
Construction optimization
With accurate information, BIM can optimize construction through its optimizers, improve quality, and reduce costs. Hongtao Zhou et al. put forward an intelligent management mode for construction sites based on BIM, CPS , and other technologies to achieve safe, efficient, and high-quality construction. Zhong Yu introduced the technical innovation of Sanyang Road Long River Tunnel Project, which uses BIM-based digital management and control key technologies to achieve construction scheme optimization, monitoring on construction quality and schedule, and error monitoring during construction. Ying Zhou et al. proposed a virtual pre-assembly method for steel structures based on BIM, PLP algorithm, and 3D measurement. This method can reduce operating costs, shorten the construction period, and avoid the site rental problem, which is necessary for traditional pre-assembly.
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    Conrad BOTON, Yaya PITTI, Daniel FORGUES, Ivanka IORDANOVA
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2021, 8(2): 172-182.

    The construction industry is facing a gradual but important transformation toward more productivity and collaboration. In this framework, two major approaches are often cited in the literature as having the potential to improve the practices in the industry: Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Construction. Several scientific studies have demonstrated the synergy of these two approaches and very recent research has reported positive results from the use of software applications as support for their implementation on construction sites. However, the stakes of such integration have been very little studied. This article presents the results of a research project conducted within a general contractor firm that decided to implement BIM and Last Planner System (LPS) on its construction sites. The research uses a four-stage action research approach, including the characterization of the research issue, the establishment of an action plan, its implementation and its evaluation. Compared to recent related studies, the research is less enthusiastic. While it highlights the need for new tools to improve production planning and control, it also points to a strong resistance to change by practitioners at the site. They emphasize the necessity for adequate pre-service training and the need for new resources that can work full-time on the ongoing training of site teams. In addition, some limitations of the tool lead workers to believe that it can quickly become a factor that slows down their daily work rather than improving it. Based on the advice of professionals, the paper formulates some recommendations to the industry, the researchers and the software developers.

    Christoph Paul SCHIMANSKI, Gabriele PASETTI MONIZZA, Carmen MARCHER, Dominik T. MATT
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2021, 8(3): 429-441.

    As part of general construction management, production planning and control is vital for successful project delivery. Numerous approaches supporting production planning and control exist in practice and research. However, the different approaches focus on distinct areas such as workflow stabilization or cost control, and no single system combines all the requirements of a holistic production management system. Varying production management systems can be explained by the unique characteristics of many construction projects. As an approach for the digital twinning in the construction industry, building information modeling (BIM) can help standardize production management through shifting the management system design toward the digital prototype. Previous scientific work has acknowledged this approach, thereby generating numerous concepts for using building information models within construction management approaches. However, BIM is often merely used as a parallel support rather than as an integral part of production management systems. To address this gap and in terms of research methodology, we follow a Design Science Research approach. Thus, we propose a new BIM-based production management system, which is characterized by a theoretical integration model for BIM and existing construction management techniques, and a methodology for applying these concepts in practice.

    Ying ZHOU, Wan WANG, Hanbin LUO, Yan ZHANG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2019, 6(2): 207-220.

    The current physical pre-assembly method of large steel structures is time consuming and costly and requires large sites. Thus, the pre-assembly of large steel structures in a virtual way, starting from building information modeling (BIM), is an interesting alternative to the physical one. In this study, an innovative method for virtual pre-assembly is proposed on the basis of BIM, plane-line-point algorithm, and 3D measurement. This method determines the optimal analytical least squares of the various built components. The technique verifies the feasibility of the steel structure assembly and the fulfillment of the design geometries, starting from the real data obtained by an accurate metric survey of the fabricated steel elements. The method is applied to a real case, and obtained results largely satisfy the prefixed research objectives. Suggestions to improve the proposed method are also discussed.

    Yu ZHONG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2018, 5(3): 411-415.
    Hongtao ZHOU, Hongwei WANG, Wei ZENG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2018, 5(1): 78-87.

    The construction sites of mega construction projects (MCP) often have numerous participants with interfacing work within a highly complex system. It is critical how to realize collaborative work and information sharing among such participants. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) provides a technical guarantee for solving this problem. Existing research has been achieved the partial processes digitization of construction site, but certain problems still exist: 1)information perception of the construction site is passive. 2) common collaboration and coordination problems in the construction industry have not been addressed. The emerging trends of ICTs have resulted in the integration of various computer technologies such as CPS, BIM, big data, and cloud computing into construction process, which would changes behavioral and management mode of construction sites. These new ICTs have been applied successfully in MCP, in particular, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project. A new management mode of construction sites is inspired by these case. In this paper, a new management mode of construction site for MCP has been proposed, namely, smart construction site. The ultimate goal of smart construction site is to accomplish safe, efficient and high-quality construction. This study put forward the conceptual framework for smart construction site, and have identified three key elements of smart construction site, including information support platform, collaboration work, and intelligent construction management. A case study on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project work as an evidence to support the practicability of the proposed mode. Significant contributions of this study is to propose a new management mode for MCP in construction industry, which would enrich the body of knowledge or the construction management community. Future research should be dedicated to further explore the potential of smart construction site in MCP management.