Aside from kinematics analysis, dimensional design is another important aspect in ensuring the good kinematic performance of hybrid manipulators. The primary issues in dimensional synthesis are defining the appropriate performance indices, reducing the number of optimization variables, and selecting efficient optimization algorithms. Performance chart [
18] and objective function [
20] methods are used for the dimensional synthesis of parallel manipulators. Liu and Wang [
21] proposed a performance chart for serial or parallel manipulators in which the number of linear parameters is fewer than five. Wang et al. [
22] established the relationship between the optimization objectives and kinematic parameters of the 3-PUU (P and U represent prismatic and universal joint, respectively) parallel mechanism by using the performance chart method. Kelaiaia et al. [
23] proposed a methodology of dimensional design for a linear Delta parallel robot by utilizing the multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm (GA). To overcome the local optimum, Wan et al. [
24] introduced a mutation of GA into particle swarm optimization (MPSO) and performed dimensional optimization on the proposed 8-SPU (S: Spherical joint) parallel manipulator, which can serve as a unit of the support fixture. Altuzarra et al. [
25] implemented a dimension design for a symmetric parallel manipulator by using the Pareto front with three performance criteria, namely, dexterity, energy, and workspace volume. Wu et al. [
26] investigated the optimal design for a 2-DOF actuation-redundant parallel mechanism in consideration of kinematics and natural frequency. The optimal design of the 4-RSR&SS (R: Revolute joint) parallel tracking mechanism was examined by Qi et al. [
27] in consideration of parameter uncertainty and on the basis of the particle swarm algorithm. Klein et al. [
28] optimized the torque capabilities of the robotic arm exoskeleton with independent objective functions by modifying the critical kinematic parameters. Song et al. [
29] implemented an optimal design of the T5 parallel mechanism by using the NSGA-II method in consideration of engineering requirements. A small-sized parallel bionic eye mechanism was designed by Cheng and Yu [
30], and the optimal design based on NSGA-II was applied in consideration of the overall dimensions. To obtain optimal kinematic performance, Daneshmand et al. [
31] optimized a spherical manipulator in accordance with the concept of GA. Gosselin and Angeles [
32] introduced a global index (GCI) based on the Jacobian matrix’s condition number that can be used to evaluate the distribution of the parallel manipulator’s global dexterity over the entire workspace. By minimizing the integrated objective function, Huang et al. [
33] studied the dimensional synthesis of a 3-DOF manipulator, which is the parallel module of the 5-DOF TriVariant. This method has also been applied to the dimensional synthesis of many other parallel manipulators proposed in Refs. [