An Arabidopsis thaliana male sterile mutant EC2-157 has been isolated using an EMS mutagenesis strategy. Genetic analysis indicated that it was controlled by a single recessive gene called ms157. No pollen grains have been observed in mutant anthers. ms157 Has been mapped to a region of 74 kb located in BAC clone T6K22 on chromosome IV using a map-based cloning strategy. As no male sterile genes have been reported in this region, ms157 could be a novel gene related to fertility. The further molecular cloning and functional analysis on this gene should facilitate our understanding of A. thaliana anther development.
LIU Huijuan, ZHANG Zaibao, LI Hui, GAO Jufang, YANG Zhongnan
. Fine mapping of an Arabidopsis thaliana male sterile mutant EC2-157[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2006
, 1(3)
: 270
DOI: 10.1007/s11515-006-0033-8