Heterometallic cluster-based organic frameworks as highly active electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reaction: a density functional theory study

  • Xin Chen , 1,2,3 ,
  • Liang Luo 1 ,
  • Shihong Huang 1 ,
  • Xingbo Ge 1 ,
  • Xiuyun Zhao 4
  • 1. Center for Computational Chemistry and Molecular Simulation, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
  • 3. Oil & Gas Field Applied Chemistry Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
  • 4. Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 70211, Finland

Received date: 15 Jun 2022

Accepted date: 27 Aug 2022

Published date: 15 May 2023


2023 Higher Education Press


Recently, metal–organic frameworks are one of the potential catalytic materials for electrocatalytic applications. The oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction catalytic activities of heterometallic cluster-based organic frameworks are investigated using density functional theory. Firstly, the catalytic activities of heterometallic clusters are investigated. Among all heterometallic clusters, Fe2Mn–Mn has a minimum overpotential of 0.35 V for oxygen reduction reaction, and Fe2Co–Co possesses the smallest overpotential of 0.32 V for oxygen evolution reaction, respectively 100 and 50 mV lower than those of Pt(111) and RuO2(110) catalysts. The analysis of the potential gap of Fe2M clusters indicates that Fe2Mn, Fe2Co, and Fe2Ni clusters possess good bifunctional catalytic activity. Additionally, the catalytic activity of Fe2Mn and Fe2Co connected through 3,3′,5,5′-azobenzenetetracarboxylate linker to form Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M is explored. Compared with Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2Mn, Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, and isolated Fe2M clusters, the mixed-metal Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn possesses excellent bifunctional catalytic activity, and the values of potential gap on the Mn and Co sites of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn are 0.69 and 0.70 V, respectively. Furthermore, the analysis of the electron structure indicates that constructing a mixed-metal cluster can efficiently enhance the electronic properties of the catalyst. In conclusion, the mixed-metal cluster strategy provides a new approach to further design and synthesize high-efficiency bifunctional electrocatalysts.

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Xin Chen , Liang Luo , Shihong Huang , Xingbo Ge , Xiuyun Zhao . Heterometallic cluster-based organic frameworks as highly active electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reaction: a density functional theory study[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2023 , 17(5) : 570 -580 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-022-2247-y

