κ ˜ with the change in λ 4 exhibit a different trend compared with the variation of κ ˜. The variations of κ and κ ˜ in terms of λ 1,λ3,λ4 also change in an opposite trend when λ2 and θ are given, as shown in Figs. 9(c) and 9(d). Consequently, a global and comprehensive objective function ε is proposed to obtain the variable values that are optimal for κ and κ ˜ [33].
ε= κ2+ ( ρε κ ˜)2
where ρε represents the weight coefficient of κ ˜.
Fig.9 (a) κ and (b) κ ˜ with the change in λ1, λ 2, and λ4; (c) κ and (d) κ ˜ with the change in λ1, λ3, and λ4.

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Optimal design

In accordance with the structural features of the proposed HPM, the displacement of the end-effector along the zb axis varies with different θ values. Specifically, for different values of θ, different optimization ranges should be adopted for λ4. The optimization should be conducted under the condition that θ equals to a certain value. The optimization design of the proposed HPM concerning λ1, λ2, λ3, and λ 4 is expressed as the following constrained nonlinear function:
ε( λ1, λ2,λ3 ,λ 4, θ) λ1, λ2,λ3 ,λ 4 mi n,
which is subject to the constraints Eqs. (28)–(31).

Simulation examples

With the objective function proposed in Section 5.5, the optimal design for the HPM obtained with GA is developed in this section. On the basis of the task honeycombs described in Ref. [16], task workspace Tw can be expressed as
{ 350 mmx 350 mm, 350 mmy 350 mm, Hz H+h, 35 °α 35°,35°β35 °.
In this work, h=210, R=350, λ5=0.6, zmin=H, and zmax=H+h. We select ρε=3 for weighing the importance of κ ˜. The other variables are given as rm=700mm, d= 310 mm, γmax=45°, and ηmax =45°. For the proposed HPM, the smaller the value of θ is, the better the stiffness of the HPM is. Therefore, the maximum value of θ that can meet the perfusion of the boundary honeycombs is assumed to be 60°. Here, the value of θ is 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, and 60°, respectively. The ranges for λ 1, λ2, λ 3, and λ4 with different values of θ are given in Table 1.
Tab.1 Variable ranges of λ 1, λ2, λ 3, and λ4 with different θ values
/(° )
λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4
20 [1.8, 2.2] [1.7, 2.1] [0.6, 1.0] [1.6, 1.9]
30 [1.8, 2.2] [1.7, 2.1] [0.6, 1.0] [1.9, 2.2]
40 [1.8, 2.2] [1.7, 2.1] [0.6, 1.0] [2.2, 2.5]
50 [1.8, 2.2] [1.7, 2.1] [0.6, 1.0] [2.5, 2.8]
60 [1.8, 2.2] [1.7, 2.1] [0.6, 1.0] [2.8, 3.1]
In accordance with the constraint equations and the ranges of the design variables, the objective function can be solved so that its minimal value can be obtained by MATLAB. The optimization results, including the fitness value of the objective function and current best individual values of the variables with different values of θ, are shown in Fig. 10. The best values for λ1, λ2, λ3, and λ 4 when θ has different values are given in Table 2. The optimal value of objective function ε gradually increases with the increase in θ.
Fig.10 Optimization results of λ1, λ 2, λ3, and λ 4 based on GA when (a) θ=20°, (b) θ =30°, (c) θ= 40°, (d) θ=50°, and (e) θ =60°.

