In this experiment, U-alloy 70 which has a melting point of 70°C was introduced as the simulant material of molten corium in terms of similarity of its density with UO
2. The density is one of the important parameters in spreading because it affects the dimensionless parameters such as Reynolds number, Weber number, and Froud number [
20]. The test facility and test conditions are described in Fig. 1 and Table 1, respectively. The test section consists of the vessel-heating part and spreading part. The vessel was heated by the ribbon heater up to 200°C, which was controlled by the temperature controller. To measure the temperature of the U-alloy 70, thermocouples were welded to the center of the materials, and the temperature history was recorded via a data logger. When the temperature of the sample reached 170°C, the plug was pulled out and the liquid metal flew out from the vessel and spread on the stainless-steel plate. In the spreading section, the temperature of the stainless-steel-plate was controlled using another temperature controller and heater. To adjust the falling height, a height adjuster was installed below the heater. The spreading behavior was recorded using video cameras at 60 fps (HANDYCAM HDR-CX485, SONY). To measure the temperature history of the molten metal in the spreading section, 2 thermocouples were set on the flat plate, one configurated just under the outlet center (Fig. 1, TC1) while the other set 2 cm apart from the center (Fig. 2, TC2). After complete solidification of deposited metal, the spreading area of the solidified material was estimated via image analysis (Image J), and the thickness of the solidified material was measured using the caliper. The spreading experiments were performed 3 times at least to confirm the experimental reproducibility. The detailed experiments results were described in Ref. [