1 Introduction

The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) play essential roles in several energy conversion technologies [13]. Because of the slow multistep proton-coupled electron transfer process, ORR and OER need efficient electrocatalysts to overcome these kinetic barriers and accelerate the reaction rate [4,5]. Although Pt- and Ru-based catalysts are efficient electrocatalysts for ORR and OER, respectively, their uses are limited due to high costs, natural scarcity, and poor resistance to poisoning [6,7]. Therefore, it becomes very urgent for researchers to develop non-noble metal catalysts for low cost as well as high activity and stability to replace the typical Pt- and Ru-based catalysts.
Recently, more and more non-precious metal materials have been studied, including metal-free carbon-based materials [8,9], metal–nitrogen–carbon materials [10,11], and metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) [12,13]. Among them, MOFs stand out as a type of porous and crystalline materials with structural tunability, high specific surface area, and other beneficial intrinsic physicochemical features [1417]. Various modification strategies have been investigated, including changing the morphology of MOFs (different organic linkers) [18] or forming heterostructures (bimetallic or multi-metallic MOFs) to develop high-performance MOFs [1921]. Compared with monometallic materials, bimetallic MOFs materials show more excellent ORR/OER catalytic activity, which can be attributed to the synergistic effect between different metals [2224]. For instance, Wang et al. [25] have synthesized a series of stable MOFs based on trinuclear metal carboxylate clusters and tridentate carboxylate ligands (BPTC). The results reveal that the OER catalytic activities of bimetallic Fe2Co−BPTC, Fe2Zn−BPTC, and Fe2Ni-BPTC are improved compared with monometallic Fe3-BPTC. Additionally, 3,3′,5,5′-azobenzenetetracarboxylate (ABTC), as a type of bridging aromatic tetracarboxylate organic ligand, possesses many advantages to be designed as catalytically-active MOFs [26,27]. For example, the exposed azo bond is from a well-known Lewis base group, which is expected to modulate the catalytic performance. Furthermore, the rigid ABTC ligand has four carboxyl groups, then it is easily deprotonated to form different geometries. In these geometries, several strong metal−oxygen coordination bonds can greatly enhance the thermal stability and rigidity of the framework [28,29]. Recently, Dong et al. [30] have synthesized a series of nanocomposite MOFs materials with porous coordination network structure (Fe2M−PCN−Fe2M) composed of the ABTC linker and trinuclear metal cluster, which can construct a mixed-metal-cluster structure with multiple active centers. These findings indicate that Fe2Ni−PCN−Fe2Co possesses better OER catalytic activity than Fe2Ni−PCN−Fe2Ni and Fe2Co−PCN−Fe2Co. Based on these previous studies, it is worthwhile to investigate the potential bifunctional catalytic performance of heterometallic Fe2M clusters formed using 3d transition metals other than Ni and Co, as well as the effect of mixed heterometallic clusters connected by an ABTC linker on catalytic activity.
This study systematically investigates heterometallic cluster-based organic frameworks’ ORR and OER catalytic activities using density functional theory (DFT) methods. First, the structures of heterometallic clusters (Fe2M, M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) are constructed. Next, the bifunctional catalytic activity of Fe2M clusters is investigated, and the Fe2Mn and Fe2Co clusters with the most superior catalytic activity are screened. Finally, the Fe2Mn and Fe2Co are connected through an ABTC linker to form Fe2M−PCN−Fe2M, and the catalytic activity of Fe2M−PCN−Fe2M is determined by calculating the binding energy of the reaction intermediate and the Gibbs free energy change of each elementary step.

2 Computational detail

All calculations in this work were employed with a spin-polarized DFT framework and implemented by the DMol3 module in Materials Studio software [31]. The generalized gradient approximation with the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof functional was adopted to describe the electron exchange and correlation effect [32]. The effective core potentials were used to deal with the related relativistic effect, and the basis set of atomic orbitals was described by double numerical polarization. The convergences of energy, maximum force, and maximum displacement were set as 2 × 10−5 Ha, 0.004 Ha∙Å−1, and 0.005 Å, respectively.
The stability of the catalyst is evaluated by calculating the substitution energy, which is the energy of M atom replace Ni atom in Fe2Ni, due to the good stability of synthesized Fe2Ni cluster according to the experiment [30,33]. The substitution energy (Esub) is calculated as follows:
where EFe2M, ENi, EFe2Ni, and EM are the energies of Fe2M clusters, isolated Ni atom in bulk phase, Fe2Ni cluster, and isolated M atom of Fe2M clusters in bulk phase, respectively. When the calculated value of Esub is negative, it means that the replacement of Ni by other M atoms is energetically favorable, that is, the structure of Fe2M is more stable than that of Fe2Ni.
It is well known that ORR has two different reaction pathways, namely two-electron and four-electron pathways. In this paper, only the four-electron pathway with higher power output has been investigated [34,35]. The specific reaction steps of the four-electron pathway are as follows (The asterisk represents the active site of catalysts):
The binding energies of reaction intermediates (∆Especies) are calculated by the following equations:
where the E*OOH, E*O, and E*OH are the total energies of the catalyst combined with *OOH, *O, and *OH, respectively. The E* is the energy of the isolated catalyst. The EH2O and EH2 are the total energies of H2O and H2 molecules, respectively.
The Gibbs free energy change is one of the important parameters used to evaluate the catalytic activity of a catalyst, and the specific calculation equations are as follows:
where the ΔG1, ΔG2, ΔG3, and ΔG4 represent the Gibbs free energy change of each step of ORR. The ΔG*OOH, ΔG*O, and ΔG*OH are the adsorption free energies of *OOH, *O, and *OH, respectively. The adsorption free energies of reaction intermediates (ΔG*species) are calculated by the equation of ΔG*species = ∆Especies + ∆ZPE − TS. Based on the previous work, the zero-point energies and entropies of intermediates adsorbed on different catalysts are similar [36]. Therefore, the ΔG*species can be described by ΔG*OOH = ∆E*OOH + 0.40, ΔG*O = ∆E*O + 0.05, and ΔG*OH = ∆E*OH + 0.35. The overpotential of ORR can be calculated by the following equation:
For OER, as is well known that it is the reverse reaction of ORR [37,38]. The Gibbs free energy of each elementary reaction step of OER is the opposite value of the Gibbs free energy of the corresponding ORR step, ΔGOER = −ΔGORR. The overpotential of OER is calculated by the following equation:
Based on the previous works [39,40], the potential gap (ΔE) is defined to reflect the bifunctional catalytic activity, and the specific equation is as follows:

