Crystallographic orientation effect on cutting-based single atomic layer removal

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering ›› 2020, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 631-644.

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Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering ›› 2020, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 631-644. DOI: 10.1007/s11465-020-0599-x

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Crystallographic orientation effect on cutting-based single atomic layer removal

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The ever-increasing requirements for the scalable manufacturing of atomic-scale devices emphasize the significance of developing atomic-scale manufacturing technology. The mechanism of a single atomic layer removal in cutting is the key basic theoretical foundation for atomic-scale mechanical cutting. Material anisotropy is among the key decisive factors that could not be neglected in cutting at such a scale. In the present study, the crystallographic orientation effect on the cutting-based single atomic layer removal of monocrystalline copper is investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. When undeformed chip thickness is in the atomic scale, two kinds of single atomic layer removal mechanisms exist in cutting-based single atomic layer removal, namely, dislocation motion and extrusion, due to the differing atomic structures on different crystallographic planes. On close-packed crystallographic plane, the material removal is dominated by the shear stress-driven dislocation motion, whereas on non-close packed crystallographic planes, extrusion-dominated material removal dominates. To obtain an atomic, defect-free processed surface, the cutting needs to be conducted on the close-packed crystallographic planes of monocrystalline copper.


ACSM / single atomic layer removal mecha-nism / crystallographic orientation effect / mechanical cutting / Manufacturing III


. . Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering. 2020, 15(4): 631-644


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The authors would like to thank the finical support from the Science Foundation Ireland (Grant No. 15/RP/B3208) and the ‘111’ Project by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. B07014).


2020 Higher Education Press
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