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ISSN 2095-1701 (Print)
ISSN 2095-1698 (Online)
CN 11-6017/TK
Postal Subscription Code 80-972
原刊名 Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
2018 Impact Factor: 1.701
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  • 2009年, 第3卷 第2期 出版日期:2009-06-05
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    Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of high-pressure flames
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 123-133.
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    Laser spectroscopy in the visible and near infrared is widely used as a diagnostic tool for combustion devices, but this approach is difficult at high pressures within a sooty flame itself. High soot concentrations render flames opaque to visible light, but they remain transparent to far-infrared or terahertz (THz) radiation. The first far-infrared absorption spectra, to the best of our knowledge, of sooty, non-premixed, ethylene high-pressure flames covering the region of 0.2-2.5 THz is presented. A specially designed high-pressure burner which is optically accessible to THz radiation has been built allowing flame transmission measurements up to pressures of 1.6 MPa. Calculations of the theoretical combustion species absorption spectra in the 0.2-3 THz range have shown that almost all the observable features arise from H2O. A few OH (1.84 and 2.51 THz), CH (2.58 THz), and NH3 (1.77 and 2.95 THz) absorption lines are also observable in principle. A large number of H2O absorption lines are observed in the ground vibrational in a laminar non-premixed, sooty flame (ethylene) at pressures up to 1.6 MPa.

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    Fuel variability effect on flickering frequency of diffusion flames
    Jizhao LI, Yang ZHANG
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 134-140.
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    It is known that fuel variability of different gas suppliers may cause combustion instability in a gas turbine combustor. Mechanisms that control the time scale of the heat release oscillations and acoustic pressure perturbations are both physical and chemical in nature, and thus can be influenced by changes in fuel composition. The intent of this study is to investigate the fuel variability on the flickering frequency of diffusion flames in the hope of understanding some of the fundamental aspects of fuel variability effect on the dynamics of combustion. Experiments were conducted at atmospheric pressure with a matrix of methane and propane blends. An optical fibre system was applied to capture simultaneously the flame flickering at two different light frequencies (430 nm and 516 nm), which provided a means of comparing the chemistry change. It was found that the low frequency oscillation of flow and flame structures depended only weakly on the exit velocities of the fuel, while ambient conditions had a significant effect on flickering frequencies and spectrum. The results of using CH4 and C3H8 as test fuels at different flow rates showed very little variations, with peak frequencies at 11-13 Hz. When the jet flame was not disturbed, harmonics to at least the third mode were obtained in most of these cases. However, the cases which included CH4/C3H8 splits of 90/10, 85/15 and 80/20 by volume showed that unstable flickering frequencies and flame harmonics were not observed. When a mixture of methane/propane at a ratio of 1:1 was used the peak flickering frequency was around 6 Hz, and slight disturbance in the environment would cause the harmonics to disappear. Mechanisms thought to produce changes in the dynamic response and frequency harmonics were discussed.

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    Thin-liquid-film evaporation at contact line
    Hao WANG, Zhenai PAN, Zhao CHEN
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 141-151.
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    When a liquid wets a solid wall, the extended meniscus near the contact line may be divided into three regions: a nonevaporating region, where the liquid is adsorbed on the wall; a transition region or thin-film region, where effects of long-range molecular forces (disjoining pressure) are felt; and an intrinsic meniscus region, where capillary forces dominate. The thin liquid film, with thickness from nanometers up to micrometers, covering the transition region and part of intrinsic meniscus, is gaining interest due to its high heat transfer rates. In this paper, a review was made of the researches on thin-liquid-film evaporation. The major characteristics of thin film, thin-film modeling based on continuum theory, simulations based on molecular dynamics, and thin-film profile and temperature measurements were summarized.

