Editorial Bulletin

Call for Papers

Special Section on Big Data and Social Computing
Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 2019

Aim and Scope

Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) is intended to facilitate effective and rapid communication and exchanges between scientists in China and abroad. The journal plans to publish a special section on “Big Data and Social Computing” in 2019.  
As suggested in the title, the special section distinguishes from other regular/special sections of FCS by highlighting computational sociology as the primary orientation. That is, the special section does not seek papers with a primary purpose for developing computational tools, algorithms, systems, etc. Instead, this special section is interested in papers that demonstrate how computational methods are used to solve social science problems related to public policy and citizen’s wellbeing. In other words, the special section seeks social science studies using computational methods.
Furthermore, the special section adopts a “solution-orientation” (D. J. Watts, “Should social science be more solution-oriented”). The solution-orientation calls for research that provides understanding, explanations, and predictions for the causes and consequences of major social issues based on systematic investigations of empirical data. That is, opinion-based commentaries or policy recommendations do not fit the scope of the special section.
The following is not an exclusive list, but only for illustration purpose:
  ● Computational issues in social network analytics
  ● Computational issues in social impact and trend analysis
  ● Computational issues in human behavior mining and prediction
  ● Computational issues in collecting, storing and analyzing persons, relations, and other social data
  ● Computational issues in human risk factor mining
  ● Computational issues in personal demand analysis and prediction
  ● Real-time and stream processing in big data
  ● Big graph data management, analysis, and mining 
  ● Data science for emergency management
  ● Large scale specific domain knowledge graph building
  ● Natural language processing for social media
  ● Human-machine collaboration in big data
  ● Privacy and security of big data
  ● Big data analytics for Internet of Things
  ● Big data for financial news and data
  ● Application of big data for computational social science
  ● etc. 

Manuscript Format
As an online journal, there is no page limit for the review and research paper. However, papers with a total length of 6,000-10,000 words (including references, tables, figures, and other appendices) are preferred. Papers should be formatted using FCS template. More detailed instructions can be found in Instructions for Author

Submission Process
Papers for the special section should be submitted to ScholarOne Manuscript Central (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hepfcs). Please choose TYPE Special Section on Big Data and Social Computing when submitting the manuscript. FCS Editor has the right to decide which papers to be accepted for the special section. The subsequent steps are described below. 

Important Dates
  ● April 1, 2018  Deadline for submissions
  ● May 1, 2018  1st round decision to authors
  ● June 1, 2018  1st round revised and resubmitted manuscripts due
  ● June 22-23, 2018  Final decision to authors
  ● September 30, 2018   Final revised and resubmitted manuscripts due
  ● 2019  Publication of the special section

Xiaofeng Meng, Renmin University of China, China
Huan Liu, Arizona State University, USA
Jianhua Zhu, City University of Hong Kong, China

Pubdate: 2018-01-17    Viewed: 290