International Symposium
Translation of Liver Pathobiology to Clinical Practice
May 13-14, 2016, Shanghai, China
Co-Chairmen of the symposium: Yu-Mei WEN & Jia FAN
Conference Organizer:
Shanghai Society of Digestive Diseases, Shanghai Medical Association

Sponsoring organizations:
Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases, Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China
Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of the Ministries of Education and Public Health, Fudan University School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanghai, China
Key Laboratory of Carcinogenic and Invasive Mechanisms, Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China
Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China.

Sponsor of the Young Investigator Award:
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, London, UK

Conference official language: English
Venue: Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, 180 Fenglin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200032, China
Oct 15, 2015
Dear Colleagues:
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the first International Symposium: Translation of Liver
Pathobiology to Clinical Practice to be held at the Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases in Fudan University-
Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China. Rapidly evolving research approaches and disease profiles
as well as emerging therapeutics in the liver field drive us to amend our practice guidelines much more
frequently than ever. Clinical challenges in diagnosis and treatments prompt us to seek creative solutions in
the laboratories. Heterogeneity in disease presentation, histopathological features and therapeutic responses
demand specific therapeutic approaches at the molecular level in an individualized fashion. The main objective
of this symposium is to provide an exciting showcase for new developments in the diagnosis and treatment
of liver diseases, as well as a platform for knowledge exchange and interactions among clinicians, scientists,
graduate students and individuals from industries in Shanghai, a future center of innovation in science and
technologies in the Asia-Pacific region. We, as the co-chairmen of the symposium, look forward with pleasure
to welcoming you in flower-blooming May 2016 in Shanghai, the largest and most vivid city in China.
Sincerely yours,
Yu-Mei Wen, MD
Professor and Academician of the Chinese Academy of
Fudan University Shanghai Medical College
Jia Fan, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases
President, Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital
Advisory committee members:
Zhao-You Tang, MD, PhD
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Professor and director
Liver Cancer Institute
Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai, China
Hong-Yang Wang, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Research Center of Signaling Transduction
Oriental Hepatobiliary Hospital
Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
Shu-Sen ZHENG, MD, PhD
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Director, Ministry of Public Health Key Laboratory of Multiple Organ Transplantation
Professor and President
Zhejiang University Affiliated 1st Hospital,
Hanzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Honorary President, Chinese Society for the Liver Diseases
Professor, Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
Beijing University School of Basic Medical Sciences
Beijing, China
Executive Organizing Presidents:
Xi-Zhong Shen, MD, PhD
Professor and Executive Director
Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital
Shanghai, China
Jian Wu, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Center of Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Diseases
Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology
Fudan University Shanghai Medical College
Shanghai, China
Wen-Hong Zhang, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Associate Director
Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases
Fudan University-Affiliated Huashan Hospital
Shanghai, China
Jian ZHOU, MD, PhD
Director: Dept. of Hepatobiliary Surgery
Associate Director: Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases
Vice President: Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital
Shanghai, China
Scientific Committee
Hong-Yang Wang, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Research Center of Signaling Transduction
Oriental Hepatobiliary Hospital
Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
Members of Scientific and Organizing Committee:
Anna Mae Diehl, MD
Professor and Director
Duke Liver Center
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Jian-Gao FAN, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Dept. of Digestive Diseases
Director, Chinese Society for Fatty Liver Diseases
Shanghai Institute of Digestive Disease
Jiaotong University-Affiliated Xinhua Hospital
Shanghai, China
Jing-Yuan FANG, MD, PhD
Director, Shanghai Society of Digestive Diseases, Shanghai Medical Association, Shanghai, China
Professor and Director, Shanghai Institute of Digestive Diseases
Shanghai Jiaotong University-affiliated Renji Hospital
Shanghai, China
Scott L. Friedman, M.D.
