Identification of the core ecosystem services and their spatial heterogeneity in Poyang Lake area

Nana SHI, Jinyan ZHAN, Feng WU, Jifu DU

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11707-009-0008-6

Identification of the core ecosystem services and their spatial heterogeneity in Poyang Lake area

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According to the ecosystem assessment framework developed by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), this paper designs an evaluation system of ecosystem services in Poyang Lake area. On the basis of relevant variables disaggregated to 1 km grid using the gridded 1 km, this paper employs factor analysis to extract a number of factors which characterize the ecosystem services of Poyang Lake area. The extracted principal component are then represented onto 1 km×1 km grids by spatial clustering analysis to recognize and identify the minimal but consistent mapping units for ecosystem services which can be used to delimit the boundaries of ecological service zones. The research identifies ten ecosystem service zones in Poyang Lake area according to the consistent principle of core ecosystem service unit. Four kinds of core ecosystem services including supporting function, provisioning function, regulating function and cultural function are identified and represented. The research results could provide both spatially and temporally valuable decision-making information for sustainable ecosystem management in the targeted area.


Poyang Lake area / ecosystem services / factor analysis / spatial clustering analysis

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Nana SHI, Jinyan ZHAN, Feng WU, Jifu DU. Identification of the core ecosystem services and their spatial heterogeneity in Poyang Lake area. Front Earth Sci Chin,


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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40801231), the Ministry of Science and Technology Key Project of lnternational collaboration (No. 2006DFB9192011), Funded by CAS Knowledge Innovation Project (No. KZCX2-YW-305-2) and Youth Fund Project of Beijing Normal University.


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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