Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Probability and Statistics—in Honor of Pao-Lu Hsu’s 100th Birthday
Received date: 08 Apr 2011
Published date: 01 Dec 2011
Dayue CHEN , Zhi GENG , Zhi-Ming MA . Probability and Statistics—in Honor of Pao-Lu Hsu’s 100th Birthday[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2011 , 6(6) : 1021 -1024 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-011-0159-0
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On the limit of a sequence of point sets. Bull Amer Math Soc, 1935, 41: 502-504
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A note on the indices and numbers of nondegenerate critical points of biharmonic functions (with Kiang Tsai-han). Science Quarterly, Nat Univ Peking, 1935, 5(3): 389-392
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Contributions to the theory of “Student’s” t-test as applied to the problem of twosamples. Statist Res Mem, 1938, 2: 1-24
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On the best unbiased quadratic estimate of the variance. Statist. Res. Mem. 1938291-104
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Notes on Hotelling’s generalized T. Ann Math Statist, 1938, 9: 231-243
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A new proof of the joint product moment distribution. Proc Cambridge Philos Soc, 1940, 35: 336-338
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On the distribution of roots of certain determinantal equations. Ann Eugenics, 1939, 9: 250-258
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On n-fold iterated limits. J Chinese Math Soc, 1940, 2: 40-63
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An algebraic derivation of the distribution of rectangular coordinates. Proc Edinburgh Math Soc, 1940, 6(2): 185-189
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On generalized analysis of variance. Biometrika, 1940, 31: 221-237
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On the limiting distribution of roots of a determinantal equation. J London Math Soc, 1941, 16: 183-194
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The limiting distribution of the canonical correlations. Biometrika, 1941, 32: 38-45
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Analysis of variance from the power function standpoint. Biometrika, 1941, 32: 62-69
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On the problem of rank and the limiting distribution of Fisher’s test function. Ann Eugenics, 1941, 11: 39-41
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Canonical reduction of the general regression problem. Ann Eugenics, 1941, 11: 42-46
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The limiting distribution of a general class of statistics. Acad Sinica Science Record, 1942, 1: 37-41
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Some simple facts about the separation of degrees of freedom in factorial experiments. Sankhyā, 1943, 6: 253-254
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The approximate distribution of the mean and variance of a sample of independent variables. Ann Math Statist, 1945, 16: 1-29
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On the approximate distribution of ratios. Ann Math Statist, 1945, 16: 204-210
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On the power functions for the E2-test and the T2-test. Ann Math Statist, 1945, 16: 278-286
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On a factorization of pseudo-orthogonal matrices. Quart J Math Oxford Ser, 1946, 17: 162-165
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Sur un théorème de probabilités dénombrables (with Kai-Lai Chung). C R Acad Sci Paris, 1946, 223: 467-469
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On the asymptotic distribution of certain statistics used in testing the independence between successive observations from a normal population. Ann Math Statist, 1946, 17: 350-354
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Complete convergence and the law of large numbers (with H Robbins). Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 1947, 33: 25-31
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The limiting distributions of functions of sample means and application to testing hypotheses. In: Proc Berkeley Symp Math Statist Probability. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ of California Press, 1949, 359-402
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Absolute moments and characteristic function. J Chinese Math Soc (New Series), 1951, 1: 257-280 (in English with abstract in Chinese)
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A lemma on the coefficient of reduction of a sum of independent variables. Acad Sinica Science Record, 1951, 4: 197-200
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Appendix: The Jacobians of certain matrix transformations useful in multivariate analysis (Based on lectures of P L Hsu at the University of North Carolina, 1947, by Walter L Deemer and Ingram Olkin). Biometrika, 1951, 38: 345-367
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On symmetric, orthogonal, and skew-symmetric matrices. Proc Edinburgh Math Soc Ser, 1953, 2: 37-44
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On characteristic functions which coincide in the neighborhood of zero. Acta Math Sinica (Succeeding J Chinese Math Soc (New Series)), 1954, 4: 21-32 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
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On a kind of transformations of matrices. Acta Math Sinica, 1955, 5: 333-346 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
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On a kind of transformations of matrix pairs. Acta Sci Natur Univ Pekinensis, 1955, 1: 1-16 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
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Simultaneous transformation of a hermitian matrix and asymmetric or skew-symmetric matrix. Acta Sci Natur Univ Pekinensis, 1957, 3: 167-209 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
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The differentiability of the probability transition function of a purely discontinuous stationary Markov process on the Euclidean space. Acta Sci Natur Univ Pekinensis, 1958, 4: 257-270 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
35 |
The absolute continuity of the distribution function in the class L. Acta Sci Natur Univ Pekinensis, 1958, 4: 145-150 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
36 |
An association scheme M3(6) which is not a L3-scheme. Acta Math Sinica, 1964, 14: 177-178 (in Chinese)
37 |
The limiting distribution of order statistics. Acta Math Sinica, 1964, 14: 694-714 (in Chinese). By pen name “Ban Cheng” as representative for a seminar conducted by Pao-Lu Hsu
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Partially balanced incomplete block designs. Prog Math, 1964, 7: 240-281 (in Chinese). By pen name “Ban Cheng” as representative for a seminar conducted by Pao-Lu Hsu
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A general weak limit theorem for independent distributions. Appendix III in Limit Distributions of Sums of Independent Random Variables, by B V Gnedenko and A N Kolmogorov, translated by K L Chung, revised edition. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1968
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On the coincidence property of stochastic matrices (with Jiading Chen and Zhongguo Zheng). Acta Sci Natur Univ Pekinensis, 1979, 15: 21-47 (in Chinese with abstract in English)
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BIB matrices, simple codes and orthogonal codes. In: Selected Papers of Pao-Lu Hsu. Beijing: Science Press, 1981, 211-225 (in Chinese)
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Selected Papers of Pao-Lu Hsu. Beijing: Science Press, 1981 (in Chinese)
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Theory of Sampling. Beijing: Peking University Press, 1982 (in Chinese)
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Pao-Lu Hsu Collected Papers. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1983
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Studies in Markoff chains with a finite number of states. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 1990, 6: 342-353
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