Editorial bulletin

Topic: Risk and Resilience of Cyber–Physical Systems


Guest Editors

Chao FANG, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Xiaohong GUAN, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Min XIE, City University of Hong Kong, China



Frontiers of Engineering Management is an international research journal sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and co-published by Higher Education Press and Springer. Frontiers of Engineering Management provides a high-quality international platform for academic researchers, industry professionals and other constituent communities in the broad field of engineering management to impart and share the latest research results and knowledge.


Aims and Scope

CyberPhysical Systems (CPSs) integrate computing units with physical entities through network, and have become the core technology to support and lead a new round of industrial revolution. Examples of CPS application include: Smart grid that connects production nodes, distribution centers, and consumption units; intelligent transportation including electronic, wireless, and automated technologies; digital twins that design virtual models to accurately reflect physical objects; cloud computing that provides services through the Internet, including data storage, servers, databases, and software; and many other systems that serve critical functions in our lives.

The tight coupling of computation, communication, and physical systems promotes the performance of CPSs, but also brings challenges in terms of risk, reliability, and resilience, which combines the threats of engineering safety and information security that can cause enormous damage to individuals, businesses, and nations. Although some attempts have been done to investigate the technologies and applications for CPSs in various fields of industry and academia, many important questions about the risk and resilience of CPSs against malicious activities, human errors, and cyber–physical attacks remain unanswered. Therefore, this special issue intends to focus on the risk and resilience of CPSs and aims to solicit original research papers along with the related literature that discuss theoretical and practical solutions.


Domains to be covered include, but are not limited to

l CPS usage in smart grid

l CPS in intelligent transportation

Digital twins and CPS toward Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

Cloud computing and CPS

Other domains related to CPS


Topics of interest to this special issue include, but are not limited to

l Design methodologies for risk and resilience of CPS

l Modeling and management of CPS under cyber–physical attacks

l Risk and resilience assessment in CPS

l AI-based or data-driven technologies and applications for secure CPS

l Failure tolerance, identification, and recovery in CPS

l Emergency management of CPS


Submission Guidelines

To submit a manuscript, please visit https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fem. Under “Manuscript Type”, please select “Risk and Resilience of CyberPhysical Systems”. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the established policies and procedures of the journal. Papers will be selected for publication following the outcome of the peer review process.


Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 31, 2023

Final decision notification: July 31, 2023

Expected publication date: December, 2023 (to be determined by the journal editor)

Pubdate: 2022-09-19    Viewed: 127