Dean for Therapeutic Discovery
Fishberg Professor of Medicine
Professor of Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics
Chief, Division of Liver Diseases
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY, USA
Xin GAO, MD, PhD
Professor and Vice President
Dept. of Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders
Fudan University-affiliated Zhongshan Hospital
Shanghai, China
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD,
Professor and Chief, Digestive Diseases, VA-CT Healthcare System
Director, Clinical and Translational Core, Yale Liver Center
Yale University, Temple Medical Center, New Haven, CT, USA
Jin-lin HOU, MD
26th Annual Meeting of APASL, Shanghai 2017
Professor and Chair
Hepatology Unit and Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University
Guangzhou, China
LI-Jian HUI, PhD
Institute of Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institutes of Life Sciences
Shanghai, China
Ji-Dong Jia, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Institute of Liver Diseases
Beijing Friendship Hospital
Beijing Capital University, Beijing, China
Yu-Lan LIU, MD, PhD
Secretary, Chinese Society of Digestive Diseases
Director for Hepatobiliary Subgroup
Director, Dept. of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Vice President, Beijing University-Affiliated People’s Hospital
Beijing, China
Lun-Gen LU, MD, PhD
Associate Director, Chinese Society for the Study of Liver Diseases
Professor and Director, Dept. of Gastroenterology
Shanghai First People’s Hospital
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Shanghai, China
Jacquelyn Maher, MD
Professor and Director, UCSF Liver Center
Associate Editor, Hepatology
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center
San Francisco, CA, USA
Mindie H. Nguyen, MD, MAS
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Liver Transplant Program
Stanford University Medical Center
Palo Alto, CA, USA.
Jorg Petersen, MD, PhD
Professor and Head
Liver Unit at the IFI Institute for Interdisciplinary Medicine
Asklepios Klinik St. George
University of Hamburg, Germany
Detlef Schuppan, MD, PhD,
Professor and Director
Institute of Translational Immunology
Fibrosis and Metabolism Center
University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University
Mainz, Germany
Myron E Schwartz, MD
The Henry Kaufmann Professor of Surgery
Director of Liver Surgery
Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute of the Mount Sinai Medical Center
New York, NY 10029, USA
Ji-Yao Wang, MD
Professor and Director
Faculty of Internal Medicine
Fudan University Shanghai Medical College
Shanghai, China
Lai WEI, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Institute of Liver Diseases
Vice President
Beijing University Affiliated People’s Hospital
President, Chinese Society for the Study of Liver Diseases
Beijing, China
Xin-Hua Weng, MD
Deputy Director, Chinese Medical Association
Dept. of Infectious Diseases
Fudan University-Affiliated Huashan Hospital
Shanghai, China
Wei-Feng XIE, MD, PhD
Director-elected, Shanghai Society of Digestive Disease, Shanghai Medical Association
Director, Dept. of Gastroenterology
Changzheng Hospital
Second Military Medical University
Shanghai, China
Lie-Ming XU, MD, PhD
Professor, Institute of Liver Disease
Shuguang Hospital Western Branch
University of Shanghai Chinese Medical Sciences
Shanghai, China
Zheng-Hong Yuan, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of the Ministries of Education and Public Health
Vice President, Fudan University
Fudan University Shanghai Medical College
Shanghai, China
Mark A. Zern, MD
Professor and Director
Transplant Research Program
Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Department of Internal Medicine
University of California, Davis Medical Center
Sacramento, CA, USA
Li-Ping Zhao, PhD
Professor and Director
Shanghai Center of Systems Biology and Medicine
Fellow of the American Association of Microbiology
Shanghai Jiaotong University College of Life Sciences, Shanghai, China
Confirmed FOREIGN speakers:
Anna Mae DIEHL, MD
Duke Liver Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Scott L. Friedman, MD
Division of Liver Diseases, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD,
Yale Liver Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Jacquelyn MAHER, MD
UCSF Liver Center, UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, USA
Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Institute for Interdisciplinary Medicine, University of Hamburg, Germany
Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany
Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute of the Mount Sinai Medical Center
New York, NY, USA
Mark A. ZERN, MD
Transplant Research Program, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, USA
Abstract Submission and Young Investigator Award
The organizing committee invites submission of abstracts of both basic and clinical research projects which have not been presented in major international meetings. The theme of abstracts should be felled into the following categories: 1) Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases, basic or clinical; 2) hepatic fibrosis; 3) liver cancer (primary hepatocellular carcinoma or cholangio-carcinoma); 4) Viral hepatitis B; 5) Viral hepatitis C; 6) Stem cell biology and therapy for liver disorders; and 7) Liver transplantation and bioartificial liver support devices. The theme of abstracts other than above-mentioned categories may be considered when the space of presentation is permitted. All abstracts should be written in English, and are printable within one page in the proceeding of the symposium once accepted for presentation. All submitted abstracts fulfilling the requirement will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and an acceptance notice will be sent through email to the presenting author. The deadline for abstract submission: Feb. 29, 2016. All abstracts must be submitted through following the format requirements shown below:
The format of abstract:
Title: Not exceeding 150 characters.
