Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Parameter studies on impact in a lap joint
Received date: 23 Sep 2014
Accepted date: 04 Nov 2014
Published date: 01 Apr 2015
To represent a loose lap joint, a beam impacting four springs with gaps is modeled. Modal analysis with base excitation is solved, and time histories of contact points are closely monitored. Using the impulse during steady state response, six influential parameters are studied: damping ratio, contact stiffness, intermediate contact position, gap, excitation amplitude and beam height. For all parameters, the system response is highly controlled by modes with two contacting springs. Each parameter’s effect on system response is presented including unstable regions, unique trend behaviours result. Recommendations for structural designers are also noted.
Key words: impact mechanics; contact; joint behaviour; modal analysis; parameter study
Amir M. RAHMANI , Elizabeth K. ERVIN . Parameter studies on impact in a lap joint[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2015 , 10(1) : 64 -77 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-014-0322-x
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