Tab.1 Comparison of commercially available surface metrology instruments |
No. | Measurement principle | Commercial instrument | Performance | Applications or accessible samples |
1 | Stylus profilometry | Form Talysurf® PGI Optics [18] | Gauge range: Up to 28 mm; noise: <2 nm Rq; measurement area: Up to 300 mm diameter; form error: <100 nm | Plastic lenses; small components; diffractive optics; infrared glass and crystals |
2 | AFM | Bruker’s Dimension Icon [19] | X–Y scan range: 90 µm × 90 µm; Z range: 10 µm; X–Y position noise: ≤0.15 nm RMS; Z sensor noise: 35 pm RMS; sample size: ≤210 mm diameter; sub-nanometer resolution | Surface imaging; surface roughness; atomic mica lattice; carbon nanotubes |
3 | Optical interferometry | Zygo NewViewTM 9000 [20] | Manual XY: 100 mm travel; motorized XY: 150 mm travel; tilt: ±4° tilt; repeatability: 0.08 nm for all magnifications; sub-nanometer vertical resolution | Materials characterization; MEMS; semiconductor; consumer electro-optics; optical surface manufacturing |
4 | Confocal scanning | LEXT OLS5000 [21] | Field of view: 16–5120 µm; height resolution: 0.5 nm; lateral resolution: 0.12 mm; repeatability (50 ´): 0.012 µm; measurement noise: 1 nm | Inner texture; fuel injector nozzle; bearing ball; ultrasonic transducer; micro needle |
5 | LVDT probe | Moore Nanotech’s Workpiece Error Compensations System [22] | Air bearing; miniature; accuracy of the probe: <25 nm; slopes: Up to 60° per side; desired form accuracy (after correction): 0.05–0.15 µm | On-machine part geometry measurement and form error correction |
Abbreviations. Rq: Root mean square deviation; AFM: Atomic force microscope; RMS: Root mean square; MEMS: Micro-electromechanical systems; LVDT: Linear variable differential transformer. |
Major optical interferometry techniques
Phase-shifting interferometry
Fig.1 Schematic of LED-based multi-wavelength phase imaging interference microscopy. L1: Collimating lens; L2 and L3: Microscope objectives; P: Polarizer; A: Analyzer; CCD: Charge coupled device; IMAQ: Image acquisition board; PC: Personal computer; LED: Light emitting diode; BS: Beam splitter; QW1 and QW2: Quarter wave plates; PZT: Piezoelectric transducer; REF: Reference mirror. Adapted with permission from Ref. [45]. © The Optical Society. |
Coherence scanning interferometry
Wavelength scanning interferometry
Fig.3 Schematic of WSI with compensation of environmental noise. AOTF: Acousto-optic tunable filter; IR SLED: Near-infrared superluminescent light-emitting diode; DAQ: Data acquisition card; CCD: Charge coupled device; PD: Photodiode; PZT: Piezoelectric transducer. Adapted with permission from Ref. [72]. © The Optical Society. |
Heterodyne interferometry
Tab.2 Comparison of current optical interferometry techniques |
Principle | Method | Measurement range (z) | Vertical resolution | Measurement speed | Repeatability | Samples under test |
PSI | Profiling [36]; Areal [43,89,90] | OPD between two adjacent data points is less than l/2 [36]; 7.84 µm unambiguous range [45] | Several nanometers [45]; 1/1000 of a fringe [91] | 0.39 s for 10 interferograms at a resolution of 480 × 640 pixels [92] | 2.5 nm RMS [36]; 0.5 nm RMS [90] | Off-axis parabola [36]; stepped surface [43]; biological cells [45]; micro-sphere [89]; fused silica [90] |
CSI | Areal [49,53,56,61] | Over a dynamic range of 10 µm [57]; 100 µm [53] | Sub-nanometer [53] | 8 s for 20 µm step height [53]; 115 s for two 10 µm step heights [93] | 0.5 nm [53] | Machined steel [49]; 921 nm-high grating [53]; etched silicon [56]; wavy transparent layer [57]; micro V-groove [61] |
WSI | Areal [72,74,76,77] | 200 µm [72];±120 µm [76] | Nanometric scale [77] | 0.42 s for 128 captured frames [75]; 1.25 s for ±120 µm z-heights [76] | Sub-nanometer [76] | Stepped surface [72]; transparent film [74]; semiconductor daughterboard [75]; metallized prismatic film [77] |
HI | Profiling [87,94]; Areal [95] | 27 µm [94] | 0.31 nm [82]; 0.2 nm [94] | 0.2 µm scanning speed of PZT [86] | 0.5 nm [94] | Semiconductor [82]; stepped surface [87]; corneal surface profile [95] |
Abbreviations. PSI: Phase-shifting interferometry; OPD: Optical path difference; RMS: Root mean square; CSI: Coherence scanning interferometry; WSI: Wavelength scanning interferometry; HI: Heterodyne interferometry; PZT: Piezoelectric transducer. |
Theory of fringe analysis algorithms
Centroid approach
Fourier transform
Windowed Fourier transform
Hilbert transform
Wavelet transform
Frequency domain analysis
Phase-shifting algorithms
Three-step algorithm
Five-step algorithm
Seven-step algorithm
Recent advances in fringe analysis algorithms
Improvement of measurement accuracy and repeatability
Fig.4 Measurement of the two continuous standard step heights: (a) 3D plot of a reconstructed two continuous 10 mm standard step heights and (b) comparison of 2D profiles obtained by the three methods. WLPSI: White-light phase-shifting interferometry; FFT: Fast Fourier transform. Adapted with permission from Ref. [93]. © The Optical Society. |
