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ISSN 2095-1701 (Print)
ISSN 2095-1698 (Online)
CN 11-6017/TK
Postal Subscription Code 80-972
原刊名 Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
2018 Impact Factor: 1.701
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  • 2011年, 第5卷 第3期 出版日期:2011-09-05
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    Nucleate boiling in two types of vertical narrow channels
    Lei GUO, Shusheng ZHANG, Lin CHENG
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 250-256.
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    To explore the mechanism of boiling bubble dynamics in narrow channels, we investigate 2-mm wide I- and Z-shaped channels. The influence of wall contact angle on bubble generation and growth is studied using numerical simulation. The relationships between different channel shapes and the pressure drop are also examined, taking into account the effects of gravity, surface tension, and wall adhesion. The wall contact angle imposes considerable influence over the morphology of bubbles. The smaller the wall contact angle, the rounder the bubbles, and the less time the bubbles take to depart from the wall. Otherwise, the bubbles experience more difficulty in departure. Variations in the contact angle also affect the heat transfer coefficient. The greater the wall contact angle, the larger the bubble-covered area. Therefore, wall thermal resistance increases, bubble nucleation is suppressed, and the heat transfer coefficient is lowered. The role of surface tension in boiling heat transfer is considerably more important than that of gravity in narrow channels. The generation of bubbles dramatically disturbs the boundary layer, and the bubble bottom micro-layer can enhance heat transfer. The heat transfer coefficient of Z-shaped channels is larger than that of the I-shaped type, and the pressure drop of the former is clearly higher.

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    A two-stage deep freezing chemisorption cycle driven by low-temperature heat source
    Yuanyang HU, Liwei WANG, Lu XU, Ruzhu WANG, Jeremiah KIPLAGAT, Jian WANG
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 263-269.
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    A two-stage chemisorption cycle suitable for deep-freezing application driven by low- temperature heat source was proposed. Through two-stage desorption processes, the two-stage cycle can break through the limitations of the heating temperature and ambient cooling temperature. The two-stage cycle based on CaCl2/BaCl2-NH3 working pair can utilize the heat source with a temperature of above 75°C, and simultaneously realize deep-freezing all the year round. Experimental results and performance prediction show that the adsorption quantity of calcium, theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) and optimized specific cooling power (SCP) of the CaCl2/BaCl2-NH3 chemisorption system are 0.489 kg/kg (salt), 0.24 and 120.7 W/kg, when the heating temperature, ambient cooling temperature, pseudo-evaporating temperature and mass ratio of reacting salt and expanded graphite are 85, 30, -20, and 4∶1, respectively.

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    Numerical simulation of a new hollow stationary dehumidity blade in last stage of steam turbine
    Youmin HOU, Danmei XIE, Wangfan LI, Xinggang YU, Yang SHI, Hanshi QIN
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 288-296.
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    As a result of adopting saturation steam and long blade, problems of water erosion of last stage blade for steam turbine become more prominent. In order to improve the operation reliability and efficiency of steam turbine, it is necessary to investigate the nonequilibrium condensing wet steam two phase flow and the dehumidity method. A wet steam model with user defined function based on FLUENT software was investigated to simulate the steam condensing flow in the cascades. The simulation consequences show that the pressure variations in simulation depict a good agreement with the experiment data. On the basis of the discrete phase model simulation results and experiment data, the efficiency of existing dehumidity blade with suction slot was calculated. A new stationary dehumidity blade was designed to elevate the dehumidity efficiency: the efficiency in the suction surface was increased by 21.5%, and that in the pressure surface was increased by 12.2%.

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    Computer modeling of crystal growth of silicon for solar cells
    Lijun LIU, Xin LIU, Zaoyang LI, Koichi KAKIMOTO
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 305-312.
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    A computer simulator with a global model of heat transfer during crystal growth of Si for solar cells is developed. The convective, conductive, and radiative heat transfers in the furnace are solved together in a coupled manner using the finite volume method. A three-dimensional (3D) global heat transfer model with 3D features is especially made suitable for any crystal growth, while the requirement for computer resources is kept permissible for engineering applications. A structured/unstructured combined mesh scheme is proposed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the simulation. A dynamic model for the melt-crystal (mc) interface is developed to predict the phase interface behavior in a crystal growth process. Dynamic models for impurities and precipitates are also incorporated into the simulator.

