XPS characterization was performed on NB-0, NB-3, NB-6, and NB-12 to determine the specific bonding and the chemical states of the elements on the surface of the composition during the phase transition. The XPS wide scan spectra in Fig. 5(a) clearly demonstrate the existence of the Na, Bi, and O elements, and the percentage of each element is listed in Table 1 and the details in Table S1 (in ESM). The evolution tendency of the ratio between different elements are consistent with the EDS results listed in Table 1. Interestingly, the increasing atomic ratios of O/Bi from NB-6 to NB-21 indicate an increase of the oxygen concentration in BiO
2−x, i.e., some of the oxygen vacancies are filled, which may be mainly caused by the O
2 generated during the phase transition process (equations in SI file). In the EDS measurement, the relative atomic ratio of O/Bi in BiO
2−x is smaller than that obtained from XPS. For the sample of NB-16, the two results from EDS and XPS are similar, therefore, it is speculated that the filling of oxygen vacancies is mainly a process from the surface of the sample to the inside. As shown in the high-resolution spectrum of C 1s in Fig. 5(b), only one clear peak appears at 284.6 eV in each sample due to the carbon impurities, and is taken as a standard reference for calibration [
39]. High-resolution XPS curves of Bi 4f shown in Fig. 5(c) show an obvious peak evolution with the reaction time. Only two peaks at 158.45 and 163.80 eV can be observed in NB-0, which belong to the peaks of Bi 4f7/2 and Bi 4f5/2 of Bi
5+. In NB-3, NB-6, and NB-12, the peaks of Bi 4f can be de-convoluted well into four peaks at binding energies of 158.05, 163.35 eV, 158.45, and 163.80 eV, representing the Bi
3+ and Bi
5+ chemical states, respectively [
40]. Obviously, the splitting of Bi 4f peaks with respect to the reaction time indicate an increased percentage of Bi
3+ chemical state due to the appearance of BiO
2−x. In the case of O 1s state shown in Fig. 5(d), the peaks can be de-convoluted into three peaks with binding energies of 529.24, 530.70, and 533.83 eV for the sample of NB-0, which are attributed to the lattice O in crystal, oxygen vacancy and absorbing water or crystal water [
29]. Depending on the reaction time, the strongest peak at around 529.24 eV shifts to a lower binding energy due to the change in the O bonds environment induced by the phase transformation from NBH to BiO
2−x (the transformation of Bi
5+-O to Bi
3+-O). In addition, the intensity of the peak at 533.83 eV decreased, due to the loss of crystal water during the hydrothermal reaction, which is consistent with the investigation of FT-IR. Obviously, the peak intensity at 530.7 eV increases from NB-0 to NB-12, indicating the continue formation of oxygen defective BiO
2−x. BiO
2−x has an oxygen defective structure. Oxygen defects can cause changes in the structural environment of the surrounding lattice oxygen, mainly resulting in increased electron density of the surrounding oxygen, thereby the binding energy (529.10 eV) of part initial oxygen shift to a higher binding energy (530.70 eV). In general, this peak next to that of lattice oxygen is often used to indicate the strength of oxygen defects [
42]. Furthermore, the high-resolution XPS spectra of O 1s and Bi 4f for the samples from NB-12 to NB-21 are shown in Fig. 6. No obvious difference can be observed, however, the peaks of Bi 4f from NB-12 to NB-21 slightly shift to a lower binding energy, indicating that tiny of Bi
5+ changed to Bi
3+, as shown in Fig. 6(a). Besides, the intensity of the peak induced by oxygen vacancy decreases slightly, indicating that the content of defect is decreasing, as shown in Fig. 6(b). The investigations from XPS are consistent with the characterizations in the XRD and EDS measurements. The above characterizations reveal a clear view of structure and morphology change during the
in situ phase transition from NBH to BiO
2−x, which is expected to affect the photocatalytic properties.