Turán number of Berge linear forests in uniform hypergraphs

  • Liying KANG ,
  • Jiawei HUANG ,
  • Yisai XUE ,
  • Zhiwei WU
  • Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China


2024 Higher Education Press 2024


Let F be a graph and H be a hypergraph. We say that H contains a Berge-F If there exists a bijection φ: E(F)→E(H) such that for eE(F), eφ(e), and the Turán number of Berge-F is defined to be the maximum number of edges in an r-uniform hypergraph of order n that is Berge-F-free, denoted by exr(n, Berge-F). A linear forest is a graph whose connected components are all paths or isolated vertices. Let Ln,k be the family of all linear forests of n vertices with k edges. In this paper, Turán number of Berge-Ln,k in an r-uniform hypergraph is studied. When rk +1 and 3 rk121, we determine the exact value of exr(n, Berge-Ln,k) respectively. When k12rk, we determine the upper bound of exr(n, Berge-Ln,k).

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Liying KANG , Jiawei HUANG , Yisai XUE , Zhiwei WU . Turán number of Berge linear forests in uniform hypergraphs[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2024 , 19(1) : 25 -35 . DOI: 10.3868/s140-DDD-024-0005-x

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