Higher order Dirac structure and Nambu-Poisson geometry

  • Yanhui BI ,
  • Jia LI
  • Center for Mathematical Sciences, College of Mathematics and Information Science, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China


2024 Higher Education Press 2024


This paper studies the properties of Nambu-Poisson geometry from the (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on a smooth manifold M. Firstly, we examine the automorphism group and infinitesimal on higher order Courant algebroid, to prove the integrability of infinitesimal Courant automorphism. Under the transversal smooth morphism ϕ:NM and anchor mapping of M on (n−1, k)-Dirac structure, it’s holds that the pullback (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on M turns out an (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on N. Then, given that the graph of Nambu-Poisson structure takes the form of (n−1, n−2)-Dirac structure, it follows that the single parameter variety of Nambu-Poisson structure is related to one variety closed n-symplectic form under gauge transformation. When ϕ:NMis taken as the immersion mapping of (n−1)-cosymplectic submanifold, the pullback Nambu-Poisson structure on M turns out the Nambu-Poisson structure on N. Finally, we discuss the (n−1, 0)-Dirac structure on M can be integrated into a problem of (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid. Under the mapping Π: MM/H, the corresponding (n−1, 0)-Dirac structure is F and E respectively. If E can be integrated into (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid (g,Ω), then there exists the only ω¯, such that the corresponding integral of F is (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid (g,¯ω¯).

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Yanhui BI , Jia LI . Higher order Dirac structure and Nambu-Poisson geometry[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2024 , 19(1) : 37 -56 . DOI: 10.3868/s140-DDD-024-0004-x

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