Fig.5 Measurement results of the test object using four PSAs: (a) Five-step phase-shifting, (b) seven-step phase-shifting, (c) nine-step phase-shifting, (d) eleven-step phase-shifting, and (e) cross section of the test object. PSA: Phase-shifting algorithm. Reproduced from Ref. [152] with permission from Elsevier. |
Noise resistance
Fig.6 Measurement results for microbeads: (a) 3D plot phase distributions retrieved using dynamic S2H2PM and FT techniques and (b) phase cross sections of the same microbead by FT (red) and S2H2PM (blue) techniques. S2H2PM: Single-shot Hilbert–Huang phase microscopy; FT: Fourier transform. Adapted with permission from Ref. [160]. © The Optical Society. |
High-speed fringe analysis
Phase error compensation and correction
Fig.8 Measurement results for the pyramid: (a) AFM images of the pyramid and (b) a cross section of the pyramid. WLI: White light interferometry; CLSM: Confocal laser scanning microscopy; AFM: Atomic force microscope. Reproduced from Ref. [185] with permission from IOP Publishing Ltd. |
Self-calibration algorithms
Fig.9 Experimental results of USFP: (a) One-frame interferograms; (b) the intercepted USFP from (a); (c) the reference phase map of (b); (d) the retrieved phases by MSSM; (e) the retrieved phases by PCA; (f) the retrieved phases by AIA; the corresponding differences between the reference phase and the achieved phases by (g) MSSM, (h) PCA, and (i) AIA. USFP: Ultra-sparse fringe pattern; MSSM: Mid-band spatial spectrum matching; PCA: Principal component analysis; AIA: Advanced iterative algorithm. Adapted with permission from Ref. [189]. © The Optical Society. |
Tab.3 Performance and applications of fringe analysis algorithms |
No. | Author | Principle | Algorithm | Performance | Object | Remark |
1 | Ai and Novak [113] | VSI | Centroid method | Consistent repeatability even when the modulation function exhibited multiple peaks | 3D surface topography | Free of the ambiguities in multi-peak modulation functions, suitable for rapid online applications |
2 | Dong and Chen [144] | Laser interferometer (Fizeau type) | FFT | Phase retrieval from a single-shot spatial carrier fringe pattern | Flat mirror | Highly efficient and timesaving for dynamic or real-time measurement |
3 | Vo et al. [93] | WLSI | FFT and PSA | Nanometric resolution and good repeatability | Step height; spherical surface | The batwing effects and positioning error in the maximum modulation were reduced |
4 | Ma et al. [145] | WLSI | WFT | Good noise immunity and a more accurate ZOPD position | CGH diffractive element | A smoothened and continuous profile of sharp step surface was obtained |
5 | Trusiak et al. [160] | Mach–Zehnder interferometry | HHT | Single-frame fast acquisition and processing time around 5–10 s | Static and flowing microbeads; red blood cells | Robust, fast, and accurate single-shot quantitative phase imaging for dynamic objects |
6 | Serizawa et al. [149] | SD-OCT | CWT | Measurement repeatability of 65.1 nm for 2D surface, RMS measurement error of 0.17 µm for 3D surface profile | Step height | High measurement accuracy without resampling the wavenumber or linear interpolation |
7 | de Groot and Deck [62] | WLSI | FDA | Measurement repeatability of 0.5 nm RMS, scanning rate of 2 µm/s | Sensing head; moth’s eye | Without relying on fringe contrast, all data processing occurred in the spatial-frequency domain |
8 | Kim et al. [179] | Wavelength-tuning Fizeau interferometer | 13-sample PSA | RMS phase error under 3 nm, even for a phase-shift miscalibration of ±30% | Transparent fused silica plate | Compensation for miscalibration and first-order nonlinearity of phase shift, coupling errors, and bias modulation of intensity |
9 | Cao et al. [190] | Mach–Zehnder-type PSI | ASSF | RMS phase error less than 0.05 rad | Macrophage cell; light guide panel | Stable self-calibration phase retrieval with few interferograms containing fewer than one fringe |
Abbreviations.VSI:Verticalscanninginterferometry;FFT:FastFouriertransform;WLSI:White-lightscanninginterferometry;PSA:Phase-shiftingalgorithm; WFT: Windowed Fourier transform; ZOPD: Zero optical path difference; CGH: Computer generated hologram; HHT: Hilbert–Huang transform; SD-OCT: Spectral domain optical coherence tomography; CWT: Continuous wavelet transform; RMS: Root mean square; WLSI: White-light scanning interferometry; FDA: Frequency domain analysis; PSI: Phase-shifting interferometry; ASSF: Advanced spatial spectrum fitting. |
Challenges and perspective
Miscalibration error
Surface discontinuities and high slopes
Vibration sensitivity
Lateral resolution
Global surface topography measurement
Fig.11 Principle for reconstruction algorithm: (a) Original 3D image, (b) reconstruction approach for a height-unknown region (black region) in the 3D image by the neighbor effective height region (white region), and (c) 3D image achieved after reconstruction. Reproduced from Ref. [217] with permission from Elsevier. |