Strontium (Sr) and related compounds have become more attractive in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Previously, we developed a novel bioactive bone cement which is mainly composed of strontium-containing hydroxyapatite (Sr-HA) filler and bisphenol A diglycidylether dimethacrylate (Bis-GMA) resin. This bone cement is superior to conventional polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cement in bioactivity, biocompatibility, and osseointegration. It also has shown sufficient mechanical strength properties for its use in percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) and total hip replacement (THR). In this paper, we review the in vitro, in vivo and clinical evidence for the effectiveness of this bioactive bone cement.
Development and clinical trial of a novel bioactive
bone cement. Frontiers of Medicine. 2008, 2(2): 117-126 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11684-008-0022-1
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