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    Latest progress in numerical simulations on multiphase flow and thermodynamics in production of natural gas from gas hydrate reservoir
    Lin ZUO, Lixia SUN, Changfu YOU
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 152-159.
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    Natural gas hydrates are promising potential alternative energy resources. Some studies on the multiphase flow and thermodynamics have been conducted to investigate the feasibility of gas production from hydrate dissociation. The methods for natural gas production are analyzed and several models describing the dissociation process are listed and compared. Two prevailing models, one for depressurization and the other for thermal stimulation, are discussed in detail. A comprehensive numerical method considering the multiphase flow and thermodynamics of gas production from various hydrate-bearing reservoirs is required to better understand the dissociation process of natural gas hydrate, which would be of great benefit to its future exploration and exploitation.

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    A new miniaturized engine based on thermomagnetic effect of magnetic fluids
    Lujun ZHOU, Yimin XUAN, Qiang LI, Wenlei LIAN
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 160-166.
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    A new engine system, essentially consisting of a permanent NdFeB magnet, a kerosene-based magnetic fluid and a rotor, is proposed based on the thermomagnetic effect of a temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid. The rotor was driven by the thermal convection of the magnetic fluid in the presence of a homogeneous external magnetic field. A digital camera was used to record the rotation speed of the rotor to investigate the performance of the engine system under varying conditions such as heat load, heat sink temperature, and magnetic field distribution. The peak angle velocity obtained for the rotor was about 2.1 rad/min. The results illustrate that the rotation speed of the rotor increases as the input heat load increases, or as the heat sink temperature decreases. The performance of the motor is considerably influenced by the magnetic field imposed. Therefore, the performance of such an engine can be controlled conveniently by changing the external magnetic field and/or the temperature distribution in the fluid.

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    Experimental and CFD analysis of nozzle position of subsonic ejector
    Xilai ZHANG, Shiping JIN, Suyi HUANG, Guoqing TIAN
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 167-174.
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    The influence of nozzle position on the performance of an ejector was analyzed qualitatively with free jet flow model. Experimental investigations and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the nozzle position of the subsonic ejector were also conducted. The results show that there is an optimum nozzle position for the ejector. The ejecting coefficient reaches its maximum when the nozzle is positioned at the optimum and decreases when deviating. Moreover, the nozzle position of an ejector is not a fixed value, but is influenced greatly by the flow parameters. Considering the complexity of the ejector, CFD is reckoned as a useful tool in the design of ejectors.

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    Experimental study of critical flow of water at supercritical pressure
    Yuzhou CHEN, Chunsheng YANG, Shuming ZHANG, Minfu ZHAO, Kaiwen DU, Xu CHENG
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 175-180.
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    Experimental studies of the critical flow of water were conducted under steady-state conditions with a nozzle 1.41 mm in diameter and 4.35 mm in length, covering the inlet pressure range of 22.1-26.8 MPa and inlet temperature range of 38-474°C. The parametric trend of the flow rate was investigated, and the experimental data were compared with the predictions of the homogeneous equilibrium model, the Bernoulli correlation, and the models used in the reactor safety analysis code RELAP5/MOD3.3. It is concluded that in the near or beyond pseudo-critical region, thermal-dynamic equilibrium is dominant, and at a lower temperature, choking does not occur. The onset of the choking condition is not predicted reasonably by the RELAP5 code.

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    Typical off-design analytical performances of internal combustion engine cogeneration
    Xiaohong HE, Ruixian CAI
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 184-192.
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    Based on experimental data, typical off-design characteristic curves with corresponding formulas of internal combustion engine (ICE) are summarized and investigated. In combination with analytical solution of single-pressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and influence of ambient pressure on combined heat and power (CHP) system, off-design operation regularities of ICE cogeneration are analyzed. The approach temperature difference ΔTa , relative steam production and superheated steam temperature decrease with the decrease in engine load. The total energy efficiency, equivalent exergy efficiency and economic exergy efficiency first increase and then decrease. Therefore, there exists an optimum value, corresponding to ICE best efficiency operating condition. It is worth emphasizing that ΔTa is likely to be negative in low load condition with high design steam parameter and low ICE design exhaust gas temperature. Compared with single shaft gas turbine cogeneration, ΔTa in ICE cogeneration is more likely to be negative. The main reason for this is that the gas turbine has an increased exhaust gas flow with the decrease in load; while ICE is on the contrary. Moreover, ICE power output and efficiency decrease with the decrease in ambient pressure. Hence, approach temperature difference, relative steam production and superheated steam temperature decrease rapidly while the cogeneration efficiencies decrease slightly. It is necessary to consider the influence of ambient conditions, especially the optimization of ICE performances at different places, on cogeneration performances.