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Structure and catalytic activity of Fe2M clusters

In this work, the constructed Fe3 cluster structure, the considered transition metals, and the established Fe2Ti cluster (which is one of the heterometallic Fe2M clusters, M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) are shown in Fig.1. Firstly, the MIL-88 (Materials of Institute Lavoisier) [41], namely, the Fe3 cluster, is constructed, as shown in Fig.1(a). It can be observed that the three Fe sites are joined by a central μ3-O atom and connected by the carboxylate linkers. Subsequently, a Fe atom in the Fe3 cluster is replaced with a 3d transition metal atom to examine the catalytic performance of bimetallic MOF catalysts, and the considered transition metals are shown in Fig.1(b). The optimized configurations of Fe2M clusters are expressed in Fig. S1 (cf. Electronic Supplementary Material, ESM). It can be clearly observed that all Fe2M clusters have not undergone deformation compared to Fe3 cluster. In order to accurately appraise the stability of Fe2M, the Esub values are calculated and plotted in Table S1 (cf. ESM). It can be found that all Esub values are negative, demonstrating that the substitution of M atom to Ni atom is energetically favorable. Compared with Fe2Ni, all the Fe2M being studied possess satisfactory thermodynamical stability. Moreover, the first-principles molecular dynamics calculations are also performed during a period of 1 ps at 300 and 500 K temperatures, respectively. After dynamics calculations, the final structures and the M–O bond lengths of Fe2M clusters are shown in Fig. S2 (cf. ESM). It is clearly observed that all Fe2M clusters have no obvious deformation, and the change in bond length is insignificant (no more than 0.15 Å), indicating that they are stable. In each Fe2M clusters, both the Fe and doped M are considered as active sites. Taking the Fe2Ti cluster as an example (Fig.1(c)), Fe2Ti–Ti and Fe2Ti–Fe represent the Ti and Fe sites of the Fe2Ti cluster, respectively. Likewise, naming the active sites of other Fe2M clusters also follows this rule.
Fig.1 (a) Optimized configuration of Fe3 cluster. The orange circle represents the location of the metal to be replaced. (b) Transition metals considered in this work. (c) Active sites of Fe2Ti cluster. The blue dotted circle represents the active site.

