The size/specific weight of Pt-based catalyst can also impact the durability of the GDE used in PEM fuel cell. On the nanometre scale, the catalyst sizing is usually in the range of 2–6 nm [
51]. Nanoparticles inherently [
124] indicate a strong tendency to agglomerate due to their high specific surface energy [
125]. The results from an alternate research group is also inline, specifying that the Pt nanoclusters with sizes smaller than approximately 3 nm have electrochemical stabilities weaker than that of bulk Pt (1.01 V relative to a SHE) [
126]. For nanoparticles, the smaller the size, the higher the specific surface area, and the easier to agglomerate/sinter [
127]. Therefore, when Pt nanoparticles agglomerate to bigger ones, the electrochemical surface area of Pt catalysts decreases, and consequently, the performance of PEM fuel cell degrades. In addition, this coarsening process can be augmented under PEM fuel cell conditions [
51]. Advanced fabrication techniques such as electro spraying technique, can drastically reduce the Pt loading of about 1/10 of the DOE 2020 target [
129] with reasonable durability. 3D printing are also considered as promising manufacturing techniques for improved durability and mass production of electrodes.