Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering >
Stiffness of a 3-degree of freedom translational parallel kinematic machine
Received date: 12 Jul 2014
Accepted date: 31 Jul 2014
Published date: 10 Oct 2014
In this paper, a typical 3-degree of freedom (3-DOF) translational parallel kinematic machine (PKM) is studied and analyzed whose tool platform has only translations along X-, Y- and Z-axes. It consists of three limbs, each of which have arm and forearm with prismatic-revolute-revolute-revolute (PRRR) joints. Inverse kinematics analysis is carried out to find the slider coordinates and joint angles for a given position of tool platform. Stiffness modeling is done based on the compliance matrices of arm and forearm of each limb. Using the stiffness modeling the variations of minimum and maximum translational stiffness in the workspace are analyzed. For various architectural parameters of the 3-DOF PKM the tendency of variations on the minimum and maximum stiffness over the entire workspace is studied; and also the deflections of the tool platform along X, Y, and Z directions with respect to various forces are presented.
S. SHANKAR GANESH , A.B. KOTESWARA RAO . Stiffness of a 3-degree of freedom translational parallel kinematic machine[J]. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2014 , 9(3) : 233 -241 . DOI: 10.1007/s11465-014-0312-z
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