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The ∆Especies on all possible active sites of Fe2M clusters are calculated to examine the catalytic activity of Fe2M clusters, as listed in Tab.1. For comparison, the values of ∆Especies on the Pt(111) [42] and RuO2(110) [43] surfaces are used as a benchmark for ORR and OER, respectively. The smaller the value of ∆Especies, the stronger the binding strength. As is known to us, compared with the ideal ORR catalyst, the Pt(111) surface binds *OOH relatively weak and binds *O and *OH relatively strong. Meanwhile, compared with the ideal OER catalyst, the RuO2(110) surface binds *O slightly weak. The ∆Especies values on Fe2Ti, Fe2V, and Fe2Cr clusters are significantly smaller than Pt(111) or RuO2(110), implying that the binding strength of reaction intermediates on them is excessively strong. In contrast, the values of ∆Especies on Fe2Cu and Fe2Zn clusters are significantly larger than that on Pt(111) or RuO2(110), showing their weak binding strength of reaction intermediates. Therefore, the OER and ORR catalytic activities of the above catalysts may be unsatisfactory. Surprisingly, for Fe2Mn and Fe2Co clusters, the ∆Especies values of reaction intermediates are all relatively close to that on the Pt(111) and RuO2(110) surfaces, proving that they may have excellent ORR and OER activities. It is worth noting that the binding strength of reaction intermediates on the M site of Fe2M clusters (M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn) is almost stronger than that on the Fe site.
Tab.1 ∆Especies values of reaction intermediates on all possible active sites of Fe2M clusters
Active siteE*OOH/eVE*O/eVE*OH/eV
The ΔG*species values of the reaction intermediates on Fe2M clusters are calculated and depicted in Fig.2. It can be detected that there are significant linear relationships of ∆G*OOH and ∆G*O with ∆G*OH on Fe2M clusters. Generally, *O forms a double bond with the catalyst surface, and *OH forms a single bond with the catalyst surface. The O atom of *OOH forms a single bond with the metal atom. Consequently, the slope between ∆G*O and ∆G*OH is greater than 1, and the slope of ∆G*OOH vs. ∆G*OH is close to 1 [44]. The correlation between ∆G*OOH and ∆G*OH can be explained by ∆G*OOH = 0.76∆G*OH + 3.27 with the coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.88. The slope and intercept are similar to those reported in previous studies [45,46]. Furthermore, the ∆G*O and ∆G*OH display a linear correlation of ∆G*O = 1.36∆G*OH + 1.29, and they have a stronger linear relationship due to a higher R2 value of 0.96. Based on the above analysis, it can be predicted that when Fe2M clusters have a strong binding ability of *OH, they also interact strongly with *O and *OOH.
Fig.2 Scaling relationships of (a) ∆G*OOH vs. ∆G*OH and (b) ∆G*O vs. ∆G*OH on Fe2M clusters.

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According to the linear relationships of ∆G*OOH and ∆G*O with ∆G*OH, ∆G*OH can be determined as the descriptor to explore the catalytic activity of Fe2M clusters. In addition, by introducing the linear relationships into the Eqs. (8)−(11), the equations can be expressed as ∆G1 = 0.76∆G*OH − 1.65, ∆G2 = 0.60∆G*OH − 1.98, ∆G3 = −0.36∆G*OH − 1.29, and ∆G4 = −∆G*OH. Therefore, the volcano plot between overpotential and ∆G*OH is established, as shown in Fig.3. In addition, the potential-determining step (PDS) is determined by the step with the maximum ΔG value.
Fig.3 Volcano plot of ηORR and −ηOER as a function of ∆G*OH (the square and circle symbols represent ηORR and −ηOER, respectively). Taking ORR as an example, blue line: ηORR = 0.76∆G*OH − 0.42; orange line: ηORR = 0.60∆G*OH − 0.75; purple line: ηORR = −0.36∆G*OH − 0.06; green line: ηORR = −∆G*OH + 1.23.

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For ORR, the top of the volcano appears (inverted) when ∆G*OH value reaches 0.94 eV, and the minimum theoretical ƞORR value of this kind of catalyst is 0.29 V. For Fe2M clusters with the strong binding strength of *OH (∆G*OH < 0.94 eV), the *OH reduction step is determined as the PDS. As the ∆G*OH values on Fe2M clusters increase, the data points fall near the blue line, indicating that the PDS becomes the step of *OOH formation. Additionally, it can be clearly observed that the values of ∆G*OH on Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Ni–Ni are close to 0.94 eV, manifesting that these catalysts possess good catalytic activity. Notably, the ƞORR value of Fe2Mn–Mn is the minimum (0.42 V), which is smaller than the corresponding value of the Pt(111) surface (ƞORR = 0.45 V) [42], showing that the catalytic activity of Fe2Mn−Mn is comparable to that on the Pt(111) surface.
For OER, the volcanic top appears when ∆G*OH value is equal to 0.72 eV, and the minimum theoretical ƞOER value is calculated as 0.32 V. When ∆G*OH value is less than 0.72 eV, the PDS of Fe2M clusters is the third proton-coupled electron transfer step (*O → *OOH). As the binding strength of *OH on Fe2M clusters weakens, the PDS is calculated as the step of *OH → *O or H2O → *OH. Apparently, Fe2Co−Co possesses the smallest ƞOER value of 0.32 V, which is smaller than the corresponding value on the RuO2(110) surface (ƞOER = 0.37 V) [43], manifesting that it has excellent catalytic activity toward OER.

