Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Phase transition for SIR model with random transition rates on complete graphs
Received date: 28 Feb 2017
Accepted date: 12 Apr 2018
Published date: 11 Jun 2018
We are concerned with the susceptible-infective-removed (SIR) model with random transition rates on complete graphs Cn with n vertices. We assign independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) copies of a positive random variable on each vertex as the recovery rates and i.i.d. copies of a positive random variable on each edge as the edge infection weights. We assume that a susceptible vertex is infected by an infective one at rate proportional to the edge weight on the edge connecting these two vertices while an infective vertex becomes removed with rate equals the recovery rate on it, then we show that the model performs the following phase transition when at t = 0 one vertex is infective and others are susceptible. There exists such that when , the proportion of vertices which have ever been infective converges to 0 weakly as while when , there exist and such that for each with probability , the proportion . Furthermore, we prove that is the inverse of the production of the mean of ρ and the mean of the inverse of .
Xiaofeng XUE . Phase transition for SIR model with random transition rates on complete graphs[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018 , 13(3) : 667 -690 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-018-0698-8
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