    Applications of the computer simulator to Czochralski (CZ) growth processes and directional solidification processes of Si crystals for solar cells are introduced. Some typical results, including the turbulent melt flow in a large-scale crucible of a CZ-Si process, the dynamic behaviors of the mc interface, and the transport and distributions of impurities and precipitates, such as oxygen, carbon, and SiC particles, are presented and discussed. The findings show the importance of computer modeling as an effective tool in the analysis and improvement of crystal growth processes and furnace designs for solar Si material.

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    Imaging studies of in-cylinder HCCI combustion
    Pawel LUSZCZ, Hongming XU, Mirek WYZSNSKI, Xiao MA, Rob STEVENS, Athanasios TSOLAKIS
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 313-321.
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    An optically accessed, single cylinder engine operated in homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) mode with negative valve overlap (NVO) strategy was used to perform combustion processes diagnostics under premixed conditions corresponding to the low load regime of the HCCI operational envelope. The aforementioned processes analysis was conducted utilizing synchronized simultaneous combustion event crank-angle resolved images, acquired through piston crown window with in-cylinder pressure recording. This investigation was carried out for one-step ignition fuel—standard gasoline, fuel proceeding single-stage ignition process under conditions studied. The initial combustion stage is characterized by a maximum local reaction spreading velocity in the range of 40–55 m/s. The later combustion stage reveals values as high as 140 m/s in case of stoichiometric combustion. The mixture as well as combustion stages effects are pronounced in these observed analytical results.

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    Emission components characteristics of a bi-fuel vehicle at idling condition
    Sameh M. METWALLEY, Shawki A. ABOUEL-SEOUD, Abdelfattah M. FARAHAT
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 322-329.
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    Natural gas (NG) represents today a promising alternative to conventional fuels for road vehicles propulsion, since it is characterized by a relatively low cost, better geopolitical distribution than oil, and lower environmental impact. This explains the current spreading of compressed natural gas (CNG) fuelled spark ignition (SI) engine, above all in the bi-fuel version, which is able to run either with gasoline or with NG. However, the aim of the present investigation is to evaluate the emission characteristics at idling condition. The vehicle engine was converted to bi-fueling system from a gasoline engine, and operated separately either with gasoline or CNG. Two different fuel injection systems (i.e., multi-point injection (MPI)-sequential and closed-loop venturi-continuous) are used, and their influences on the formation of emissions at different operating conditions are examined. A detailed comparative analysis of the engine exhaust emissions using gasoline and CNG is made. The results indicate that the CNG shows low air index and lower emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and total hydrocarbon (THC) compared to gasoline.

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    Investigation of Cu leaching from municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash with a comprehensive approach
    Jun YAO, Wenbing LI, Fangfang XIA, Jing WANG, Chengran FANG, Dongsheng SHEN
    Frontiers in Energy. 2011, 5 (3): 340-348.
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    Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash is often reused as a secondary construction material. This study used a comprehensive approach to characterize the leaching behavior of copper (Cu) from the MSWI bottom ash. The batch titration procedure was used to determine the acid neutralizing capacity and Cu leaching as a function of pH. The sequential extraction procedure (SEP) was adopted to analyze the speciation of Cu in the MSWI bottom ash. The metal speciation equilibrium model for surface and ground water (Visual MINTEQ) was used to evaluate the equilibrium of the leachates with the relative minerals, and to determine the speciation of the aqueous Cu in the leachates. Based on the multi-analysis of the results, Cu would be significantly released from the MSWI bottom ash when it is acidic. The Cu leaching pattern was not only affected by dissolved organic carbon, it was also limited by its speciation in the MSWI bottom ash. Furthermore, almost 100% of the aqueous Cu in the leachate was bound to organic matter in basic and neutral conditions, but mostly existed as Cu2+ in an acidic condition. These findings provide an important insight into predicting the leaching behavior of Cu from the MSWI bottom ash, as well as its impact on the environment.

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    7 articles

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