Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
A smoothing inexact Newton method for P0 nonlinear complementarity problem
Received date: 12 May 2011
Accepted date: 10 Sep 2012
Published date: 01 Dec 2012
We first propose a new class of smoothing functions for the nonlinear complementarity function which contains the well-known Chen-Harker- Kanzow-Smale smoothing function and Huang-Han-Chen smoothing function as special cases, and then present a smoothing inexact Newton algorithm for the P0 nonlinear complementarity problem. The global convergence and local superlinear convergence are established. Preliminary numerical results indicate the feasibility and efficiency of the algorithm.
Haitao CHE , Yiju WANG , Meixia LI . A smoothing inexact Newton method for P0 nonlinear complementarity problem[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2012 , 7(6) : 1043 -1058 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-012-0245-y
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