3.2 Bifunctional catalytic activity of Fe2M clusters

To further examine the bifunctional catalytic activity of this material, the values of ΔE on Fe2M clusters are calculated and shown in Fig.4. The smaller the values of ΔE, the better the bifunctional catalytic performance of Fe2M clusters. Among all Fe2M clusters, it can be clearly noticed that Fe2Mn, Fe2Co, and Fe2Ni clusters possess better bifunctional catalytic activity due to their smaller ΔE values. Furthermore, the energy gap (Egap) values between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of Fe2M clusters are calculated to investigate their electronic property, as shown in Tab.2. As is well known, a relatively small Egap value implies high chemical reactivity and low dynamic stability [47]. In addition, our previous work has pointed out that an appropriate HOMO value is conducive to the transfer of electrons from the catalyst to O2, which can weaken the O−O bond and further promote the subsequent reaction process [48]. Compared with other Fe2M clusters, Fe2Mn, Fe2Co, and Fe2Ni have moderate Egap and HOMO values. This may explain why they possess good bifunctional activity.
Tab.2 HOMO, LUMO, and Egap values of Fe2M clusters
Fig.4 Values of ∆E on Fe2M clusters.

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3.3 Structure and catalytic activity of Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M

Although Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Co–Co have the highest ORR and OER catalytic activity, respectively, their bifunctional catalytic activities are not ideal. Compared with some reported bifunctional catalysts, including carbon nanotube-supported trimetallic (Mn–Ni–Fe) oxide catalyst (ΔE = 0.73 V) [49], Ni3Fe nanoparticles embedded in porous nitrogen-doped carbon sheets catalyst (ΔE = 0.84 V) [50], and commercial carbon-supported iridium metal nanoparticles catalyst (ΔE = 0.92 V) [51], the ΔE values of Fe2Mn and Fe2Co clusters are relatively larger. To further promote their bifunctional catalytic activity, Fe2–PCN–Fe2M is constructed, in which Fe2Mn and Fe2Co clusters are connected through the organic linker ABTC. Instead of interacting with the metal element, the carboxylate linker in the heterometallic cluster interacts with the ABTC linker. The optimal configurations of Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2Mn, Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, and Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn are shown in Fig.5. Additionally, only Mn and Co sites are considered active sites for the corresponding catalysts due to the fact that Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Co–Co, respectively, have the best ORR and OER catalytic activity, as well as relatively small ΔE values.
Fig.5 Optimal configurations of (a) Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2Mn, (b) Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, and (c) Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn.

