X-ray electron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra of the four samples are recorded in Fig.4 and Fig.4(a) shows the presence of both C and O two elements in four samples. It is noticed in Fig.4(b) that a trace amount of N element was also detected in the ACC sample, which may attribute to the impurities during the preparation of CC substrate. In contrast, the increased contents of N element within other three samples are resulted from the participation of the N-containing PDA, while the decreased C contents are caused by the C-consuming air calcination process and electrochemical oxidation treatment. In addition, the pie chart insert in Fig.4(b) indicates an atomic percentage ratio of Co/Ni = 2:1, which agrees well with the stoichiometric ratio of NiCo
4 compound. This suggests the successful growth of NiCo
4 nanowires onto the ACC substrate. The C 1s XPS spectrum of QNC-MNW@ACC sample in Fig.4(c) can be fitted into five peaks of C–C (284.7 eV), –C–OH (286.0 eV), –CN (287.0 eV), –C=O (288.5 eV) and –COOH (291.0 eV), respectively [
29]. The corresponding oxygen-containing function groups displayed peaks of –C=O (531.5 eV), –C–OH (532.7 eV) and –COOH (533.8 eV) in the O 1s XPS spectrum (Fig.4(e)). The contents of oxygen-containing functional groups (OCFG) within the NC-MNW@ACC, QNC-ACC and QNC-MNW@ACC three samples are listed in Tab.2. As shown, the O content within the QNC-MNW@ACC sample increased remarkably compared to those from the other two samples, as exampled by the –C–OH peak at 532.7 eV. This supports the conclusion that the electrochemical oxidation process favored the content loading of the oxygen-containing function groups. The N 1s high-resolution XPS spectra in Fig.4(d) can be fitted into pyridinic-N (397.3 eV), graphitic-N (398.8 eV) and pyridinic-N oxide (403.2 eV) [
30]. The presence of the –C=O functional groups enabled the formation of the pyridinic-N oxides. Meanwhile, the relatively stronger electronegativity of O element caused the decrease of the electron density around N atoms, as a result, the binding energies of the pyridinic-N and graphitic-N species within QNC-MNW@ACC sample shifted positively compared to those of NC-MNW@ACC sample [
31], which can be also evidenced in Fig.4(e). The Co 2p high-resolution XPS spectra in Fig.4(f) reveal the peaks of Co
3+ (2p
3/2) at 779.6 eV, Co
3+ (2p
1/2) at 794.1 eV, Co
2+ (2p
3/2) at 781.7 eV and Co
2+ (2p
1/2) at 796.4 eV, respectively. The two vibration peaks at 785.6 and 801.2 eV are satellite signals. Similarly, the Ni 2p high-resolution XPS spectrum of QNC-MNW@ACC sample in Fig.4(g) displays four individual peaks of Ni
3+ (2p
3/2) at 854.3 eV, Ni
3+ (2p
1/2) at 871.8 eV, Ni
2+ (2p
3/2) at (856.0 eV) and Ni
2+ (2p
1/2) at 873.7 eV [
24]. Referring back to the elemental contents in Fig.4(b), NiCo
4 nanowires appear to be stable in the composite before and after the electrochemical oxidation process.