In documenting clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of graft versus host disease (GVHD), we retrospectively analyzed data of one case that has developed GVHD after liver transplantation. This patient exhibited fever, skin rash, and diarrhea on day 9 after liver transplantation. His liver function was normal. Skin biopsy showed scattered keratinocytes accompanied by satellite-like lymphocyte infiltration and basal cell liquefaction degeneration. After carefully analyzing the complications, we took the strategy of decreasing the dose of tacrolimus. Thereafter, the patient’s temperature decreased to normal, his skin rashes subsided, and his diarrhea was relieved. This case suggests that reducing the dosage of immunosuppressive agents can be an effective strategy for GVHD after liver transplantation.
liver transplantation /
graft versus host disease
Graft versus host disease after liver transplantation: A case report. Frontiers of Medicine. 2010, 4(4): 469-472 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11684-010-0120-8