The XRD, XPS and SEM images of the films are demonstrated in Fig.3 to validate the existence of GOQDs. Fig.3(a) presents the XRD patterns of various perovskite films. For the CsPbBr
3 films were prepared from fewer spin-coating cycles (< 6 cycle), three diffraction peaks appear at 11.7°, 29.4° and 33.3° corresponding to the PbBr
2-riched phase of CsPb
5. The distinctive peaks at 15.5°, 21.6° and 30.7° correspond to the (100), (110) and (200) planes of CsPbBr
3, respectively [
33]. When repeated processes are up to 6 cycles, the intensities of the characteristic peaks at the two crystal planes (100) and (110) are higher than those under fewer spin-coating cycles and the CsPb
5-phase generation is inhibited, indicating a change from CsPb
5 to CsPbBr
3 phase occurs with different numbers of CsBr spin coating, which implies that a high-purity CsPbBr
3 layer is produced. Meanwhile, as shown in Fig. S3 (cf. ESM), the introduction of GOQDs does not change the main diffraction peaks of CsPbBr
3 crystals, but the crystallinity can be improved with enhanced diffraction intensity of the (110) plane. In particular, the GOQDs-CsPbBr
3 film achieves better degree of crystallinity because of increased diffraction intensity at 21.6°, and suppresses the growth of CsPb
5 crystals due to weaker diffraction peak at 29.4°. As a result, the films with added GOQDs have a higher crystallinity than the pristine CsPbBr
3 film. XPS measurements (Fig.3(b)) indicate the contents of C and O elements in the FTO/TiO
3 and FTO/TiO
3 structure, which provides important evidence for the existence of GOQDs in the crystalline layer. In the top-view SEM images for the pristine perovskite film and the modified perovskite film, similar morphologies are observed (Fig.3(c) and 3(d)). Some voids were observed at the grain boundary in Fig.3(c), which is the main manifestation of the defect problem of the perovskite layer [
19]. Fig.3(d) shows that the grains of the CsPbBr
3 film with GOQDs are more unambiguous and legible than those of the pristine CsPbBr
3 film. The average grain size of the CsPbBr
3 film with GOQDs is circa 1.22 μm with much reduced grain boundaries. The increased grain size could enhance the crystallinity and restrain the structural defects associated with the pinholes. This also explains that GOQDs with plentiful carbon active sites participate in the crystallization of perovskite film. Electron mobility can be enhanced by increasing the crystallinity and purity of the perovskite film and reducing the intermediate phase, which improves solar cell device performances [