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The optimal configurations of the reaction intermediates on Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M are calculated, as shown in Fig. S3 (cf. ESM). Meanwhile, the corresponding ∆Especies on Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M are calculated, as presented in Tab.3. For ORR, the ∆E*OOH values on almost all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M are smaller than those on Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Co–Co, suggesting the binding strength of *OOH is enhanced on almost all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M. The findings show that the catalytic activities of Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M may be improved. Moreover, except for Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, the values of ∆E*O and ∆E*OH on Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M do not change significantly compared with those on Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Co–Co. Specifically, Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co possesses the ∆E*O value of 3.15 eV, which is much larger than the corresponding values on Fe2Co–Co (2.84 eV) and Pt(111) (1.65 eV), indicating that such weak *O binding strength may cause the ORR process restricted by the formation of *O.
Tab.3 ∆Especies values on Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M
Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2MnMn site3.712.560.61
Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2CoCo site3.613.150.82
Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2MnMn site3.682.550.72
Co site3.682.820.98
For OER, the PDS of Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Co–Co is the step of *OH → *O, which is attributed to the weak binding strength of *O. Fortunately, the values of ∆E*O on almost all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M are smaller than that on Fe2Mn–Mn and Fe2Co–Co, implying stronger *O binding. Therefore, their OER catalytic activity may be improved by the strong binding strength of *O. As is well known, the ∆E*OOH, ∆E*O, or ∆E*OH alone is insufficient to predicate catalytic activity. Hence, the detailed catalytic process and overpotential are further discussed.
The Gibbs free energy change in each reaction step of ORR and OER on Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M is calculated, as shown in Fig.6. For ORR, it can be found that the free energy curves of each ORR step on all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M being studied are downhill, showing that ORR can occur spontaneously on them. Except for Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, the PDS of all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M is the first proton–electron transfer step (the formation of *OOH). The PDS of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co is the step of *OOH → *O, which is attributed to its weak binding strength to *O. The corresponding ηORR values on Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2Mn, Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, as well as the Mn and Co sites of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn are 0.42, 0.41, 0.39, and 0.39 V, respectively, demonstrating that they have remarkable catalytic activity, even better than the Pt(111) surface (ηORR = 0.45 V) [42]. For OER, the PDS of all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M being studied is the step of *OH → *O. It is noteworthy that the Mn and Co sites of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn have small ηOER values of 0.30 and 0.31 V, respectively. These values are even less than that on the RuO2(110) surface (0.37 V) [43], indicating that Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn possesses excellent OER catalytic activity. Furthermore, some experimental studies have shown that the Fe2Co cluster-based organic frameworks exhibit excellent OER performance, including Fe2Co–MOF (0.34 V) [17] and Fe2Co-BPTC (0.38 V) [25].
Fig.6 Free energy diagrams of ORR and OER on (a) Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2Mn, (b) Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, (c) Mn site of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn, and (d) Co site of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn. The PDS of ORR and OER are denoted by blue and green lines, respectively.

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Additionally, the bifunctional catalytic activity of Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M is also investigated. For Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co, its ΔE value (1.17 V) is larger than that for Fe2Co–Co (1.07 V), implying its inferior bifunctional catalytic activity. For Fe2Mn–PCN–Fe2Mn, its ΔE value only becomes 0.05 V smaller than Fe2Mn–Mn (0.89 to 0.84 V). Following the above analysis, forming Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M by the same Fe2M clusters cannot significantly improve the bifunctional catalytic activity. Encouragingly, when forming mixed-metal Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn, the ΔE values on the Mn and Co sites on it are 0.69 and 0.70 V, respectively, significantly smaller than the corresponding values on Fe2Co–Co, Fe2Mn–Mn, and other previously reported catalysts [4951]. All in all, forming mixed-metal Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn is an effective strategy to improve the bifunctional catalytic performance of the original Fe2M clusters.

3.4 Origin of the activity

The number of electrons in the 3d orbital of Mn or Co active atoms of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn, Fe2Co, and Fe2Mn is calculated to investigate the origin of catalytic activity of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn. A previous study has found that a greater number of electrons in the 3d orbital of an active metal atom is more conducive to the binding of *OOH [52]. As shown in Fig.7, the profiles of density of states (DOS) are integrated to calculate the accurate number of electrons in 3d orbital metal atom. The number of electrons under the Fermi level in 3d orbitals of the Mn and Co sites of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn is 8.75e and 10.72e, which are respectively larger than that of the Mn site of Fe2Mn (8.44e) and Co site of Fe2Co (9.59e). The greater number of electrons in the 3d orbital makes the Mn and Co sites of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn have stronger *OOH binding strength than that on the Mn site of Fe2Mn and Co site of Fe2Co, respectively, which is proven by the calculated values of ∆E*OOH (Tab.1 and Tab.3). Additionally, taking Fe2Mn and Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn as examples, the corresponding DOS is calculated to reflect the electronic properties of catalysts before and after forming a mixed-metal cluster, as shown in Fig.8. It can be observed that the Mn-d orbitals of the catalysts overlap with O-p orbitals of *OOH near the Fermi level, implying that the specific interaction between the catalyst and *OOH. Compared with the case of Fe2Mn, the peak of O-p orbitals of *OOH on Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn is split into several peaks and shifted to a lower energy level, indicating the stronger orbital hybridization between Mn-d and O-p orbitals. Therefore, the results reveal that the strategy of constructing a mixed-metal cluster can effectively tune the electronic property of the active site, increasing the catalytic activity of the catalyst.
Fig.7 (a) The number of electrons in the 3d orbital of Mn active atoms of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn and Fe2Mn; (b) the number of electrons in the 3d orbital of Co active atoms of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn and Fe2Co. The Fermi level is set to zero. Inset is the magnified pattern near the Fermi level.

