1 Introduction
2 Fault-tolerant modulation of input-series output-parallel CSC
Tab.1 Current vectors and their corresponding total output current and switching states |
Current vector | Total output PWM current (iwa iwb iwc) | Switching state |
I1 | (2 –2 0)* | 16:16 |
I2 | (2 0 –2) * | 12:12 |
I3 | (0 2 –2) * | 32:32 |
I4 | (–2 2 0) * | 34:34 |
I5 | (–2 0 2) * | 54:54 |
I6 | (0 –2 2) * | 56:56 |
I7 | (2 –1 –1) * | 16:12 12:16 |
I8 | (1 1 –2) * | 12:32 32:12 |
I9 | (–1 2 –1) * | 32:34 34:32 |
I10 | (–2 1 1) * | 34:54 54:34 |
I11 | (–1 –1 2) * | 54:56 56:54 |
I12 | (1 –2 1) * | 56:16 16:56 |
I13 | (1 –1 0) * | 16:14 14:16 16:36 36:16 56:12 12:56 52:16 16:52 |
I14 | (1 0 –1) * | 12:14 14:12 12:52 52:12 36:12 12:36 32:16 16:32 |
I15 | (0 1 –1) * | 32:36 36:32 32:52 52:32 34:12 12:34 32:14 14:32 |
I16 | (–1 1 0) * | 34:36 36:34 14:34 34:14 54:32 32:54 52:34 34:52 |
I17 | (–1 0 1) * | 54:14 14:54 54:52 52:54 54:36 36:54 56:34 34:56 |
I18 | (0 –1 1) * | 56:52 52:56 56:36 36:56 54:16 16:54 56:14 14:56 |
I0 | (0 0 0) * | 14:14 36:36 52:52 14:36 14:52 36:52 36:14 52:14 52:36 16:34 12:54 32:56 34:16 54:12 56:32 |
Tab.2 Expression of for all switches in the case of a single SGCT open-circuit fault |
Faulty switch | ||
CSC1 | S1 | |
S2 | ||
S3 | ||
S4 | ||
S5 | ||
S6 | ||
CSC2 | S1 | |
S2 | ||
S3 | ||
S4 | ||
S5 | ||
S6 |
3 Resonance analysis and control strategy
4 Simulation results
Tab.3 Key parameters of the simulated system |
Circuit parameters | Values |
Line grid voltage | 380 V/50 Hz |
DC link current | 50 A |
Filter inductor (Ls1, Ls2) | 3.4 mH |
Filter capacitor (Cs1, Cs2) | 50 μF |
Leakage inductor on inverter side (Lg1, Lg2) | 0.4 mH |
Leakage inductor on grid side (Lg) | 0.4 mH |
Transformer ratio | 1:1 |
Control parameters | Values |
Switching frequency | 4.5 kHz |
Proportional gain | 0.5 |
Resonance gain | 50 |
Feedback coefficient | = 0.1 |
Tab.4 Description of different stages of the CSC |
System stage | Faulty | Fault-tolerant modulation | Active damping control |
Stage 1 | No | No | No |
Stage 2 | Yes | No | No |
Stage 3 | Yes | Yes | No |
Stage 4 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tab.5 Key parameters in hardware-in-the-loop simulation |
Circuit parameters | Values |
Line grid voltage | 100 V/50 Hz |
DC link current | 25 A |
Filter inductor (Ls1, Ls2) | 2 mH |
Filter capacitor (Cs1, Cs2) | 50 μF |
Leakage inductor on inverter side (Lg1, Lg2) | 40 μH |
Leakage inductor on grid side (Lg) | 4 μH |
Transformer ratio | 1:1 |
Control parameters | Values |
Switching frequency | 5 kHz |
Proportional gain | 0.1 |
Resonance gain | 20 |
Feedback coefficient | = 0.1 |
5 Conclusions
6 Notations
SGCT | Symmetrical gate-commutated thyristor |
CSC | Current source converter |
CSI | Current source inverter |
VSC | Voltage source converter |
CSC1, CSC2 | Signle current source converter module |
id | DC link current |
L1, L2, L3, and L4 | Upper and lower DC rail inductors of CSC1 and CSC2 |
iw1, iw2 | PWM output current of CSC1 and CSC2 |
Cs1, Ls1, Cs2, Ls2 | The capacitor and inductor of the LC filter 1 and LC filter 2 |
ic1, ic2 | Capacitor current of the LC filter 1 and LC filter 2 |
is1, is2 | Inductor current of the LC filter 1 and LC filter 2 |
Lg1, Lg2, Lg | The leakage inductors of the transformer windings |
ug, ig | Three-phase grid voltage and grid current |
Rs1, Rs2 | The internal resistance of the inductor Ls1 and Ls2 |
S1–S6 | SGCT of CSC1 or CSC2 |
I0–I18 | PWM current vectors |
Ioff | Active offset vector |
Iref’ | The current reference vector with the O' point as the center of the circle trace after the active offset |
Iref | The current reference vector actually synthesized during the modulation |
ma | Modulation factor |
ih | Harmonic currents generated by transformer ferromagnetic resonance |
iw, Ls, Cs, Rs | The equivalent parameters in the equivalent circuit |
igα, igβ | α-axis, and β-axis components of ig in the αβ reference frame |
i*gα, i*gβ | α-axis, and β-axis components of reference grid current. |
iα_ref1, iβ_ref1 | α-axis, and β-axis components of the fundamental current modulation input |
iα_ref2, iβ_ref2 | α-axis, and β-axis components of the harmonic current modulation inputs |
kp, kr, ωr, and ω0 | The proportional gain, resonant gain, bandpass frequency, and fundamental angular frequency, respectively, of the PR controller |
ωc | Cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter |
k | Feedback coefficient |
kh, ωh, ωcut | Harmonic gain, harmonic angular frequency, and bandpass frequency of the equivalent transfer function of the transformer ferromagnetic resonance |
iαβg_HPF | Grid current after a high-pass filter |
iαβk | Damping current |