Developments of digital technology and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction allowed a precise description of anatomic structures. With the introduction of Visible Human Project and Virtual Chinese Human (VCH) techniques, more detailed anatomic images could be obtained. Digitized visible models of these structures can be applied as a useful tool in clinical training. The aim of this study was to reconstruct the normal structures of thoracodorsal artery in 3D images and to establish the digitized visible models of latissimus dorsi myocutaneous (LDM) flap. The cross-sectional images from the four VCH datasets were reviewed to study LDM and thoracodorsal artery structures on a section-by-section basis. Next, two adult fresh cadaver specimens were perfused with lead oxide-gelatine mixture and subject to radiographic CT scanning on their torsos. The cross-sectional images from the CT images were reviewed to study thoracodorsal artery structures. Three-dimensional computerized reconstructions of LDM flap structures were conducted from these datasets by using Amira 3.1 (TGS) software respectively. The 3D reconstructed visible models established from these datasets perfectly displayed the anatomic characteristics of LDM flap.
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