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ISSN 2095-7513 (Print)
ISSN 2096-0255 (Online)
CN 10-1205/N
Postal Subscription Code 80-905
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  新闻公告 更多  
» Call for papers — Risk and Resilience of Cyber–Physical Systems
» Call for papers—Reliability Management of Complex Systems
» Call for papers — Special issue: Blockchain technology
» Special Issue — City and Infrastructure Engineering and Management
» Call for Papers—Resource-saving and Environment-friendly (Two oriented) Engineering Management and Decision Making
» Call for Papers- Systems Thinking in Construction
» Call for Papers - Optimization and Operational Research in Engineering
» Call for Papers-Green Management in Construction
» Call for Papers— Decision, Risk Analytics and Data Intelligence
» Call for Papers-Low carbon Management
Special issue: Blockchain technology
Call for papers

Frontiers of Engineering Management is an international research journal sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering. It is published quarterly in English in both print and online versions. Frontiers of Engineering Management provides a high-quality international platform for academic researchers,industry professionals and other constituent communities in the broad field of engineering management to impart and share the latest research results and knowledge in the form of research articles, reviews, comments and super engineering. 

Aims and scope
A blockchain is a chain structure composed of increasing blocks. The transaction data per unit time is encrypted into the block for that time period and used to generate a cryptographic hash of the next block. Essentially, a blochchain is a distributed accounting system maintained by many internet users rather than a central server. By this design, the blockchain can resist modification of the data. Through the use of distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm, and other computer technologies, blockchain technology perfectly responds to the use of the “algorithmic proof mechanism” to build trust in an asymmetric, uncertain, and insecure environment. This characteristic greatly reduces the cost of trust establishment.
The useful exploration of blockchain technology has begun in various industries, such as network security, medicine and health care, financial services, manufacturing, philanthropy, retail, real estate, transportation, tourism, and media. Consequently, numerous blockchain innovation projects have been established.
The journal hopes to collect papers on blockchain technology in different fields to explore its theories and application and to promote its research further.  
Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:
● Theoretical research on blockchain technology
● Innovative application of blockchain technology in the manufacturing and construction industries
● Innovative application of blockchain technology in the service sector (e.g., health care, financial service, transportation, and tourism)
● Innovative application of blockchain technology in the Internet of Things/supply chain
Submission Guidelines
To submit a manuscript, please visit https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fem. Under “Manuscript Type”, please select “Blockchain technology”. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the established policies and procedures of the journal. Papers will be selected for publication following the outcome of the peer review process.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: November 31, 2019
Final decision notification: March 31, 2020
Expected publication date: June, 2020 (to be determined by the journal editor)

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