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Call for papers — Urban Management: Developing Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Cities
Topic: Urban Management: Developing Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Cities

Guest Editors
Wei-Qiang CHEN, Institute of Urban Environment (IUE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Hua CAI, Purdue University, USA
Benjamin GOLDSTEIN, McGill University, Canada
Oliver HEIDRICH, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Yu LIU, Institute of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

Frontiers of Engineering Management is an international research journal sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering. It is published quarterly in English in both print and online versions. Frontiers of Engineering Management provides a high-quality international platform for academic researchers, industry professionals and other constituent communities in the broad field of engineering management to impart and share the latest research results and knowledge in the form of research articles, reviews, comments and super engineering.

Aims and Scope
The percentage of people living in urban areas has reached over 50% globally and is expected to be 68% by 2050 according to United Nation’s World Urbanization Prospects. However, urbanization brings both challenges and opportunities. On one hand, unplanned rapid urbanization is straining the capacity of energy, water, wastewater, communication, and transportation infrastructure systems in cities. Extreme weather events caused by climate change also further challenge the resilience of these systems. On the other hand, urbanization can be a strong force for economic growth and enabling the development of distributed energy and water systems, shared mobility systems, etc. Additionally, with the rapid development of information and communication technologies and open data efforts in many cities, unprecedented opportunities exist to better understand urban metabolism and to use data for guiding urban management.
Therefore, urban management is becoming increasingly important to support the unprecedented rapid urbanization and to make cities safe, resilient, equitable, and sustainable for humankind. However, many important questions remain unanswered for how to better develop and manage cities so as to make them more sustainable, resilient, and equitable.

This special issue aims to attract the latest studies on the science and practice of building and managing cities. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to
Monitoring and management of urban risks
Urban metabolism and material/energy management
Managing ecological environment in megacities and city clusters
(Big) Data driven urban management
Sustainable urban infrastructure development (e.g., transportation, energy, water)
Resilient urban infrastructure development (e.g., transportation, energy, water)
Equitable urban infrastructure development (e.g., transportation, energy, water)
Schemes and policies for building safe, resilient, equitable, and sustainable cities

Submission Guidelines
To submit a manuscript, please visit Under “Manuscript Type”, please select “Urban Management: Developing Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Cities”. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the established policies and procedures of the journal. Papers will be selected for publication following the outcome of the peer review process.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: February 28, 2023
Final decision notification: June 30, 2023
Expected publication date: September, 2023 (to be determined by the journal editor)

Pubdate: 2022-07-27    Viewed: 587