
Construction safety technology
Rational use of advanced construction techniques in engineering construction can improve management efficiency and project quality. Jonathan Jingsheng SHI et al. proposed to use data analysis technology to improve the status of project management. Qixiang FAN briefly introduced the construction technology of the Xiluodu Hydropower Plant in Jinsha River, such as intelligent construction and large volume temperature monitoring technology. Hongtao ZHOU et al. recommended that large-scale construction projects can be managed with intelligent building technology to achieve safe and efficient construction.
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    Mingyue LI, Zhuoling MA, Xi TANG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2021, 8(1): 60-71.

    The integration of building information modeling (BIM) and lean construction (LC) provides a solution for the management of megaprojects. Previous studies have generally focused on the theoretical or empirical adoption of BIM and LC. Moreover, only a few studies have examined the approach of simultaneously using BIM and LC in megaprojects. Therefore, an intensive study on the application of BIM and LC in megaprojects, particularly to explore considerably effective integrated application modes of BIM and LC in megaprojects, will substantially promote the management efficiency of megaprojects. The current study describes a method that integrates owner-dominated BIM and LC that was developed in a case study. The proposed method provides a framework for all stakeholders to use BIM and LC in a megaproject dominated by the owner. The interactional relations among the owner, BIM, and LC were analyzed and positive interactions were identified. These positive interactions served as a basis for the implementation of this integrated approach in a case study and could be applied to other megaprojects. The megaproject (i.e., airport construction project) was examined to verify the performance of the developed method. Results showed that the integration of BIM and LC dominated by the owner can improve management performance and achieve high quality standard.

    Junqiang ZHANG, Honglong ZHENG, Wenyuan HE, Weihe HUANG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2020, 7(1): 163-167.
    Hongtao ZHOU, Hongwei WANG, Wei ZENG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2018, 5(1): 78-87.

    The construction sites of mega construction projects (MCP) often have numerous participants with interfacing work within a highly complex system. It is critical how to realize collaborative work and information sharing among such participants. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) provides a technical guarantee for solving this problem. Existing research has been achieved the partial processes digitization of construction site, but certain problems still exist: 1)information perception of the construction site is passive. 2) common collaboration and coordination problems in the construction industry have not been addressed. The emerging trends of ICTs have resulted in the integration of various computer technologies such as CPS, BIM, big data, and cloud computing into construction process, which would changes behavioral and management mode of construction sites. These new ICTs have been applied successfully in MCP, in particular, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project. A new management mode of construction sites is inspired by these case. In this paper, a new management mode of construction site for MCP has been proposed, namely, smart construction site. The ultimate goal of smart construction site is to accomplish safe, efficient and high-quality construction. This study put forward the conceptual framework for smart construction site, and have identified three key elements of smart construction site, including information support platform, collaboration work, and intelligent construction management. A case study on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project work as an evidence to support the practicability of the proposed mode. Significant contributions of this study is to propose a new management mode for MCP in construction industry, which would enrich the body of knowledge or the construction management community. Future research should be dedicated to further explore the potential of smart construction site in MCP management.

    Qixiang FAN
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2017, 4(2): 231-237.
    Jonathan Jingsheng SHI, Saixing ZENG, Xiaohua MENG
    Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2017, 4(1): 41-48.

    A great deal of scientific research in the world aims at discovering the facts about the world so that we understand it better and find solutions to problems. Data enabling technology plays an important role in modern scientific discovery and technologic advancement. The importance of good information was long recognized by prominent leaders such as Sun Tzu and Napoleon. Factual data enables managers to measure, to understand their businesses, and to directly translate that knowledge into improved decision making and performance. This position paper argues that data analytics is ready to change engineering management in the following areas: 1) by making relevant historical data available to the manager at the time when it’s needed; 2) by filtering out actionable intelligence from the ocean of data; and 3) by integrating useful data from multiple sources to support quantitative decision-making. Considering the unique need for engineering management, the paper proposes researchable topics in the two broad areas of data acquisition and data analytics. The purpose of the paper is to provoke discussion from peers and to encourage research activity.