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Fig.8 DOS of d orbitals for Fe2Mn and Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn. The O-p refers to the p orbital of the oxygen atom of *OOH.

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4 Conclusions

The ORR and OER catalytic activities of heterometallic cluster-based organic frameworks are systematically explored by DFT methods in this work. Firstly, the binding strength of the reaction intermediates on Fe2M clusters is studied. It can be found that Fe2Mn and Fe2Co clusters may have excellent ORR and OER catalytic activities due to the ∆Especies values on them are close to that on the Pt(111) and RuO2(110) surfaces. Subsequently, the scaling relationships of ∆G*OOH and ∆G*O with ∆G*OH on Fe2M clusters are established, and the volcano plot between the overpotential and ∆G*OH is constructed. Fe2Mn–Mn possesses the highest ORR activity (ηORR = 0.42 V), which is better than the Pt(111) surface (ηORR = 0.45 V). Fe2Co−Co has the smallest ƞOER value of 0.32 V, which is smaller than that on the RuO2(110) surface (ƞOER = 0.37 V). Additionally, the potential gap on Fe2M clusters is calculated to assess the bifunctional catalytic activity. Among them, Fe2Mn, Fe2Co, and Fe2Ni clusters have better bifunctional catalytic activity due to the ΔE values on them being relatively small. Furthermore, Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M formed by Fe2Mn and Fe2Co clusters is constructed, and the bifunctional catalytic activity is investigated. For ORR, except for Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Co (*OOH → *O), the PDS of all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M is the formation of *OOH. Compared with the Pt(111) surface, the ηORR values on all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M being studied are smaller, indicating that they have excellent ORR catalytic activity. For OER, the PDS of all Fe2M–PCN–Fe2M under study is the step of *OH → *O. Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn possesses excellent OER catalytic activity due to the small ηOER values on the Mn and Co sites of the catalyst. Encouragingly, it can be found that both the Mn and Co sites of Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn have excellent bifunctional catalytic activity, which is attributed to their potential gap of 0.69 and 0.70 V, respectively. Moreover, the analysis of the number of electrons in the 3d orbital of an active metal atom indicates that formed mixed-metal Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn can effectively tune the electronic properties of the active site. These results demonstrate that mixing Fe2Co and Fe2Mn clusters to construct mixed-metal Fe2Co–PCN–Fe2Mn is an effective strategy to improve the catalytic activity of the original Fe2M clusters.


This work was supported by the Science and Technology Project of Sichuan Province (Grant No. 2022YFS0447), the Local Science and Technology Development Fund Projects Guided by the Central Government of China (Grant No. 2021ZYD0060), the Science and Technology Project of Southwest Petroleum University (Grant No. 2021JBGS03), the Special Project of Science and Technology Strategic Cooperation between Nanchong City and Southwest Petroleum University (Grant No. SXQHJH064), and the Postgraduate Research and Innovation Fund of Southwest Petroleum University (Grant No. 2021CXYB14). We acknowledge the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen for providing the computational resources and Materials Studio.

Electronic Supplementary Material

Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.
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