To clarify the detailed structure of MoO
2/NF-11, EPR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were carried out and the results were shown in Fig.4, with com-MoO
3 as a control sample. In Fig.3(h), the EPR spectra of com-MoO
3 (black line) shows no signal, while MoO
2/NF-11 (red line) displays a signal at about 3512 Guass (
g = 2.0036), indicating the existence of oxygen vacancy. For XPS spectra of MoO
2/NF-11 (Fig.4(a)), the binding energies of 235.6 and 232.4 eV are related to Mo 3d
3/2 and 3d
5/2 of Mo
6+, the same as found in com-MoO
3 [
28]. In contrast to com-MoO
3, MoO
2/NF-11 shows a pair of peaks of Mo
5+ (234.0 eV for Mo 3d
3/2 and 230.8 eV for Mo 3d
5/2) [
29]. Comparison of O 1s spectra of MoO
2/NF-11 and com-MoO
3 is presented in Fig.4(b)
. As shown, for com-MoO
3, the binding energy of 531.9 eV is assigned to lattice oxygen (O
2‒) [
30], while in MoO
2/NF-11, the energy of O
2‒ is reduced to a lower level (531.5 eV). Also, the half-peak width of O 1s core-level spectra of the MoO
2/NF-11 is widened in comparison with that of the com-MoO
3. The difference of half-peak width of O 1s core-level spectra in the materials with and without oxygen vacancies has also been observed in other literature [
31]. For MoO
2/NF-11, the appearance of Mo
5+ and the shift of O 1s simultaneously prove the presence of oxygen vacancy, which is consistent with EPR results. All these indicate a changed coordination configuration between Mo and O, as discussed in literatures [
16]. It was reported that the shift of O 1s to a lower energy level means the electron transfer to the neighboring oxygen vacancies [
32]. Meanwhile, one weak peak detected at 533.4 eV can be assigned to O 1s of surface adsorbed species (here is OH
‒) [
33]. In Fig.4(c), for Ni 2p spectra of MoO
2/NF-11, the peaks at 873.8 and 856.0 eV are related to Ni 2p
1/2 and Ni 2p
3/2 of Ni
2+, accompanied by two satellite peaks at 879.8 and 861.7 eV [
34]. The peak at 853.4 eV is assigned to Ni
0, which belongs to Ni
2 or NF [
35]. In the spectra of S 2p (Fig.4(d)), the two signals at 162.9 and 161.7 eV belong to 2p
1/2 and 2p
3/2 of S
2‒, and the other two signals at 164.4 and 163.2 eV are attributed to 2p
1/2 and 2p
3/2 of S
22‒ [
36], suggesting the presence of terminal unsaturated S of Ni–S bonds [
37]. The peak at 168.2 eV is assigned to oxidized sulfur species (here is SO
42‒) owing to surface oxidation [
38]. In Raman spectra of MoO
2/NF-11 (Fig. S4, cf. ESM), the band at 324 cm
‒1 is associated with A
1 vibration mode of the Ni
2 phase [
39], and the peaks ranging from 800 to 1000 cm
–1 are related to Mo=O modes [
16]. We also measured the infrared spectrum of MoO
2/NF-11 (Fig. S5, cf. ESM). The bands at 975 and 914 cm
−1 correspond to the stretching vibration of Mo=O, and the bands at 615 and 514 cm
−1 are assigned to stretching and bending vibrations of Mo–O, respectively [
40]. No Mo–S related spectral peaks can be observed, which proves that the sample does not contain Mo–S bond.