Three plant binary expression vectors—pNAR501, pNAR502 and pNAR503—were constructed, carrying fragments of exon2-exon3, 5 2partial deletion exon1 and 5 2partial deletion exon1-exon2-exon3 of Pib gene driven by 35S. These three vectors were transformed into the japonica rice variety Nipponbare through agrobacterium-mediated transformation. More than 30 transgenic rice plants were obtained and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Southern hybridization and the hygromycin resistance test in seed germination of their progeny. A rice blast resistance test for in vitro leaves of To transgenic plants in the tillering stage showed higher resistance to the races of E1, F1 and G1 of rice blast than that of the control Nipponbare. However, results of rice blast resistance test for seedlings of Tl transgenic plants in the 3- to 4-leaf stage were different. All Tl transgenic seedlings had a lower level of resistance to E1, F1and G1 races than that of the control Nipponbare.
YANG Hui, YANG Shihu, WANG Qing, WAN Jianmin, ZHOU Tong
. Initial function determination for the open reading frame (ORF) region of Pib gene via rice transformation[J]. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 2007
, 1(3)
: 250
DOI: 10.1007/s11703-007-0043-6