Author names and affiliations: The presenting author name should be underlined.
Major text: Arial or Time Newman at font size not smaller than 11 should be used. A structured format is preferred with not more than 2500 characters (including space). One table or graphical image is allowed when one-page space is permitted. The structure of a sample abstract is shown below:
Background: including aim.
Methods: Briefly state the major methods used in the study.
Results: Actual data which support the conclusion to be drown.
Conclusion: Must be clear, brief and based on the data included in the abstract.
All abstracts submitted before the deadline will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee for selection of oral or poster presentation during the symposium. Please indicate the preference of a presentation mode. In the designated space, the presenter needs to state any conflict of interest, financial support, mailing address, email address, office and cellular phone, fax number. Please send your inquiry to
Young Investigator Awards: Selected abstracts will be further reviewed for Young Investigator Award (YIA) sponsored by Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology if the presenter is younger than 40 years old by April 30, 2016. For consideration of the YIA, applicants must submit an abstract and indicate your birthday. The verification of date of birth is fulfilled by providing a copy of your state-issued identification card with English translation. The criteria of YIA include: Innovation and impact of the study, quality of data, clearness and format of presentation, and a recommendation letter from a well-respected senior investigator. The recommendation letter should clearly state why an abstract is recommended for the Young Investigator Award according to above criteria.
Registration: On-line registration
Registration fee and payment information is available on the website.
International Symposium: Translation from Liver Pathobiology to Clinical Practice,
May 13-14, 2016, Shanghai, China
Registration Form
Name: Last Name: Given name: Middle initial:
Gender: Male Female; DOB: Month Date Year
Passport # Issue by
Expiration date:
For Chinese: ID # Expiration date:
Professional title: Academic degree:
Institution and Department
Mailing address: Street Building Room/Suite
City State/Province Country
Postal code/zip code:
Telephone # Mobile Phone # Fax #:
Abstract submission: Yes No Accepted
Abstract title:
Abstract #
Presentation Session:
Presentation date: Time block:
Young Investigator Award: Applied Awarded
Hotel reservation:
Hotel choice: Arriving date: Departure Date:
Price rate per night:
Hotel choices:
Name Star level Price range (RMB/night)
Double beds Single bed:
Smoke Non-smoke
Accompanying person: Name Gender:
Passport # Nationality:
Contact phone # Email:
Disability assistance: Wheelchair
International Symposium: “Translation of Liver Pathobiology
to Clinical Practice”, May 13-14, 2016, Shanghai, China

The empty space is reserved for presentation of selected abstracts. This is a preliminary program and changes are expected when all submitted abstracts are reviewed and selected.
Symposium Co-Chairmen:
Yue-Mei WEN, MD
Professor, Dept. of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology/ Ministries of Education and Public Health Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology,
Fudan University Shanghai Medical College, Shanghai, China
Academician of China Engineering Academy
Jia FAN, MD, PhD
President of Zhongshan Hospital
President, Branch of Cancer Research, Chinese Medical Association
Director, Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases
Chief, Fudan University Organ Transplant Center
Executive Vice Director, Liver Cancer Institute
Fudan University-Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital
Shanghai, China