Overview of the protocol
Advantages of the CAM model
Limitations of the CAM model
Observation of migrasome formation in CAM in vivo
Migrasome purification in CAM9d
Migrasome delivery and CAM angiogenesis assay
The CAM nylon mesh assay
The CAM ex vivo sprouting assay
Generation of T4-KO-mCherry-KI embryos by the CRISPR system
Preparations of fertilized chick eggs [TIMING 18 h–15 d]
Observation of migrasome formation in CAM in vivo [TIMING 5 h]
Migrasome purification [TIMING 6 h]
Migrasome delivery onto CAM [TIMING 3 d]
The CAM nylon mesh assay [TIMING 5 d]
CAM ex vivo sprouting assay [TIMING 3–6 d]
Generation of T4-KO-mCherry-KI embryos by the CRISPR system [TIMING 8 d]
Part 1: Construction of pUC57-TSPAN4-sgRNA plasmids by the CRISPR system
Part 2: Transcription of pUC57-TSPAN4-sgRNAs in vitro
Part 3: Transcription of Cas9 in vitro
Part 4: Generation of T4-KO-mCherry-KI plasmid and mRNA
Part 5: Microinjection of the mRNA mixture into chick embryonic 18 h
1 Observation of migrasome formation in the CAM in vivo. A Diagram of migrasome observation procedure in CAM. B Images of migrasomes formation of WGAhigh cell in CAM9d in vivo level. Left: confocal image of CAM stained by WGA in vivo level; scale bar, 8 µm. Right: time-lapse of migrasomes formation in CAM9d in vivo level; scale bar, 5 µm |
2 Migrasome purification from CAM9d tissue. A Diagram of migrasome from the procedure from CAM9d tissue. B Migration purity identification. Left panel: images of migrasomes stained by WGA purified from CAM9d; scale bar, 5 µm. Right panel: Western blot analysis of isolated CAM9d migrasomes with the indicated antibodies |
3 Migrasome delivery onto CAM9d. A Diagram of migrasome delivery onto CAM9d. B Migrasomes were delivered to CAM9d by mixing them with low-melting-point agarose. After 24 h and 72 h, CAMs were visualized by stereomicroscopy. Scale bar, 500 µm. C Quantification of sprouting capillaries number per field. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, n = 20 fields from three independent experiments. P values, two-tailed, unpaired t-test. **P < 0.01; N.S, no significance; ****P < 0.0001 |
4 The CAM nylon mesh assay. A Diagram of migrasome CAM nylon mesh assay. B Migrasomes were delivered to CAM9d by nylon mesh, and newly formed capillaries on nylon mesh were visualized when the migrasome was added. Scale bar, 500 µm. C Newly formed capillaries onto nylon mesh were quantified. Error bar, ±SEM; n = 15 fields from three independent experiments; P values, two-tailed, unpaired t-test, P < 0.0001 |
5 The CAM ex vivo sprouting assay. A Diagram of CAM ex vivo sprouting assay. B CAM9d was incubated onto matrige-collagen for five days, then was visualized by stereomicroscopy and analyzed by Nikon NLS element to asses EC sprouting and tube formation. Scale bar, 500 µm. –Mig: only cell body embedded by agar, without migrasome embedded. +Mig: within migrasome embedded. C Sample from Panel B was stained by filopodia marker Actin and ASM1, then imaged by confocal microscope. Scale bar, 20 µm. The boxed area is magnified on the right. D Quantification of Panel B in terms of EC tube length. Error bar, ±SEM; n = 6 CAM leaflets from six independent experiments; P values, two-tailed, unpaired t-test, P < 0.0001. E Quantification of the numbers of filopodia from Panel C. Error bar, ±SEM; n = 17 fields from six independent experiments; P < 0.0001 |