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Tab.2 Optimal values of λ 1, λ2, λ 3, and λ4 with different θ values
θ /(° ) λ 1 λ 2 λ 3 λ 4 ε min
20 1.876 1.793 0.853 1.6 1.786
30 1.915 1.847 0.827 1.9 1.837
40 1.998 1.921 0.786 2.2 1.955
50 2.064 1.996 0.745 2.5 2.119
60 2.115 2.029 0.701 2.8 2.307
Table 2 shows five sets of values for λ 1, λ2, λ 3, and λ4. The analysis and verification of the workspace indicate that the orientation workspace of the end-effector with the first, second, third, and fourth sets of values of λ1, λ2, λ3, and λ 4 cannot meet the perfusion of the boundary honeycombs. However, the last set of values can meet all of the honeycombs’ perfusion on the spherical crown surface and is thus selected as the optimal values of the structural parameters of the proposed HPM. The workspace analysis for HPM in Ref. [16] indicates that the reachable workspace of the end-effector decreases gradually with the increase in the end-effector’s displacement along the zb axis. Thus, if the end-effector’s reachable workspace can satisfy the task workspace when θ is 60°, then it can definitely satisfy the conditions when θ has values of 20°, 30° , 40 °, and 50°. This condition proves that the selection method for the values of λ1, λ 2, λ3, and λ 4 mentioned above is reasonable. Based on the determined values of λ1, λ2, λ3, and λ 4, the other parameters (including simin, s imax, s7min, s7max , z min, and zmax) with different values of θ are also computed, and they are shown in Table 3.
Tab.3 Values for the parameters of the proposed HPM
θ/(° ) λ 1 λ 2 λ 3 λ 4 s imin s imax s 7min s 7max z min
20 2.115 2.029 0.701 1.6 47.81 1327.97 934.07 1196.41 1120 1330
30 2.115 2.029 0.701 1.9 84.39 1321.67 915.00 1178.19 1330 1540
40 2.115 2.029 0.701 2.2 131.16 1328.59 917.96 1181.01 1540 1750
50 2.115 2.029 0.701 2.5 200.09 1353.27 949.24 1210.92 1750 1960
60 2.115 2.029 0.701 2.8 301.11 1402.62 1014.26 1273.31 1960 2170
The optimization results in Table 3 indicate that the moving platform of the manipulator can achieve movement along the zb axis from 1120 to 2170 mm, which meets the perfusion requirement of the position workspace. During the perfusion of all the honeycombs, the minimum and maximum displacements for the PUS limb are 47.81 and 1402.62 mm, respectively, which conform to the constraint in Eq. (29). The extreme lengths of the passive PRPU link are 915.00 and 1273.31 mm. Then, we obtain χ= 0.39, which is in agreement with the constraint in Eq. (30). Thus, with the parameters in Table 3, the structure parameters of the proposed 5-DOF HPM are determined and shown as followings: L=1480 mm, l=1420 mm, r m=700 mm, rp=490 mm, simin =47.81 mm, simax=1402.62 mm, s 7min=915.00 mm, s 7max=1273.31 mm, z min=1120 mm, zmax=2170 mm, |γ i|max=18.15°, |ηi|max =37.69°. |γi|max and |ηi|max represent the maximum rotation values of the U joint in the PUS limb, which also meet the constraint in Eq. (31).
Compared with the original dimension parameters, the optimized parameters greatly improve the rotation capacity of the moving platform, which can accomplish a rotation angle of 35 ° about the xb and yb axes at each point of the task workspace. According to the design concept of the HPM, the variable θ takes the maximum value when the end-effector is in the maximum extreme position. From Table 3, we conclude that the maximum value of θ that can meet the boundary honeycombs’ perfusion is 60°, which is smaller than the original 75 °. The small θ helps enhance the entire HPM’s stiffness. Figure 11 presents the reachable workspace and task workspace of the HPM with the optimized structural parameters when the value of θ is 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, and 60°. Figures 11(a) and 11(b) show the 3D view and top view of the reachable position workspace and task position workspace, respectively. Similarly, Figs. 11(c) and 11(d) show the 3D view and top view of the reachable orientation workspace and task orientation workspace, respectively. The reachable workspace and task workspace regions are marked with rainbow and yellow colors, respectively. These figures indicate that the reachable position workspace and reachable orientation workspace of the proposed reconfigurable HPM can satisfy task position workspace and task orientation workspace with the introduction of the reconfigurable base.
Fig.11 Comparison of the reachable workspace and task workspace of the proposed HPM: (a) 3D and (b) top views of the comparison of the position workspace; (c) 3D and (d) top views of the comparison of the orientation workspace.

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This study examines the dimensional synthesis of the 5-DOF HPM that was introduced in a previous work. On the basis of screw theory, analyses of mobility, inverse kinematics, and the Jacobian matrix are conducted. In accordance with the structural features of the HPM, the related constraints, objective function, and design variables are proposed in consideration of all the structure parameters. Afterward, dimensional synthesis of the HPM is conducted based on the given variable constraints by GA. The optimization results, including the fitness value of the objective function and the current best individual values of the variables with different values of θ, are obtained. The optimal parameters of the HPM are determined through analysis and verification.
The optimization results indicate that the perfusion platform’s orientation workspace is greatly improved by the optimized structural parameters. The maximum angle of θ that can satisfy the perfusion of the boundary honeycombs is smaller than the value before optimization. This condition remarkably improves the stiffness of the proposed HPM. This research is expected to provide a theoretical foundation for subsequent error analyses and prototype fabrication.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (Grant No. 2018JBZ007), the China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201807090006), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51675037).
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