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» Invitation to Contribute to the Special Issue on “Nanomedicine: principles, properties and applications” in Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering
» Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering is indexed in SCIE
» Prof. Dr. John C. Crittenden is appointed as the Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief
ISSN 2095-0179 (Print)
ISSN 2095-0187 (Online)
CN 11-5981/TQ
Postal Subscription Code 80-969
Formerly Known as Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering in China
2018 Impact Factor: 2.809
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2024 Vol.18 No.11

2024 Vol.18 No.10

2024 Vol.18 No.9

2024 Vol.18 No.8
2023 Vol.17 No.12  pp.1809-2161   2023-11-30
2023 Vol.17 No.11  pp.1621-1808   2023-10-25
2023 Vol.17 No.10  pp.1321-1619   2023-10-07
2023 Vol.17 No.9  pp.1141-1319   2023-08-29
2023 Vol.17 No.8  pp.991-1139   2023-07-20
2023 Vol.17 No.7  pp.795-989   2023-07-05
2023 Vol.17 No.6  pp.635-794   2023-05-17
2023 Vol.17 No.5  pp.491-633   2023-04-28
2023 Vol.17 No.4  pp.373-489   2023-03-24
2023 Vol.17 No.3  pp.249-371   2023-03-17
2023 Vol.17 No.2  pp.123-248   2023-02-27
2023 Vol.17 No.1  pp.1-122   2023-01-15
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