In view of the anisotropic nature of TMAH etching, the placement options for the etching windows are limited. For a short release time, the etching windows cut off the heat transfer path from the absorber to the hot junctions. As shown in Fig. 4, the temperature difference across the thermocouple can be improved by 70% by changing the placement of the etching windows. Xu et al. [
34] developed a thermoelectric IR sensor by XeF
2 front-side isotropic etching. The isotropic etching features increases the placement options for the etching windows [
35]. Figure 5(a) [
36] shows the etching window design for a thermoelectric IR sensor, in which the etching windows are designed to avoid cutting off the heat transfer path from the absorber to the hot junctions and improve the temperature difference across the thermocouple. Moreover, the releasing evolution is also predicted in Fig. 5(a). The time etching evolution of isotropic silicon etching by XeF
2 is illustrated in Figs. 5(b) and 5(c). The time etching evolution is as predicted in Fig. 5(a). Figure 5(d) shows the scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the IR sensor structure after XeF
2 front-side etching. The etching window design in the absorber and the thermocouple improves the thermal isolation of the microstructure.