AFM imaging of DNA–protein complexes
Single-DNA mechanical manipulation studies of protein binding to a DNA molecule under the mechanical constraints
Box 1| Mechanical constraints |
Commonly applied mechanical constraints include the constraint of: (1) an external force F (F-constraint), (2) the position of an external Hookean spring R attached to one end of a tethered DNA molecule (R-constraint), (3) a fixed linking number (Lk-constraint), and (4) a constant torque applied to a DNA molecule (T-constraint). More than one mechanical constraint can be applied simultaneously to the DNA molecule in an experiment. The typical measurable mechanical responses depend on the types of the mechanical constraints applied. Under the F- and R-constraints, the measurables are the extension of DNA and the tension in the DNA molecules. Under the Lk- and T-constraints, the measurables are the extension, torque, and the linking number of a double-stranded DNA molecule (dsDNA). Due to the convenience of experimental measurement, the DNA extension is the mostly used measurable responding to the above mentioned mechanical constraints. |
Single-DNA mechanical manipulation studies of protein binding to a specific DNA site in the absence of the mechanical constraints
3 Schematics of detecting the site-specific protein binding via the single-DNA mechanical manipulation, where the binding site is excluded from the force transmission pathway. A The detection of binding using a DNA hairpin detector is based on the delayed unzipping upon an increased hairpin-destabilizing force. B The same approach can be extended to quantify the protein binding to specific DNA conformations and structures such as supercoiled DNA plectonemes, Holliday junctions, and G-quadruplexes |
Non-specific DNA-binding by histone octamers and nucleoid associated proteins
H-NS protein
5 The single-DNA manipulation studies (A, D) and AFM imaging (B, C, E, F) of the nucleoprotein complexes formed by the H-NS family proteins. A The force-extension curve of a 49-kbp |
IHF protein
Site-specific DNA binding by architectural proteins
H-NS protein
6 The single-DNA manipulation studies of site-specific protein binding to DNA. A H-NS binding to the proU sequence embedded in a dsDNA hairpin which is excluded from the force-transmission pathway. B In the absence of H-NS, the change in the extension of the DNA hairpin upon a hairpin-destabilizing force (~10 pN) indicates a fully unzipped state of the hairpin. C In the presence of 5 nmol/L H-NS, the change in the extension of the hairpin upon the same hairpin-destabilizing force indicates the spread of H-NS binding from the proU nucleation sequence that led to the stabilization of the entire hairpin (further details can be found in (Gulvadyet al. 2018)). D IHF binding to an H' sequence embedded in a short dsDNA within the force-transmission pathway. E The association/dissociation of IHF to/from the H' sequence results in stepwise fluctuations between a lower dsDNA extension (H' bound) and a higher dsDNA extension (H' unbound). F Based on the force-dependent step sizes of the DNA extension fluctuation, the IHF binding induced DNA bending at the H' site was estimated to be in a range from 140 to 180 degrees (further details in Leet al. (2013)) |
IHF protein
HMGA2 protein
7 A, B The single-molecule manipulation of HMGA2 binding to a 6.5-kbp linking number-unconstrained dsDNA (A) and a linking number-constrained, supercoiled DNA (B) at different HMGA2 concentrations. C–E AFM images of a 2.7 kb negatively supercoiled DNA bound with HMGA2 at different HMGA2:DNA base pair stoichiometric ratios. We refer the readers to Zhaoet al. (2017) for further details |
8 A HMGA2 binding to a specific sequence (5’-ATATTCGCGAWWATT-3’) embedded in a 52-bp dsDNA hairpin, which is excluded from the force transmission pathway. Representative time traces of the height change of a bead attached to the end of the DNA construct during cycles of sequential force jumps among 7.7 ± 0.8 (at the force the hairpin is stable), 12.1 ± 1.2 (at the force the naked hairpin is unstable) and 30.0 ± 3.0 pN (at the force the hairpin is unzipped and the bound HMGA2 is displaced), in the absence of HMGA2 (top panel) and with 5 nmol/L HMGA2 (bottom panel). B The probability |