
Frequently Asked Questions about Frontiers of
Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE)

1. Does the journal have article submission and processing charges?

FASE is an open access, charge free journal, and has no charges for article processing.

2. In what language(s) does FASE publish articles?

FASE is an international journal, and the full text of all articles is published in English.

3. Does the journal have a policy of screening for plagiarism?

Yes, FASE uses Crosscheck to screen for plagiarism.

4. What authorship criteria are applied by FASE?

Only those who have contributed substantially to the work submittedto FASE are qualified to be included as authors. An author who is willing to take credit for a paper must also take responsibility for its contents. Thus, unless the text of the paper explicitly assigns responsibility for different parts of the paper to different authors, the authors whose names appear on a paper must share responsibility for all of it.

5. What is the peer review process followed by FASE?

The ScholarOne manuscript system is used for online submission to FASE (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fase). FASE fully applies the ScholarOne’s peer review process. The key steps in this process for reviewers are:
 Receive invitation to review,
 Accept invitation,
 Review manuscript,
 Complete review online, and
 Submit review.
Each of these steps is described in detail in the ScholarOne Manuscripts Reviewer Guide (http://mchelp.manuscriptcentral.com/gethelpnow/training/reviewer/)

6. What is the peer review policy of FASE?

FASE is a single-blind review, in which the reviewer’s identities are withheld from the authors but the reviewers are aware who wrote the paper they are evaluating. Reviewers are therefore required to keep manuscripts and the information they contain strictly confidential. Reviewers must not publicly discuss authors’ work and must not appropriate authors’ ideas before the manuscript is published. Reviewers must not retain the manuscript for their personal use and must not retaincopies of manuscripts after submitting their reviews. Reviewers are expected to respond promptly to requests to review and to submit reviews within the time agreed. Reviewers’ comments should be constructive, honest, and polite.

7. What happens when a new submission is received, and what initial checks are made?

The Editor-in-Chief will screen a new submission when it is first received. This is an important step to ensure that (1) the content falls within the scope of the journal, (2) the manuscript follows editorial policy and procedural guidelines, and (3) that it does not contain an unacceptable level of overlap with any published work. A manuscript will be rejected without further review if it fails to meet one or more of theseconditions, and the author will be notified accordingly. If a manuscript passes this initial check, it is then sent for review to a minimum of two internal or external reviewers selected by the journal.

8. How are peer reviewers chosen, and who makes the final selection of peer reviewers?

The journal’s Managing Editor handles all aspects of the peer-review process. Peer reviewers are drawn from both the journal’s editorial board and the wider academic community. The Associate Editor makes the final selection of peer reviewers.

9. Who assesses the reviewer reports and makes a decision on the submission, and how is the decision reached?

The Editor-in-Chief assesses the reviewer reports and makes all decisions regarding acceptance, rejection, and revision. Submitted manuscripts are usually reviewed by two or more experts. Peer reviewers will be asked to recommend whether a manuscript should be accepted, revised or rejected. They may also alert the editors of any issues relating to author misconduct such as plagiarism and unethical behavior.
It is rare for manuscripts to be accepted without the need for revision. Accepted papersusually require subsequent rounds of revision by the authors. Cases where therecommendations of the reviewers differ are obviously more problematic. In these cases, the Editor-in-Chief will undertake a careful reading of the manuscript in an attempt to reconcile competing viewpoints and render a fair decision. All reviewer reports are returned to authors with a decision letter from the Managing Editor. Where there is disagreement among different reviewers the Managing Editor seeks to offer guidance to authors on how to proceed in pursuing a revision.

10. Who communicates the decision to the authors?

All communication with authors are managed by the journal’s Managing Editor.

11. How is the revised manuscript assessed?

Revised manuscripts, along with the document detailing the authors’ responses to the reviewer’s comments and related text changes, are normally returned to the original panel of reviewers for reassessment. It is at this editor’s discretion how the revised version is further evaluated, be it editorially or with input from external peer reviewers. It is not unusual for revised manuscripts to be sent back to the original peer reviewers for further input, especially when the original concerns were substantial. In some cases, the opinion of an additional reviewer may be sought.
The acceptance of a revised manuscript is never guaranteed, but the decision letter will usually provide general guidance intended to be helpful in achieving that end.

12. What is the role of the editorial board in the peer review process?

Members of the Editorial Board are regularly and actively recruited to participate in the review process. Specific individuals are selected on the basis of their personal areas of expertise. An active and conscious effort is made to ensure that all reviewer panels have at least one member of the Editorial Board as a means of ensuring consistency and rigor in the overall review process.

13. Who is responsible for the final decision to accept/reject the article?

The reviewers and Associate Editors will recommend their decisions to the Editor-in-Chief, who will then be responsible for the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript.

14. What is the journal’s policy on digital archiving?

FASE articles are made freely available on our website (http://engineering.cae.cn) as soon as possible after they are accepted and are also formally archived in the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST).
Under the auspices of UNESCO, IKCEST is a comprehensive and international knowledge centre devoted to the engineering sciences, technology and applied technology. IKCEST is a globally connected engineering institution, serving to assemble various digital resources relating to engineering sciences and technology, that provides a public data service platform and corresponding service environment, and coordinates the building of professional knowledge systems. More information about IKCEST is available ontheir website (http://ikcest.org).

15. What is the journal’s position on competing interests?

The submitting author is asked at submission to declare, on behalf of all authors, whether there are any financial, personal or professional interests that could be construed to have influenced the paper. Reviewers are also asked to declare any interests that might interfere with their objective assessment of a manuscript. Any relevant competing interests of authors must be available to editors and reviewers during the review process and will be stated in published articles.

16. Who do I contact if I have a complaint?

FASE is pleased to hear from authors and readers.If you have any complaints, please do not hesitate to call +86-10-58556484 or write to us at the Higher Education Press (heshq@hep.com.cn).
Pubdate:2014-04-09 Viewed: 3601