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    Feasibility analysis of modified AL-6XN steel for structure component application in supercritical water-cooled reactor
    Xinggang LI, Qingzhi YAN, Rong MA, Haoqiang WANG, Changchun GE
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 193-197.
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    Modified AL-6XN austenite steel was patterned after AL-6XN superaustenitic stainless steel by introducing microalloy elements such as zirconium and titanium in order to adapt to recrystallizing thermo-mechanical treatment and further improve crevice corrosion resistance. Modified AL-6XN exhibited comparable tensile strength, and superior plasticity and impact toughness to commercial AL-6XN steel. The effects of aging behavior on corrosion resistance and impact toughness were measured to evaluate the qualification of modified AL-6XN steel as an in-core component and cladding material in a supercritical water-cooled reactor. Attention should be paid to degradation in corrosion resistance and impact toughness after aging for 50 hours when modified AL-6XN steel is considered as one of the candidate materials for in-core components and cladding tubes in supercritical water-cooled reactors.

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    Steam turbine governor modeling and parameters testing for power system simulation
    Ying LI, Chufeng PENG, Zenghui YANG
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 198-203.
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    The theoretical modeling, parameters test and model correction for a steam turbine (ST) governor are discussed. A set of ST Governor system model for power system simulation is created based on this research. A power system simulation for an actual power grid accident is conducted using this new model and the comparison between the simulation and actual data show that the results are satisfactory.

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    A new heat transfer correlation for supercritical fluids
    Yanhua YANG, Xu CHENG, Shanfang HUANG
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 226-232.
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    A new method of heat transfer prediction in supercritical fluids is presented. Emphasis is put on the simplicity of the correlation structure and its explicit coupling with physical phenomena. Assessment of qualitative behaviour of heat transfer is conducted based on existing test data and experience gathered from open literature. Based on phenomenological analysis and test data evaluation, a single dimensionless number, the acceleration number, is introduced to correct the deviation of heat transfer from its conventional behaviour, which is predicted by the Dittus-Boelter equation. The new correlation structure excludes direct dependence of heat transfer coefficient on wall surface temperature and eliminates possible numerical convergence. The uncertainty analysis of test data provides information about the sources and the levels of uncertainties of various parameters and is highly required for the selection of both the dimensionless parameters implemented into the heat transfer correlation and the test data for the development and validation of new correlations. Comparison of various heat transfer correlations with the selected test data shows that the new correlation agrees better with the test data than other correlations selected from the open literature.

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    Effect of circulating ash from CFB boilers on NO and N2O emission
    Xiangsong HOU, Shi YANG, Junfu LU, Hai ZHANG, Guangxi YUE
    Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2009, 3 (2): 241-246.
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    NO and N2O emissions from circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers are determined by their formation and destruction rates in the furnace. The effect of circulating ash from a CFB boiler on NO and N2O emissions were investigated in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed reactor. The results show that the residue char in circulating ash and the CO generated from the char play an important role in NO reduction and N2O formation; however, active components of circulating ash such as CaO, Fe2O3 accelerate the decomposition of N2O. Experiment was also conducted on a 75 t/h CFB boiler fueled with the mixture of anthracite and biomass. The lower residue carbon content of circulating ash in this experiment is lower; therefore, the reacting rate of NO deoxidize is limited. This result verified the conclusion of laboratory research.

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