In order to increase efficiency and achieve a further CO2-reduction, the next generation of power plant turbines will have steam turbine inlet temperatures that are considerably higher than the current ones. The high pressure steam turbine inlet temperature is expected to be increased up to approximately 700°C with a live steam pressure of 30MPa. The elevated steam parameters in the high and intermediate pressure turbines can be encountered with Ni-base alloys, but this is a costly alternative associated with many manufacturing difficulties. Collaborative research centre 561 “Thermally Highly Loaded, Porous and Cooled Multi-Layer Systems for Combined Cycle Power Plants” at RWTH Aachen University proposes cooling the highly loaded turbines instead, as this would necessitate the application of far less Ni-base alloys.
To protect the thermally highly loaded components, a sandwich material consisting of two thin face sheets and a core made from a woven wire mesh is used to cover the walls of the steam turbine casing. The cooling steam is led through the woven wire mesh between the two face sheets to achieve a cooling effect. The wire mesh provides the grid-sheet with structural rigidity under varying operating conditions.
In the present work, the cooling performance of the grid-sheets will be investigated applying the conjugate heat transfer method to ultra-supercritical live and cooling steam conditions for a section of the cooling structure. The behaviour of the flow and the heat transfer in the grid-sheet will be analyzed in detail using a parameter variation. The numerical results should give a first prediction of the cooling performance under future operating conditions.
Dieter BOHN , Robert KREWINKEL , Shuqing TIAN ,
. Cooling performance of grid-sheets for highly
loaded ultra-supercritical steam turbines[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2009
, 3(3)
: 313
DOI: 10.1007/s11708-009-0036-7